Twenty light united fronts of concentric gifts set off again

Author:Light news Time:2022.07.01

In 2022, the united front of the Guangming District of Shenzhen held major political tasks around the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. With the opportunity to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, we will conscientiously implement the major central decision -making deployment, provincial party committee, municipal party committee, and district committee work. Arrange, promote "activity projectization and project branding", condense the heart to serve the light of the original innovation sources, the first place of scientific research economy, and innovative talent gathering place, and accelerate the construction of the world -class scientific city and the center of Shenzhen.

Create a new fruit of the "Tongxin+" brand

Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Battle of the Guangming District Commission has actively organized a symposium on outside party people to convey the spirit of the national and provincial and municipal "two sessions" of the national and provincial and municipalities in 2022, as well as the spirit of the fourth party conference and district "two sessions" of the district. Personal ability improvement training courses. The District Federation of Industry and Commerce and the Party Committee of the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce jointly organized the theme party day event of "Shenzhen's private manufacturing shining party members in the world to promote corporate development" - "Welcome to the 20th National Congress and the Dream of the Communist Party".

The "Hong Kong well -known group organizations visited and investigated the Guangming Science City -actively played a two -way open role to promote higher -level Shenzhen -Hong Kong cooperation" activities, and integrated the opportunity for the construction of more Hong Kong and Macao elements for the construction of Guangming Science City.

Hold the launching ceremony of "Twenty -five years of Ronggui Road · Together with dreams" -celebrating the 25th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to the 25th anniversary of the return of the motherland and the "Counselor of the Life" in Guangming District. Organize teachers and students in Shenzhen and Hong Kong to carry out "hand in hand and walk forward" to join hands with classmates and organize 15 various activities.

Celebrate the launching ceremony of the 25th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to the motherland and the "Counsey" series of "Counsey" in Guangming District.

Carry out 64 "Zhihui Bright" special brand activities, with a total of 1,588 participants. The "Zhihui Guangming" brand has initially included the "New Top Twenty Top Twenty Treasures" -Shenzhen Unified Front has the most influential innovation achievement scope.

Supported the "Love Clothing Library" activity of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Agricultural Labor Party. Since this year, there have been 74 boxes of love clothing, with a total of more than 2,000 pieces. Since its establishment on May 22, 2013, it has donated a total of 34 times to the remote mountainous areas, with a total of more than 3,200 boxes of clothing, worth more than one million yuan.

Assist in carrying out "condense new forces · Together to the future" -The new social class person in Shenzhen welcomes the 20th National Congress of the Party "10+10" theme education activities. Carry out 21 "Pengcheng Xinli" series of theme activities and 6 "New Garden Ding" in the community event.

Hold the 22nd "Chamber of Commerce Cup" Basketball Tournament and the 2nd Golf Invitational Tournament.

Focus on Shouzheng innovation and opening up a new platform

The district leadership hanging point service enterprise symposium was held, and the 17 categories of 17 claims proposed by the enterprise form a "Special News Reporting Special Press of the Guangming District Private Enterprise" to the district party and district government to coordinate the relevant departments to resolve.

Initially, the conceptual design plan of the "Pomegranate Seed" park with the theme of casting the Chinese nation community is initially planned. The exhibition hall building and exhibition design plan gradually improved.

Promote the establishment of the Ethnic Unity and Progress Association of Guangming District to elected members of the first council.

The first general meeting of the National Unity and Progress Association of the Guangming District of Shenzhen.

Promote the construction of the Overseas Chinese Culture Museum, collect more than 1,0200 materials of overseas Chinese history, and visit more than 40 old overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese.

New breakthroughs in the construction of the "Three places" in the light of light

Formulate the party negotiation plan, improve the party leadership, the party and non -party parties, and the friendship system, determine 17 key research topics of the party, issue the "Tongxin Bright Voice" Journal of the Journal of the Journal, publishing suggestions and suggestions, united front dynamics, etc. 96 articles.

The Ministry of Communist Party of China and the Western Dali Customs and the District Industry and Information Council held an online “benefiting enterprise bailout and working together” customs to promote foreign trade to promote the preservation and stability and quality policy preaching conference. More than 200 representatives from more than 70 enterprises and scientific research institutions in the jurisdiction participated.

Continue to optimize national religious management services, visit the second -vocational schools of the city twice, coordinate the management services of ethnic minority teachers and students, build a consciousness of the Chinese nation community, and resolutely maintain ideological security.

In order to provide 54 internship positions and 27 employment positions in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Youth Selection of Lighting Internship Employment, 7 events such as "Creating Live · Macau Youth Exploration of Guangming, Feeling Light Entrepreneurs Style" and other activities were issued. Taiwan Policy Compilation (2021 Edition) "supports Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots into the overall development of the" double district ".

Promote the service project of "Gui · Home", Qingtong Program, promote the publicity and innovation and entrepreneurial policy of more than 40 times, and organize 3 "Running Bar Youth" series of friendship and dating activities, visit the visits to the instrument, the deep sensation, Tuopu, Tuopu More than 10 companies founded by returning to study abroad.

Help the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development show new responsibilities

Each democratic party and non -parties participated in more than 200 people in the front line.

Mobilized the majority of united front members to assist Hong Kong to resist the disease, and donated funds and donations of more than 10 million yuan. Seven residential villagers have sent a total of 432 volunteers and served more than 9,000 folks in Hong Kong, including more than 2,800 elders over 60 years old. The District Chamber of Commerce launched a group of 6 street chambers of commerce to guide the owners and landlords to actively reduce the rent and exemption of RMB 5.29 million due to the suspension of business or operating difficulties.

The district non -public party committee and the branches under the jurisdiction have established 17 party members' volunteer service teams and 14 party members pioneers. They participated in the first -tier work of the epidemic prevention and control, and the total number of services was more than 100,000.

Organize condolences to 410 people who have returned overseas Chinese in their jurisdictions, issued condolences and condolences, and condolences of 349,500 yuan. Hand of caring companies issued 59,500 yuan for 5 families and 7 children, and issued 519,900 yuan for the elderly who returned overseas Chinese in the first half of the year.Do a good job in the national religious system, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and the flow of traceability.Carefully implement the vaccination service guarantee of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots.

In the second half of 2022, the Ministry of Battle of the Guangming District Committee will further promote the project's projectization and project branding, better serve the overall situation of the party and the national center, serve Guangming to create a "three places", accelerate the construction of the world -class science city and the center of northern Shenzhen.Essence

Bright News All Media Reporter Lei Yunxia

Correspondent Zhang Jie Ye Fuxian

Edit Guo Haoyang

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Wuping County Meteorological Observatory issued lightning yellow warning [Class III/heavier]

Wuping County Meteorological Observatory issued a thunderbolt yellow warning signal at 12:52 on June 10, 2022: It is expected that there will be strong thunderstorms in our county in the next 6 hours.

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