Xinhui District Focus on the key areas and key links of grass -roots governance and key links "Ping"

Author:Chinese overseas Chinese-Jiang Time:2022.06.30

On May 28, the establishment ceremony of the "Xinhuiyi Police" team of the Xinhui Public Security Bureau was held, marking the promotion of the "Xinhui Yi Police" system in the region. Xinhui Public Security Photo Conferry

The thirteenth party congress report of the province pointed out that the safety development throughout the development of various fields should be used to promote social governance with the rule of law thinking and the rule of law, and to protect national security, social stability, and peace.

On May 27, the Xinhui District held the meeting of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee (expanded) meeting and conveyed the implementation of the spiritual cadre conference of the 13th Party Congress of the Provincial Party. Risk prevention and resolution work, with the sense of responsibility of "rest assured", weaving the new meeting "Ping".

Grassroots governance is the cornerstone of national governance. In recent years, Xinhui District has actively implemented the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era, strengthened the social governance of the grid, and created a petition supermarket at high standards, and consolidated the foundation of grassroots governance. This year, at the National Public Security System Heroes Model Gong Gong Conference, the Muzhou Police Station of the Jiangmen Public Security Bureau won the "National Model Collective of the National Public Security Organs" and the "Fengqiao Public Security Police Station" in the country; Demonstration County, Yamen Town, Xinhui District was awarded the demonstration township of Guangdong Provincial Letters and Calls Work in 2021.

Jiangmen Daily reporter Zhang Yiwei

Practice "Maple Bridge Experience"

"Golden Business Card" of Yizhishanding Social Governance

Grassroots governance is the cornerstone of national governance.

Since April last year, among the 35 smart grids in Muzhou Town, Xinhui District, such a group is active. They do not pay a penny salary, but under the leadership of the police, they actively participate in public security patrols and disputes. Mediation, providing convenience services, they are Muzhou Yi Police and the "golden business card" of local social governance.

It is reported that since last year, Muzhou Town has established and improved the working mechanism of the police's participation in safety construction, forming a new situation of diversified governance of party committee leadership, public security led, all departments, and social prevention and control forces to fill the vacancy, which has effectively promoted the construction of safety construction. Essence Last year, Muzhou Town Ping An Construction Evaluation ranked first in Xinhui District (Street) for three consecutive years. The criminal public security police conditions fell sharply year -on -year.

Let the righteous police officer join the grid treatment, it is not simply dividing the daily police work. The Muzhou Police Station passed scientific investigations and divides the jurisdiction into the three major areas of the upper film, the lower film, and the Yellowstone. The auxiliary police officers in the villages (communities) of the Nei Village (community) conducted work.

At present, the police team of Muzhou Town has grown to more than 800 people, including more than 50 teams. The Muzhou Police Station combined with the operating mode of the village righteous police and the police in the village, and innovated the "three -tuning" working method of "neighborhood, village adjustment, and interpretation". The relevant functional departments of the town have established the villagers' trust room in the villagers in 15 villages. They strive to resolve contradictions and disputes on the front line of the grassroots, and gradually realize the multiple good governance goals that no longer need to "solve".

In recent years, the Xinhui Public Security Branch has continued to deepen the "one village, one police", refined community services, and weaving a safe and peaceful network. Take the opportunity to promote the construction of "one room, two teams", and innovate the "film police+law and order officer of the police district as the unit. +Volunteer "police mechanism to build an upgraded version of the" one village, one police "project.

On the morning of May 28th, in order to deeply develop the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era and deepen the group prevention work, the establishment ceremony of the "Xinhui Yi Police" team was held, marking the promotion of the "Xinhui Yi Police" system in the region. This It is a portrayal of the new pattern of joint construction and co -governance and sharing social governance in Xinhui District.

On weekdays, the people of the Xinhui Police Station were patrolled in various villages (communities) in the jurisdiction. Once an emergency was found, it was resolved immediately. With an emergency, the police at the police station also faced the difficulties. Recently, the Xinhui encountered heavy rainfall. Whether it was cleaning the deciduous debris, using the mobile pump pump to pump the discharge water, or pulled the police ring line at the easy sloping sloper, reminding the passenger of the vehicle to pay attention to the safety, you can see the busy figure of the police station's policeman. Essence

Give play to the "big" role of the grid

Open the grassroots governance "nerve ending"

In the Mingxing community of Guifeng Club, you can often see a handheld brochure to publicize the knowledge of epidemic prevention to residents. He is the grid member Chen Wowen.

