Playing in Zhejiang Office 丨 Hangzhou primary and secondary school freshman parents see "I know early in school" you should know

Author:Zhejiang Daily Time:2022.06.30

Zhejiang News Customer Jiang Yun coordinated/editor Jin Chunhua reporter Shi Ruwei Design Wang Ruji

【"Play Turn" entrance】

Log in to the "Zheli Office" APP, search for "early knowledge" on the homepage, choose to know early (Hangzhou Education Bureau), click to enter.

The "Entrance to Early Know" system is currently launched in the first trial operation of Hangzhou Sixth City (referring to Shangcheng, Gongshu, West Lake, Binjiang, Qiantang, and Famous Victory) public primary schools and junior high school enrollment early warning and school district map query functions. Other functions will gradually be launched in the future.

[Digital Jun's "Tips"]

Parents should pay attention to several key time nodes before the elementary school enrollment in 2022:

Parents should pay attention to several key time nodes in 2022:

[My "Zheli Office" story]

Is it unknown to enrollment information? Know as soon as Zheli checked

Which school corresponds to our community, what is the future early warning of the school? When is the time when this hot school is settled? What communities do this school district corresponds to? ... These are the key issues that many freshmen are paying attention to, and they have also been a problem that makes parents worry. But now, after "early school knows", parents can get answers as long as they enter the application.

Ms. Zhang, a resident of Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, went to elementary school this year. Their school district is a popular school, and they are "exploded" every year. Ms. Zhang's neighbor, Mr. Wang, had a child from the school a few years ago. It took three or five days in the past few years to inquire about the exact requirements of the school's settlement time.

In order to obtain this information accurately, Ms. Zhang began to inquire since the child went to kindergarten. As the school time approaches, it is even more tense. However, when she learned "early school knows", she was relieved.

She said that as long as you enter the name of the elementary school in the "Early Knowing" application, you can query related school early warning information in the next three years, and the time of settlement in the past three years. The school's early warning information, the scope of school districts, and diversion information of the school. If you have any questions, you can also call the school's consultation call. "It's convenient and fast!"


"Knowing early in school" is practiced like this

Jin Weijie, Minister of Information Network Department of Hangzhou Education Development Service Center

First, coordinate and coordination. Leited by the Hangzhou Education Bureau to cooperate with the public security, human and social security, planning resources, big data management and other departments, and establish data sharing coordination mechanism. At the same time, set up a special business class to clear their responsibilities and promote the efficient business of business.

Second, pilot promotion. Pilot the first pilot in Gongshu District and Yuan Yuhang District, which are the main urban areas (Shangcheng, Gongshu, West Lake, Binjiang, Qiantang, Xia Tong) and district and county. As of now, more than 250 schools in the main urban area have been completed. The maximum number of visits in a single school is about 18,000 times, and the cumulative visits are about 1.06 million times.

Third, serve the people. I have known that on the server, it is necessary to build a platform for the city's enrollment public service integrated platform, covering the service content of admission warning, school district map, school inquiry, policy documents, and enrollment registration. Open the "Entry Early Knowing", as long as parents enter the school name, they can query the school district scope and school district map of the school, inquire about the early warning information of family registration children in school districts in the next three years, and inquire the latest settlement time for hot schools; enter the community The address can query the corresponding school. In addition, parents can also inquire about the school's consultation telephone and school introduction information.

Fourth, education and wisdom. I knew on the governance end of enrollment. To create a picture of the city's enrollment enrollment, in accordance with the existing enrollment rules, rely on data such as household registration, real estate, marriage, and birth to build a set of intelligent models for enrollment early warning to realize yellow and junior high school household registration yellow in public primary schools and junior high school household registration. The red warning provides precise management and judgment of the education administrative department for admission early warning, which is conducive to the planning layout of the new school and the reasonable allocation of inter -school education resources.

Easy and convenient

Let's play together to play "Zheli"!

- END -

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