From July 1st, the franchise of the Beijing Winter Olympics such as Bingdundun will be discontinued

Author:Peninsula Metropolis Daily Time:2022.06.30

According to a franchise agreement between the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee and the franchise manufacturer, June 30th is the last day franchise enterprise can receive anti -counterfeiting labels.

In other words, from tomorrow, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, including Bingdundun dolls, will stop production.

In the Gongmei Building Winter Winter Winter Store in Wangfujing, Beijing, the reporter saw that a passenger who had just rushed from Dalian to Beijing came here as soon as possible.He bought all the types of ice pier, in order to leave a good Winter Olympic memory for himself.

The reporter learned from the flagship store of Winter Otern that various types of franchise products including Bingdun will continue to be sold until September.

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