Yangqu County Meteorological Bureau issued a thunderstorm and blue warning [Class IV/General]

Author:Yangqu early warning release Time:2022.06.10

Yangqu County Meteorological Observatory issued a thunderstorm blue warning signal at 14:15 on June 10, 2022. Early warning areas: All towns and villages in the county.It is expected that thunderstorms will occur in the warning area in the next 6 hours, and the wind will reach level 7 or more or have strong lightning.Relevant units and personnel are requested to prepare for prevention.Defense Guide: 1. Government and relevant departments do a good job of wind and lightning protection in accordance with their duties; 2. Pay attention to the latest news and related windproof notifications related to the media reports, students stay in a safe place; 3. Close doors and windows, strengthen the fence, strengthen the feet, and strengthen the fences, reinforce the feet,The buildings that are easy to be blown by the wind, such as the scaffolding, billboards, etc., properly resettled outdoor items that are easily affected by strong winds, covering building materials; 4. Outdoor personnel should hide in buildings or cars with lightning protection facilities;Under the electric pole and the tower crane to avoid rain; do not take an umbrella in an open space, do not carry agricultural tools on your shoulders.

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