[Chengxiang Civilization is not possible, I can't do it] The District Natural Resources Bureau organized the 32nd "National Land Day" business consulting activity

Author:Today Time:2022.07.01

A few days ago, the Natural Resources Bureau of the Chengxiang District organized cadres to organize the "National Land Day" business and legal consulting activities in Fenghuangshan Square.

At the event site, the staff publicized, explained the laws and regulations of natural resources, the process of service, and the prevention and control of geological disasters on the spot.Party members and cadres rushed to the streets on the scorching sun, and distributed publicity materials for the "Knowledge Reading of Rural House Situations" and "Common sense of geological disasters" to the past citizens.

Source: Rong Media Center, Chengxiang District, Putian City

Author Chen Jiezhong Chen Qi

Edit: Lin Youming

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