Hong Kong's 25th anniversary of the motherland, these history cannot be forgotten!Talk to your children ↓↓↓

Author:China Education News Time:2022.07.01

Today is the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland!

1997 -2022,

A quarter of a century,

Time testimony forward:

Hong Kong's economy continues to flourish,

The status of international finance, shipping, and trade centers is constantly consolidating,

Hong Kong residents enjoy unprecedented

Democratic rights and freedom,

The cause of people's livelihood has improved significantly ...

Mention Hong Kong,

What can you forget?

Is the single that has been looped many times?

Is it a chasing Hong Kong drama movie?

Still a Hong Kong -style food that has been eaten?


Cut from Hong Kong Island,

This Chinese nation's unforgettable humiliation,

By October 1, 1949,

When the first five -star red flag rises in Tiananmen Square,

Hong Kong compatriots under the colonial rule

The five -star red flag has also been raised at the port of Victoria.

On July 1, 1997,

Hong Kong officially returned to the arms of the motherland.

This period of unforgettable history of the Chinese nation,

Never forget.

Please tell your children today!

Knowledge · History

Picture source: CCTV News

△ Take you back to 25 years ago to see Hong Kong's return to the motherland

China -British negotiations on Hong Kong issues

It has a special historical status and significance in the history of New China.

It successfully reached the smooth return of Hong Kong,

Washing snow for one and a half centuries, the shame of the Chinese nation has suffered,

The great cause of the motherland has taken a step forward,

And internationally

Solve the problem of disputes and historical methods peacefully

Founded a model,

It is a major contribution to the Chinese government's contribution to maintaining world peace.


In the 25 years of returning to the motherland,

Hong Kong relies on the motherland, facing the world, and a new creation.

Make huge development achievements in all aspects.

From these "numbers",

We can understand the development of Hong Kong!

GDP increase


As of 2021, the name of the GDP in Hong Kong was HK $ 2.86 trillion. In 1997, the GDP in Hong Kong was HK $ 1.37 trillion. From 1997 to 2021, the average local GDP of Hong Kong increased by 2.7%.

Per capita GDP gradually improves

Before returning to Hong Kong, GDP (calculated in name) was HK $ 192,200, and Hong Kong's per capita GDP (calculated in name) in 2021 was 387,100 Hong Kong dollars.

The most free economy in the world


In the "World Economic Freedom of the World Economic Freedom 2021", Hong Kong's "supervision" and "freedom of international trade" ranked first, and the world's most free economy ranked first. In the World Bank's "2020 Business Environment Report", Hong Kong ranks third in the world's most convenient businessland.

The world's largest offshore RMB center


Hong Kong has become the world's largest offshore RMB center. The offshore RMB deposit increased from 6.8 billion yuan in June 2004 to 791.3 billion yuan in March 2022, and deposits increased by more than 100 times.

Population continues to grow


From mid -1997 to mid 2021, the total population of Hong Kong increased from 6.5021 million to 7.4131 million, an increase of nearly one million in 25 years. Hong Kong's population density is one of the highest regions in the world, with an average of 6,801 people per square kilometer in 2021.

One of the longest -lived regions in the world


Hong Kong is one of the longest -lived regions in the world. In 2021, the average life expectancy of the Hong Kong population (temporary number), 83.0 years old, 87.7 years old, an increase of 6.2 and 5.5 years over 1997.

Number of public cultural and sports facilities continues to increase


From 1997 to 2021, the number of cultural, recreation and sports facilities in Hong Kong continued to increase: public libraries increased from 64 to 82 (including fixed and flow), the swimming pool venues increased from 32 to 44, and the stadium from 74 stars from 74 Increased to 102, the football field increased from 291 to 317, and children's playgrounds increased from 596 to 665.

The attractiveness to talents at home and abroad continues to increase


Hong Kong's attraction to talents at home and abroad has continued to increase. In June 2006, the SAR Government launched the "Excellent Talent Immigration Plan", which increased to 4,000 in 2021. As of the end of 2021, Hong Kong received a total of 3,6689 applications from nearly 100 countries or regions, of which 9,131 applicants received allocated places.

Exhibition · Future

The outline of the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" has established a new development positioning for Hong Kong; the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area has set up a broad platform for Hong Kong; The cooperation zone has created new development opportunities for Hong Kong's finance, services and innovation industries ... With strong support of the country, Hong Kong's future development space is unlimited.

Actively integrate into the overall situation of the national development and possibly possibly develop the development of Hong Kong. In the new era and new journey, the central government attaches more importance to Hong Kong's special advantages and unique role. In a series of strategic plans, there are "Hong Kong characters". The "interface" of Hong Kong's integration of the overall national development situation has continued to increase. Broad stage.

New starting point, new opportunities, new hope. Hong Kong's "Oriental Pearl" will start another new journey.

Picture source: pixabay

Thousands of Mountains, Wanshui Tongyuan,

History in Hong Kong,

The Great River, where the motherland has been converted into the development and progress of the motherland.


All Chinese children are

Holding confidence, exciting ambition

Starting towards the second century -old struggle.

Hong Kong's new starting point intersects with the national new journey,

There will be huge energy.

When our country's second century -old struggle goal is achieved,

Hong Kong at that time will become

The new beads of Oriental, the world.

This is the beautiful expectation of compatriots in Hong Kong,

It is also the common wish of the motherland!

Hong Kong will be better tomorrow,

China's future will be magnificent and glorious!

Source of this article | Comprehensive from CCTV News, People's Daily, Qiwa.com, Xinhuanet, etc.

Cover Design | Wang Rongjia

Editor in charge | Wang Jiashi


- END -

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