Discipline Inspection Course, real!

Author:Xilu Qiangjun Time:2022.06.30

Wen Tu 丨 Zhang Yaozu, Zhao Zhidong, Ma Xu, Mao Zhuli

On June 29, the Western Theater Army Discipline Inspection Commission organized the "one lesson" lecture hall of disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres, and Liao Yingbin, deputy secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, focused on the four forms of "accurately grasping the supervision and discipline '. The "Firewall '" is taught. Member of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the theater, deputy secretary of the disciplinary committee of the units above the regiment, cadres of professional and part -time disciplinary inspection and supervision, and all personnel of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

From the perspective of the background, position, and perspective of Liao Yingbin, Liao Yingbin explained the development history, regulations, applications, principles, and use trends in the "four forms" of supervision and discipline in the lecture.

The "monthly lesson" activity of disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres' practical capacity lectures is a real problem such as the Western Theater Discipline Inspection Commission to solve the problem of new, weak ability, and lack of experience in disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres. Important measures.

Since the launch of the event, the theater Army Discipline Inspection Commission has adhered to the grassroots level and covered the entire staff. The disciplinary committee leaders took the lead in lectures on the stage. The concept has been expanded, the adult raising has new improvement, and the business capabilities have made new progress.

He Yuanlang, a civilian staff member of a comprehensive training base, said after participating in the lecture event: "The content of this lesson can understand, follow according to it, be practical and useful. The question mark in my heart. "


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