Construction of the West extension of Jingzhou Fuxing Avenue, Jingzhou, Hubei

Author:Jingzhou Daily Time:2022.07.01

Fuxing Avenue is the first urban expressway in Jingzhou, Hubei. Since the opening of traffic on December 31, 2020, it has played an important role in alleviating traffic pressure and convenient citizens' travel. On June 27, the reporter learned from the Jingzhou High -tech Zone that the total length of 2764 meters of revival Avenue West extension project is promoting the construction in an orderly manner. After completion, it will further improve the structure of Jingzhou urban area and build a rapid and smooth urban transportation system.

On the morning of the same day, the reporter saw at the construction site of the Xiyan Line of Fuxing Avenue. In the deep ditch of excavation, the workers were laying sewage pipelines in an orderly manner. "We officially started construction on June 15th, and the current progress is smooth. When the sewage pipeline is laid and completed, it will enter the construction of the road base and pavement." Guan Jianlong, the technical person in charge of the technical head of the Xiyan Line project of Hubei Road and Bridge Group Co., Ltd., introduced. According to the construction plan, Before October 1st this year, the construction of half pavement and accessories from Taihu Avenue from Jingzhou High -tech Zone to the Yusan section was completed. Before June 15, 2023, complete all the roads, drainage, electrical and greening projects from Balling Road to Yusan Road. Construction.

Fuxing Avenue West Yan Line is a key project of Jingzhou City Transportation Infrastructure. From the east of the project, the Jingzhou High -tech Zone Yuesu Road is connected to the Jingzhou Fuxing Avenue across the river canal bridge, west to Huangtai Road, with a total length of 2764 meters. The width of the road red line is 70 meters. The total investment is 280 million yuan. The main line of the design speed is 60 kilometers and the auxiliary road is 40 kilometers.

As an important channel for connecting to the Jingzhou High -tech Zone, after the opening of the west extension of the Fuxing Avenue, it will connect to the main line of Fuxing Avenue, which will greatly enhance the comprehensive transportation capacity of the region. Liu Ye, deputy director of the construction of the Jingzhou High -tech Zone Construction Engineering Management Office, said that the West Extension Line of the Fuxing Avenue will become the main conversion channel and logistics passenger distribution channel of highways, high -speed rail trains, aircraft, and other comprehensive transportation systems. Shape the foundation of the skeleton of the Jingzhou City.

Author: Xiao Xiao Source: Jingzhou Daily

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