[Fast look] Special inspection of quality and safety of new crown anti -original reagents for the new crown anti -original reagent

Author:Yanji News Network Time:2022.07.01

In order to strictly implement the measures to prevent and control the normalized epidemic, and further strengthen the quality and safety supervision of medical equipment for prevention and control of the epidemic, the Yanji Market Bureau has organized the development of chain pharmacies and medical device operation enterprises that sell new coronary virus antigen detection reagents in their jurisdictions. Special inspection.

At the scene, law enforcement officers focused on whether the new coronary virus antigen detection reagent operated by the enterprise was approved and approved by the registration and had a qualified certificate document. Complete, whether to carry out storage management in accordance with the instructions. At the same time, supervise the operating enterprise to make a good purchase and sales record to ensure that the relevant records meet the traceable requirements.

The new coronary virus antigen detection reagents that are currently inspected (including chain pharmacies) have obtained the registration and approval of medical device registration of the State Administration of Corporation. The manufacturers and suppliers are legal enterprises, complete qualifications, and operate enterprises according to storage requirements. Essence

In the next step, the Yanji Market Bureau will end with caution, always grasp the supervision of medical device prevention and control of the epidemic, firmly adhere to the quality and safety bottom line of the epidemic prevention and control medical device, and serve the overall situation of the epidemic prevention and control work.

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