free!15!Share 372 parking spaces in a limited time!

Author:Rizhao News Network Time:2022.07.01

In order to practice the people -centered development ideas, fully tap the reasonable use of parking resources, effectively alleviate the contradiction between parking supply and demand, and maximize the people and the people, and strive to build a delicate city. On the morning of June 24 Share work special meetings, arrange the deployment of parking facilities for a limited time sharing work. As of now, a total of 15 office spaces have been opened to the outside world, providing 372 shared parking spaces in a limited time, which alleviates the difficulty of parking in citizens to a certain extent.

15 office places

The office area of ​​the district -level organs, the centralized office area of ​​the agricultural inspection center, the Donggang District Civil Affairs Bureau, the Donggang District Finance Bureau, the Donggang District Transportation Bureau, the Donggang District Retired Military Affairs Bureau, the Donggang District Audit Bureau, the Donggang District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, the Donggang District District Urban Management and Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau, Donggang District Urban Management and Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau Rizhao Squadron, Donggang District Grain and Material Reserve Service Center, Traffic Police Donggang Brigade, Rizhao Street Office, Shijiu Street Office, Qinlou Street Office.

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Limited time sharing method

Parking facilities for institutions and institutions are divided into two forms: "fixed vehicle sharing" and "non -fixed vehicle sharing".

Drivers participating in the fixed vehicle sharing parking must sign a shared parking agreement with the parking lot management department in advance, enter the license plate number into the automatic identification channel system, and park it in an orderly manner in an orderly manner according to the prescribed time and place. Drivers participating in non -fixed vehicle shared parking need to scan the code registration commitment on the spot, obey the staff's command, and stop in an orderly manner. When the shared parking space is full, the shared parking is stopped.

Vehicle specifications and use time

The parking facilities of the district institutions and institutions are shared in a limited time for parking for seven and below non -operating small motor vehicles. Military vehicles, police cars, urban management law enforcement vehicles and implementation tasks of fire, rescue, disaster relief, rescue, school bus and other vehicles can be parked temporarily. Vehicles other than the above regulations shall not park.

The limited time sharing of parking facilities in the district and institutions of the district institution is: May 1st to September 30th, the shared parking period is from 18:30 to 7:00 the next day; from October 1 to April 30 of the following year, The shared parking period is from 18:00 that day to 7:00 the next day. Among them, every day from 22:00 to 5:00 the next morning, it is not allowed to enter and exit in principle (except for special circumstances).

If the parking lot of institutions and institutions with a limited time sharing, if the sharing time is adjusted due to work reasons, the information publicity will be made in the entrance and exit of the parking lot; if you encounter major activities or other special circumstances, the shared sharing will be temporarily canceled, and the management unit will inform them in advance.

Parking management requirements

Drivers shall, in accordance with the requirements of the management unit, are parking in an orderly manner within the designated area and prescribed time. Public facilities and environmental sanitation shall not damage public facilities in the parking lot. The vehicle should park and lock it to keep the personal belongings.

Strictly shared parking management shall be reminded in time to violate the parking lot management regulations; without special circumstances, if it violates the management regulations of more than two times, the eligibility of sharing parking is canceled. For long -term parking vehicles, it is handled in accordance with relevant regulations.

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