The "computing power" track, the conference that opened in Jinan next month is not ordinary

Author:Luwang Time:2022.06.30

Luwang, June 30 (Reporter Fan Jinxin) Computing power, as the name suggests, refers to the calculation power of data. As small as smartphones, tablets and other electronic products, as large as weather forecasting, medical security and other fields to expand applications, they are inseparable from the empowerment support of computing power. As a new type of productivity, computing power has become a new focus of global strategic competition.

On June 29, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Shandong Provincial People's Government held a press conference in Beijing, announcing that the 2022 China Computing Power Conference will be held in Jinan from July 29th to 31st. This is the first provincial and ministerial joint meeting with the theme of data centers with the theme of data centers. The computing power has been mentioned unprecedentedly.

Press conference site map official website official website

The first computing power conference will highlight the three concepts of innovation, integration, and green, focus on cutting -edge technology, demonstrate the results of computing power fusion application results, and drive the computing power industry to accelerate the development. The reporter noticed that during the conference, the local sub -forums in Shandong Province and Jinan City will also be held to organize a number of key project cooperation to sign contracts to promote outstanding solutions from the country to land in Shandong.

In recent years, my country's digital economy has flourished, and its computing power has been included in the national strategic plan. The "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" Information and Communication Industry Development Plan clearly states that by 2025, the service capabilities of data and computing power facilities will be significantly enhanced. As the process of digitalization and intelligence accelerates, the requirements of computing power in various places are becoming more and more urgent.

The 2022 China Computing Power Conference will invite academician experts, industry elites, and guest representatives from scientific research institutions, Internet companies, and vertical industry leaders to discuss the frontiers of computing power and industrial development trends. At the same time, the conference will also release a series of heavy research results, which will lead the new trend of national computing power infrastructure construction.

In the era of big data, computing power represents the strength of digital information processing capabilities, and it is even more considerable in economic growth. According to estimates, every time the computing power industry is invested 1 yuan, it will drive economic output of 3 to 4 yuan; the average increase in computing power is 1%per increase, and the digital economy will increase by 0.4%and GDP will increase by 0.2%.

In fact, Shandong has been accelerating to run on the "computing power" track. In recent years, a series of policy documents such as the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Shandong Provincial Integrated Big Data Center Cooperative Innovation System" have been introduced. Data centers with outstanding role in rewarding.

In terms of computing power infrastructure construction, as of now, the province's data centers have exceeded 240,000 with standard racks, an increase of more than 60%compared with last year, which has doubled from 2019. There have been 44 large and medium -sized data centers in the province, with 176 edge data centers, and the proportion of low -delay marginal computing power is far exceeding the national average.

Computing power is a new productive forces in the digital economy era. Among them, the network foundation is the "heart" of computing power. As of the end of May, Shandong has opened a total of 123,000 5G base stations. The urban areas and county urban areas of 16 cities have achieved continuous coverage of 5G networks. Traffic hubs, hospitals, large -scale commercial super, economic parks and other key scenarios have achieved targeted coverage. The 5G coverage ratio of the town reached 100%, and the 5G network access rate of the administrative village exceeded 30%.

National Super Computing Jinan Central Information Map

The conference landing in Jinan was also affirming the development of local computing power. In recent years, Jinan's computing power industry has developed rapidly, algorithms and calculations have accelerated the gathering, and the policy environment has continued to optimize. It has taken a road of high -quality development that empowers thousands of industries with computing power. As the only national artificial intelligence innovation application pilot zone, a new generation of artificial intelligence innovation development test area, and the national industrial Internet demonstration zone "three district superposition" cities. In terms of this conference, Jinan can be described as huge advantages and confidence.

At the press conference, Ma Yuenan, director of the Shandong Provincial Big Data Bureau, said that Shandong will seize strategic opportunities, speed up the construction of a number of data centers and agglomeration areas, and build a large -scale data center of large -scale development, balanced deposits, and green energy -saving, and promote to promote the promotion. The data center "quality increase" and strive to build the country's leading data center resource highland.

Regardless of the scale of computing power or business type, the development of Shandong's computing power industry has shown a prosperous state. The anchoring "walking in front and opening a new bureau" can be described as a conference to enhance the overall industry ecology of our province.

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