There is a plan!Building a national Chinese medicine comprehensive reform demonstration zone like Guangdong

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.07.01

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Lin Qingqing

On June 30th, the reporter learned that recently, the General Office of the People's Government of Guangdong Province issued the "Implementation Plan for Guangdong Province Construction of the Comprehensive Reform of Traditional Chinese Medicine" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan"). Guangdong will comprehensively promote the construction of a national comprehensive reform demonstration zone, and promote the high -quality development of Guangdong Chinese medicine.

It is reported that last year, Guangdong became the first batch of demonstration zones for the construction of a comprehensive reform of Chinese medicine. How to implement it? The "Implementation Plan" clearly proposes the framework and path, pointing out that it will promote the forefront of the country by building the "five major highlands" such as medical, industry, innovation, talent and internationalization. The development of Chinese medicine is dynamic.

Xinhua News Agency information map

In 2025

The "Implementation Plan" clearly states that in 2022, the construction of the demonstration zone will be fully launched, policies and measures are introduced around key reform tasks, and pilot cities will be selected and the construction of the demonstration area will be basically formed.

By 2023, a period of effect will be achieved in the construction of the "five highlands", and a number of reclaimed and promoted experience will be formed in the reform of key areas, and the role of demonstration will be further prominent.

By 2025, the "five major highlands" will be fully completed, and the reform of key areas and key links in traditional Chinese medicine will be achieved.

Guangdong will achieve full coverage of county -level traditional Chinese medicine medical institutions

The "Implementation Plan" clearly states that Guangdong continues to improve the traditional Chinese medicine medical service system and promotes the National Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Innovation Center, National Medical Center, National Regional Medical Center, TCM key hospitals, Chinese and Western Medical Coordinated "flagship" hospitals and provincial high -level Chinese medicine The construction of iconic key projects such as hospitals. Realize the full coverage of county -level traditional Chinese medicine medical institutions. Promote the construction of Shenzhen pure Chinese medicine treatment pilots and the construction of Guangzhou acupuncture sub -specialty system.

Guangdong will improve the "treatment of non -disease" service network and the traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation service network. The proportion of 100%of the rehabilitation department of the third -level Chinese medicine hospital and the setting of rehabilitation departments for secondary traditional Chinese medicine hospitals is not less than 80%.

In building a high place in the industry, the system will be fully carried out in Guangdong Province's traditional Chinese medicinal materials standards, traditional Chinese medicine decoction films, and the standardization of Chinese medicine formula granules.

In the building of high -local noodles, the Gehong TCM talent plan will be implemented, the creation of 100 leaders of Chinese medicine, building 100 provincial -famous Chinese medicine or leading talents inheritance studios, and selection and cultivation of 100 outstanding young Chinese medicine talents.

Deepen the development of Cantonese, Hong Kong and Macao Chinese medicine

It is worth noting that Guangdong will continue to deepen the integration and development of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and build an international highland of Chinese medicine.

Including the allowing qualified Hong Kong and Macao Chinese medicine talents to participate in the title examination and review in the places of dedication. Support the Greater Bay Area (Mainland) public institutions in accordance with regulations or direct business inspections to recruit high -level Hong Kong and Macao high -levels in urgent need of scarce Chinese medicine talents. Attract the qualified Hong Kong and Macao Chinese medicine practitioners in the mainland public medical institution, and guide Hong Kong and Macao youth medicine practitioners to practice and start a business in the Greater Bay Area. He also uses Hengqin Yue -Australia to cooperate with the Chinese Medicine Technology Industrial Park and Shenzhen Guangming International Traditional Chinese Medicine Port as the engine. It is a number of measures to promote talents, capital, knowledge, and technology in Zhuhai and Shenzhen.

A number of Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment items are included in medical insurance

Source | Yangcheng Evening News • Yangcheng School

Responsible editor | Liang Zeming

School Delivery | Zhu Xiaoming

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