Gong Wei, auxiliary doctors in Shaanxi Province: Doctor's benevolence loves speechless

Author:Main News in Tibet Time:2022.06.30

The picture shows the aid doctor Gong Wei (second from right) to check the body for pediatric patients. Reporter Yongqing Photo

"Dr. Gong, there is a 5 -year -old boy here a sudden abdominal pain, pale face, and a critical condition!" In the early morning of March 27, Dr. Gong Wei, who had just slept, was awakened by a rapid phone ringing. The emergency voice of the Department of Emergency Department of the People's Hospital of Ali. Gong Wei did not delay for a moment, and quickly rushed to the hospital in his clothes.

After rushing to the hospital, Gong Wei conducted a preliminary examination of the patient, determined to be a narrow intestinal obstruction, which had caused the patient infectious shock and needed an emergency surgery immediately. During the operation, after the patient's small intestine had a large area of ​​injury, Gong Wei decided to perform resection and reserved surgery on the patient's lesion. In the end, after more than an hour of fighting, the operation ended smoothly. After 5 hours, the little boy woke up, the urine volume recovered, and his life signs were stable.

Gong Wei is one of the sixth batch of group aid medical teams in Shaanxi Province. He is currently working at the People's Hospital of Ali District. When he arrived in Ali, Gong Wei was influenced by the high -cold and hypoxic environment. He had hypertension, hyperurice and other diseases. He could hardly walk in the edema of the lower limbs, but he insisted on gritting his teeth and devoted himself to the aid work.

Pediatric surgery, as a comprehensive professional, is difficult and risky, and requires multi -disciplinary team support. Due to the lack of talents, the People's Hospital of Ali has no professional pediatric surgeons, nor does it have special surgical equipment, anesthesia team, and nursing rehabilitation experience. Children who need surgery during the consultation can often be transferred to Lhasa for treatment.

"When I first came to the People's Hospital of Ali, I found that the pediatric surgery diagnosis and treatment here was almost blank." Gong Wei recalled.

In order to solve this problem as soon as possible and bring the gospel for patients as soon as possible, Gong Wei led the hospital doctors to work in middle schools and schools, from basic consultation, physical examination, operation, and surgery to bring teams and students. The colleagues who are familiar with him lamented that because of the team, Dr. Gong, who has always been anxious, has become chronic and has become a patient instructor. In order to quickly improve the level of the team's medical care, Dr. Gong will "discuss business inspections and cases. "Demonstration of handle, explain the operation process in detail. After several months of unremitting efforts, medical technologies such as anesthesia assistance, nursing assistance, rehabilitation assistance, and equipment transformation have been gradually mastered by hospital doctors, and the level of pediatric surgery diagnosis and treatment of hospitals has improved significantly.

Gong Wei is a "multi -faceted hand" recognized by the whole hospital. Now, under his careful guidance, some doctors in the hospital can have independent diagnosis and treatment of some common diseases of pediatric surgery; Gong Wei took the team to complete the first pediatric laparoscopic appendage in the Ali region, and the first child's single -hole abdominal cavity. Mirror hernia repair, the first case of premature low -weight low -weight children's laparoscopic hernia repair, also carried out a series of complex neonatal surgery. Pediatric surgery of pediatric surgery in the hospital has been further regulated.

"I hope that before returning to the Mainland, I can build a medical team that can protect their children's health. In this regard, I must stand in this job, do my best to bring the team, and leave more technologies. "Gong Wei said.

Source: China Tibet News Network

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