Chen Wowen, 23, gave full play to the advantages of "people familiar, well -known, and cooked." When the community carried out vaccine vaccination convenience service activities, Chen Wowen also came to the event early, busy maintaining the order of the scene, guiding the masses in an orderly queue, assisting the elderly to register information, and helping to carry materials, and ran back and forth countless trips.

There are more than 1,000 grid members like Chen Wawen. They are distributed in the 640 smart grids in the region, like the end of the nerve, sensitive to the subtle changes in the grid, timely investigation and help resolve the resolution Contradictions and disputes.

"The grid staff can discover and assist in resolving contradictions and disputes for the first time, effectively promote the harmony and stability of the village (community), and basically realize the" small matters without the village, the big things are not out of the town, and the contradiction can not be intersect. "It is understood that since 2018, since 2018 At the beginning, Xinhui vigorously carried out the construction of grid service management system. At present, it has been built with the Xinhui District Social Governance Comprehensive Command Center as the center. (Community, joint cooperatives, fields) A total of 640 smart grids are the smart mesh service management system of basic units to achieve global coverage.

It is understood that since the epidemic in the new crown pneumonia, the new club has played a grid advantage, established a grid -based epidemic prevention and control system, carried out good information collection, "carpet" investigation, on -site inspection and other work, and strengthened the tracking of key groups and controlling and controlling and controlling and tracking and controlling and controlling and controlling and controlling and controlling and controlling and controlling and controlling tracking and tracking and controlling tracking and tracking and controlling and tracking and controlling and tracking and controlling and controlling tracking and tracking and controlling and tracking and tracking of key groups. Pay close contact with daily management, and the weaving epidemic prevention and control network. High standards build petition supermarkets

Resolve the accumulation of the "hard bone"

"It's too fast, the problem reflected in one day is solved." On May 30, Mr. Lin came to Xinhui District Letters and Visits Supermarkets, and told the staff that the 42 employees who had previously reflected the total wage Published.

"Many of the issues and visits we have received are related to the vital interests of the citizens. In recent years, we have adhered to the leadership of party building, giving full play to the advantages of letters and visits supermarkets, and we have made great efforts to settle 'services, solve the demands of the masses, and create a' sunflower tree trusting by the people of Xinhui. The warm heart of the heart. "Xu Wanyong, staff member of the Xinhui District Letters and Calls Bureau, introduced.

In recent years, the Xinhui District has adhered to the "one stop+diversity" to improve the "one -stop" solution mechanism of petition supermarkets. The masses "claimed on demand", entered the functional departments, people's mediation, legal consultation, and litigation services. The full -caliber collects the demands of petitions and visits to form a full -process, systematic and closed -loop working system. The Xinhui District Mass Letters and Call for Personnel Conducts Comprehensive Service Center (letters and visits supermarkets) set up specialties such as overseas Chinese affairs, housing construction, and human society. Facilities realize "enter a door and solve everything."

Promoting the innovation of petition work and improving the level of petition work is an important prerequisite for improving grassroots governance capabilities. In recent years, the Xinhui District has made a detailed demand for "delivery services", transforms passive receiving demands into active investigations, and sent multiple regulatory services to the masses. At the same time, the system of visiting and interviews is continuously deepened, and petitioners will regularly go to the town (street) and village (community) to conduct tour visit to the town (street), village (community), and "deliver" the appeal to the masses to "door".

It is reported that since the operation of Xinhui District Letters and Visits Supermarket, the one -time resolution rate has reached 91%. In 2021, the working satisfaction rate of the people's work in Xinhui District's letters and visits departments was 92.91%, which was significantly improved compared to 2020. To this end, Xinhui District was awarded the National Letters and Calls Demonstration County in 2021, and the Xinhui District Yamen Town was awarded the 2021 Guangdong letters and visits work demonstration towns.

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