Fengtai issued the city's first informing the commitment to make a social investment project construction project planning permit

Author:Beijing Fengtai Time:2022.07.01

In order to further optimize the business environment, deepen the reform of "decentralization of service", and provide convenient, high -quality, and efficient services for enterprises, the Fengtai Branch of the Beijing Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Committee to resolutely implement the relevant work deployment of municipal and district, and take the lead in issuing the city's first notice Promise to the construction of a social investment project construction project planning permit. The project is the second batch of commercial residential land supply projects in 2022 in our city. The construction unit is Beijing Shougang Haifu Real Estate Co., Ltd.. The scale is 85726.36 square meters.

The Fengtai Branch actively provided the construction unit with a full -time companion service. Under the strong guidance of the Municipal Regulations and the Municipal Economic and Information Center, on the first day of the system operation on July 1, 2022, the project construction project planning permit was issued. The promise system is to achieve "issuing permits", and if the application materials meet the acceptance conditions, the license decision is made immediately after acceptance; the second is to achieve "not meeting approval", "data running more legs" and "full network office", and "full online operation", and "full online operation", and "full online processing". That is, online declaration, online processing, electronic certificate issuance, and downloading by yourself; the third is to achieve the issuance system of the chief representative.

In the next step, Fengtai Branch will continue to do the follow -up service, provide service guarantees for the investment of enterprises, and effectively build a highland of the business environment.

Source "Fengtai News"

Correspondent Fengtai Rule Li Teng

Edit Zhao Zhihe

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