Jiangsu Yancheng: Hold the 4th Red Story Preaching Competition

Author:Yanfu Volkswagen News Time:2022.07.01

"Human characters stand up to the world ..." On June 30, the 4th Red Story Preaching Competition in Yancheng City and the 4th Red Story of Jiangsu Province were opened in the scenario drama "Spring to Coupling Gengtang". Cou -curtain.

The theme of this competition is "Examples Leading forward to achieve dreams", divided into two groups: professional group and volunteer group to play in the competition. After the preliminary selection, 19 players from counties (cities, districts) in the city entered the professional group, and 21 players entered the volunteer group. They focus on the heroes of the heroes and ordinary figures, and tell the story of patriotism, hard work, and dreams of dreams. In the final selection of the market, the red story preaching contest "Gold Medal Explanator", "Gold Medal Volunteer Explained" each, 11 "Excellent Explained", and 13 "Excellent Volunteer Explained".

"The man who was full of military merits on his chest showed his own true nature. No one would think that he had fought with leukemia for 20 years ..." The title of "Qualified Soldier" tells everyone the story of the retired veteran Xu Zhaoxue and the illness of the disease, and use practical actions to interpret the selfless dedication spirit. Zhu Xizhen won applause from the exciting and shocking preaching of the soul. "Uncle Xu uses the fearless ingenuity of 'borrowing from life', and always practicing the mission of" retirement and not fading, always walking with the party '. " She tells her determination to tell the red story and the power of the example.

"I often want to learn from Hanmen more, and worry about Huaxia less." In love with poor students, I am in educational career, and Bao Bin, a retired teacher of Yancheng Teachers College, and his wife, Lu Yijun, to help the study. Yang Wanxi, a volunteer group from the School of Literature of Yancheng Teachers College, said, "I participated in the red story preaching competition for the first time, I am a player, a lecturer, and a learner. The spirit of selfless dedication will inspire more and more young students to go to the party and study to the country. "

The three -dimensional and plump red story reaches the hearts and touches the audience. "The preaching of the players is too contagious." "Watching Marxist positions with life" was impressed by Wang Yixin, a student of Junior Middle School of Yancheng City. "After listening to Teacher Wang Qiang's study, dissemination, and practicing Marxism throughout his life, I really felt the valuable spirit of the role of the role of the example."

Before the preaching contest, the "Advanced Typical Visit" activity was also carried out. Participants, volunteer lecturers and advanced typical face -to -face discussions, fully tapped the touching stories with temperature, resonance, and emotional. "New Spark". (Writing | Zhou Dongqing)

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