Three keywords for the cultivation of traditional Chinese medicine talents

Author:Guangming Daily client Time:2022.07.01

Pharmacists conducted traditional Chinese medicine adjustments at the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Xinhua News Agency

Nowadays, many people recognize Chinese medicine, and more and more people choose Chinese medicine consultations, but people often feel that there are fewer and fewer Chinese medicine. Among them, human factors are primary. A few days ago, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the National Health and Health Commission jointly issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Work of Chinese Medicine Talents in the New Era" (hereinafter referred to as "Opinions"). For the first time, the bureau leads the policy documents of the system deploying traditional Chinese medicine talents. What are the files? What problems are intended?

How to be good for youth talents in Chinese medicine

It is difficult to cultivate excellent traditional Chinese medicine talents, and it is difficult to be difficult to form in the original thinking of traditional Chinese medicine, the classics of all ages are difficult to activate, the basic skills are not easy Essence In the opinion of Wang Qiming, deputy director of the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, the core of traditional Chinese medicine talent training is to improve the Chinese medicine students' ability to think of Chinese medicine.

Reading classics is an important part of cultivating Chinese medicine thinking, which is inseparable from excellent textbooks. In this regard, Wang Qiming said that it will vigorously promote the reform of classic Chinese medicine teaching, increase the proportion of classic courses of traditional Chinese medicine, accelerate the establishment of a curriculum system based on the classic curriculum of traditional Chinese medicine, and launch a number of excellent textbooks that meet the laws of Chinese medicine education as soon as possible.

In order to deepen the students' understanding and importance to the classics, in recent years, the Ministry of Education, together with the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has implemented the national Chinese medicine classic ability level test. "We want to further expand its scope on the basis of covering all 24 independent Chinese medicine colleges, expand its scope to all colleges and universities that hold Chinese medicine education, and gradually incorporate the results of the grade examination into the student academic evaluation system." Wang Qiming Mingming Say.

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to inheritance, and the "Opinions" also proposes a learning system for early with teachers and early clinical clinical.

"We support qualified teachers who meet the conditions and apply for a degree in traditional Chinese medicine with the same academic ability." According to Wang Qiming, in terms of teacher construction, the Ministry of Education plans to build a demonstration center for the development of about 10 national Chinese medicine teachers and implement the training plan for excellent Chinese medicine teachers. Cultivate a group of teaching teachers and excellent teaching teams. "We encourage guidance to famous Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine experts to come to power and guide teachers in colleges and universities of Chinese medicine. Classic learning is outside the college, after clinical practice, periodic spiral improvement can deepen understanding."

To this end, the Ministry of Education will build a demonstration center for clinical teaching training for Chinese medicine in about 30 national Chinese medicine, leading the overall improvement of clinical practice teaching. Wang Qiming introduced: "We will strengthen the functions of the clinical teaching of traditional Chinese medicine in affiliated hospitals, penetrate the education of teachers 'education throughout the entire process of clinical practice teaching, and strengthen practical teaching' seeing a doctor."

Traditional Chinese medicine is traditional medicine, but the word "traditional" does not mean because it is observed, but should be innovative. Wang Qiming said that the Ministry of Education will also promote the cross -disciplinary discipline of Chinese medicine and literature, science, and work to cultivate a number of high -level composite Chinese medicine talents. "We will also pilot the nine -year -old and western medicine combination education, and cultivate a group of small and high -level, high -level, high -level Chinese and western medicine combination talents. Comprehensively improve the level of the health of the health of Chinese medicine to serve the masses."

How to highlight the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine talent evaluation

From the perspective of meeting the people's demand for Chinese medicine to prevent disease and disease, the level of traditional Chinese medicine talents should be diverse. However, at present, the evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine talents is mostly exams, evaluations, and employment. Exams are still the main means of Chinese medicine talent evaluation.

"The" Opinions "implemented this time is to improve the evaluation system of Chinese medicine titles through improvement systems and other measures through improvement of professional title evaluation systems and improvement of professional title evaluation standards." "We have adjusted the professional settings of the sanitary title series and added Chinese medicine technicians. In terms of improving evaluation standards, we have established the evaluation standards for clinical talents, basic talents, and scientific research talents of traditional Chinese medicine."

