Enjoy the launch of the series of activities of the Green Road Fitness and Happy Chengdu Green Road Fitness Wuhou Station

Author:Cover news Time:2022.06.30

On the morning of June 30, as the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was coming, "Grand Canal had me in the 2022 Chengdu Second Older Community Games Fitness Project Exhibition and Movement in Chengdu 2022 Chengdu Greenway Fitness in Chengdu. "Wuhou Station Series Activities" was launched at the Cultural Plaza of Wuhou District. More than 1,200 elderly fitness enthusiasts from the community, as well as special invites representatives from the retired party branch from the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, attended the scene.

It is reported that this event is sponsored by the Chengdu Sports Bureau, the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee's Urban and Rural Community Development and Governance Committee, the Chengdu Sports Federation, Chengdu Sports Association, the CPC Wuhou District Party Committee Social Governance Committee, Wuhou District Cultural and Sports Tourism Bureau, The Wuhou District Retired Military Affairs Bureau was organized, and the Wuhou District Sports Association, Wuhou District Jiutou Street Office, and the participating units of the 20 branch venues co -organized.

The elderly from the Taijiquan Counseling Station from Wuhou District, first performed a wonderful Taijiquan at the main venue, and the world -class intangible cultural heritage of Taijiquan, with Rou Kegang, static braking, and invisible charm of the gods. , Performed vividly; and after the wonderful "Coming to Happiness" square fitness dance performance in Wuhou District's dance team, from Wuhou District Wangjiang Folk Customs Team brought very novel flower sticks and ball performances, which is making people. Freshly ears.

According to the person in charge of the Chengdu Elderly Sports Association, "Following the theme of park urban construction and sports community themes around the practice of new development concepts, after successfully held the Qingyang Station event on June 24, today we will once again with the" Universiade with me, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, and sports. The theme of Chengdu is the theme of the main venue and 20 branch venues simultaneously. By carrying out a variety of elderly fitness projects and fun sports carnival activities, Chengdu's active and optimistic attitude towards life and longing for happiness and healthy life are displayed. "

Huaxi Community Media Reporter Hao Shuxia Old Sports Association Supply Figures

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