Visit the Wuhan Metropolis Circle | "Shrimp Valley" Qianjiang: 6-16 hours can send crayfish to more than 500 cities

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.01

Cover reporter Lu Dang Shao Meng

With the area of ​​one -third of Hubei, it contributes to two -thirds of the total economic volume of the province. This is the data created by Wuhan Economic Circle.

In March 2021, my country issued the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Outline of the Auginet Target in 2035". It proposes to promote coordinated development of urban agglomerations in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, accelerate the construction of Wuhan and Changzhutan Metropolitan Circle, and build an important growth pole nationwide.

In May 2021, the joint meeting of the same urbanization development of the Wuhan Metropolitan Circle was held. Wuhan, Huangshi, Ezhou, Xiaogan, Huanggang, Xianning, Xian Tao, Tianmen, Qianjiang Nine City signed a framework agreement for the same urbanization development cooperation, reaching the same editor and transportation of the same planning and transportation. The "five consensus" of the network, technology, the same chain, and people's livelihood.

How does the nine -seater city create a growth pole that "leads Hubei, support the central region, radiates the whole country, and integrates into the world"? Can the Wuhan metropolitan area in central my country be used for development? A few days ago, the "Nine Cities Concentrics to the Future -The Metropolitan Metropolitan Circle of the Metropolitan Circle of Wuhan in 2022" under the Communication Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Office launched, with doubts, the cover journalist went to the front line to explore.

"China Shrimp Valley" has become one of Qianjiang's largest city business card. Photography cover news reporter Lu Dang

For many diners, there are no colors without crayfish.

On June 30, Qianjiang City, Hubei Province, the largest crayfish trading center in my country drove out from time to time. The box is a large or small crayfish after sorting and packaging. They are driving to different cities and different dining tables.

Here, more than 580 merchants, serving more than 40,000 shrimp farmers in the province, including Wuhan Metropolis, have a trading volume of 1500 tons. For shrimp farmers and merchants, there is also a name that they are more familiar with- "China Shrimp Valley".

With the help of cold chain logistics networks, crayfish can be sent to more than 500 large and medium cities across the country. Photography cover news reporter Lu Dang

Every day is not on, a car that is transported from nearby, surrounding or even farther places will be delivered here for classification, screening, and packaging. As long as 6 to 16 hours, you can send it to more than 500 large and medium cities across the country with the help of cold chain logistics networks, including Urumqi and Sanya.

In the trading center, you can see a special group, which are called "shrimp". In the peak season of crayfish production and sales, every 6 o'clock in the morning, thousands of "shrimp" will appear on both sides of the container full of live shrimp. Almost in a blink of an eye, they will choose different grades of red shrimp or green shrimp in accordance with the standards and other standards in the shrimp piles. In addition to sorting, there are also some "shrimp" processing relative depth processing such as peeling and cleaning according to market demand. "Six or seven hours of work a day, earning more than 5,000 yuan per month, a lot stronger than going out to work." A person in charge of the crayfish trading center told reporters.

Crayfish price index is the "vane" of the nationwide crayfish market. Photography cover news reporter Lu Dang

On a large screen of the trading center, the reporter saw the transaction price of crayfish rolling in real time. "The price of crayfish in dozens of cities across the country every day. Our crayfish price index can be said to be a vane of the trading price of crayfish trading nationwide." The person in charge also told reporters, "Except for Jianghan Plain, Hunan, Anhui, Anhui, Anhui , Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Sichuan and other places and farmers, many of them will send crayfish here. "

E -commerce has become an important channel for the sales of Qianjiang crayfish. Photography cover news reporter Lu Dang

The Qianjiang crayfish trading center is constructed by Hubei Qianwang Ecological Crayfish Industrial Park Group Co., Ltd. It is a key leading enterprise in the agricultural industrialization of Hubei Province, the national e -commerce demonstration site, and the national agricultural and rural information demonstration base. Data show that in 2021, the transaction volume of Qianjiang Fresh Coruscult reached 8.4 billion yuan, the processing output value of crayfish was exceeded 20 billion yuan, and more than 30 countries and regions exported products.

Xiongkou Town, the largest crayfish breeding base in Qianjiang, is also the birthplace of the "shrimp and rice co -production" breeding model.

A "shrimp and rice co -produced" base in Zhao Mao Village. Photography cover news reporter Lu Dang

At the shrimp field in Zhao Mao Village, Xiongkou Town, Zhao Changhong, secretary of the 61 -year -old village party branch, told reporters, "I just sold 1400 pounds of shrimp and received 20,000 yuan." After that, he added, "This year's market market Better than last year, the impact of the epidemic last year is still greater. "

Zhao Changhong, Secretary of the Party Branch of Zhaoyou Village, Xiongkou Town, Qianjiang City. Photography cover news reporter Lu Dang

Under the scorching sun, Zhao Changhong, who was wearing a straw hat, had deep wrinkles on his face, mixed with sweat. Although he had a "old farmer" face, he was skilled on his mobile phone a few times, and the data of the "shrimp and rice co -operating" base was in real time, such as: water temperature 35 ° C, pH value 7.5 ... He told reporters that he told reporters that he told reporters If the data appears abnormal, the technician will receive information and process it in time.

Zhao Changhong said that Zhao Mao Village was a famous remote village and poor village in Qianjiang. Because of the development of "shrimp rice co -work", many villagers have an annual income of more than 200,000 yuan, and some people will even have shrimp farming technology Bringing to the field for breeding, the career is greater.

Liu Ting, director of Qianjiang Cabinelida Industry Development Promotion Center, revealed that the local crayfish industry is created as a "city business card", which closely focuses on the goal of building the crayfish industry into the next 100 billion industry in Hubei and promoting the "Qianjiang Lobster"Regional public brand construction.In 2021, the value of public brands in the Qianjiang Lobster area reached 25.18 billion yuan.

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