Specifically, for clinical talents, focus on the clinical efficacy, and take the accuracy of diagnosis, treatment plan, medical record analysis, reasonable medication, diagnosis and treatment quality, patient satisfaction, and teacher with apprenticeship. For basic talents, Focus on evaluating the basic theoretical research and original ability of medical medicine, and take major theoretical innovation, important academic monographs, and the results of classical medical ministry as important elements. For scientific research talents, focus on evaluating their exploration of diseases, solve clinical problems, and use modern science to interpret Chinese medicine medicine to interpret Chinese medicine The ability of pharmaceutical principles to use major scientific research projects, innovative works, and the output and transformation of scientific research results as the main elements of evaluation.

The "Opinions" states that in the requirements of the promotion of doctors, the evaluation of clinicians must be focused on the ability of clinicians. "We, together with the Health and Health Commission and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, have set up the number of data in the hospitalization of traditional Chinese medicine, medical cases, and the performance assessment data of public Chinese medicine hospitals. , Traditional Chinese Medicine Non -Drug Therapy and other characteristic evaluation indicators, which can evaluate Chinese medicine talents more accurately and scientifically. "Liu Dongmei said.

How to leave good Chinese medicine at the grassroots level

The advantages of traditional Chinese medicine are at the grassroots level, and the sound of traditional Chinese medicine is at the grassroots level. But at present, grassroots medical staff can't recruit, can't go down, can't keep it, this phenomenon is common.

According to Chen Xinyu, deputy director of the Department of Science and Technology and Education of the National Health and Health Commission, the State Health and Health Commission and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine have co -organized and organized the implementation of rural orders for medical student training projects. The township and township hospitals have recruited more than 70,000 undergraduate students. "In this project, we have also continued to expand the enrollment scale of targeted medical students in traditional Chinese medicine." Lu Guohui, director of the Department of Personnel Education of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine will continue to work with the Ministry of Education and the National Health and Health Commission to do a good job of rural areas. Cultivation of orders for free medical students. On the one hand, the scale of free medical students at the national level will be expanded. On the other hand, it also supports and encourages local specialized medical students at the local level.

"We will also expand the enrollment scale of traditional Chinese medicine doctors in the special posts of general doctors, promote the management model of 'county management and townships, and encourage medical communities in the county . "Lu Guohui said.

How can I keep it?

The "Opinions" clearly states that when traditional Chinese medicine doctors are promoted to the deputy senior titles, they should have experience in providing services under the county level or counter -supported medical institutions below the county level or counterpart support. "We will increase the proportion of high -level professional and technical positions of traditional Chinese medicine in primary medical and health institutions, and implement‘ directional evaluation and directional use ’in the professional and technical talents of the first -tier first -line Chinese medicine." Liu Dongmei said.

"We will also conduct all -level medical knowledge training for doctors from primary medical institutions, including rural doctors, and truly cultivate a team in the grassroots level." Lu Guohui introduced that by 2025, the community health service station by 2025, community health service station At least one of the doctors in traditional Chinese medicine, or clinical category doctors who can provide Chinese medicine services, more than 80%of the village clinics are equipped with at least one medical staff who can provide Chinese medicine services.

The people's demand for famous and old Chinese medicine is very large, but compared with the huge demand for medical treatment, the number of old Chinese medicine medicine is obviously insufficient. In many places, grass -roots old Chinese medicine experts inherit the studio.

"This kind of studio will increase the scale during the" 14th Five -Year Plan 'period, and strive to establish 1 or 2 studios for each county -level institution in 2025. "Lu Guohui pointed out that the studio has special requirements, that is, old experts must take the old experts to put on the old experts to take down Grassroots doctors bring up. "We also encourage retired Chinese medicine doctors and experts from Chinese medicine to practice at the grassroots level."

(Reporter Tian Yating Cui Xingyi)

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