The launching ceremony of Tianjin State -owned Assets System Labor Modeling Craftsman Entry Campus Activity was held at Tianjin Light Industry Vocational and Technical College

Author:Future Online Universities Time:2022.07.01

On June 29th, the launching ceremony of the "Political Education Education+Craftsman Skills" of the state -owned asset system of Tianjin City was held at Tianjin Light Industry Vocational and Technical College. Guests attending the meeting include: Liu Yi, the second -level inspector of the Municipal SASAC, Liu Yan, the secretary of the party committee and chairman of the Boqing Group, Zhang Shixin, the chairman of the Boqing Group, the leaders of the Energy Group, Belle Group, Bohua Group, Guoxing Capital Party Committee and the Party Committee of Guoxing Capital Leaders of 5 vocational colleges, northern engines, Tianjin Aerospace Electrical Equipment Research Institute, Tianjin Aviation Electromechanical Co., Ltd., China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Group 707 Research Institute, Chairman of the 46th Institute of China Electricity Department, teachers and representatives of 80 students attended the launching ceremony The meeting was chaired by Comrade Wu Xiaoxin, the director of the Enterprise Pilot and Chairman of the Municipal Defense Industry Trade Union.

At the launching ceremony, the leaders of 5 colleges including Tianjin Light Industry Vocational and Technical College, Tianjin Modern Vocational and Technical College, Tianjin Urban Construction Management Vocational College, Tianjin Vocational College, Tianjin Bohai Vocational and Technical College and other colleges are national labor models, Chinese weapon technology Chu Quanhong, the leader of the northern engine, the leader of the national model and craftsman innovation studio, Tianjin Model of Labor, Tianjin Aerospace Electrical Equipment Research Institute, Li Xiaobao, the leader of the Municipal High Skills Talent Innovation Studio, the winner of the Municipal May 1st Labor Medal, Fan Zhicheng, China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Group 707 Research Institute, Cao Jing, member of the CPPCC, master of national engineering survey and design, chief expert of Haihe Design Group, Municipal Model Modeling and Craftsman Innovation Studio, "Haihe Craftsman", Tianjin Aviation Mechanical and Electrical Co., Ltd. The May 1st Labor Medal, the 66 model workers including the May Day Labor Medal, the Municipal Labor Model, and the Forty -Six Six Six Six Six Six Six Six Six Six Six Six Six Six Sixth Six Sixth Six Sixth Six Sixth Six Sixth Six Sixth Six Sixth Six Sixth Institute of Yongqing. These model workers will regularly enter the campus to teach students, and use their own work and life experience to interpret the model workers and craftsmen.

Comrade Chu Quanhong, a national model worker, a leader in Chinese weapon technology, and the northern engine institute, read the initiative. He never forgets his original intention, and vigorously promotes the "three spirit" with actual actions; does not humiliate the mission, actively inherits the "three spirit" in talent training; A initiative was issued.

In his speech, Liu Yan emphasized that we must adhere to the first way of thinking and politics, lead the majority of young students to unswervingly listening to the party and follow the party; tell the story of the work model, gather the majestic power of unity and work hard; inherit the skills of craftsmen, vigorously cultivate high high Quality technical and skillful talents and capable craftsmen; strengthen organizational collaboration, create special brands of "model workers entering the campus", and put forward earnest expectations for teachers and students and model workers of vocational colleges.

Comrade Li Xiaobao, the leader of the National Skills Craftsman Innovation Studio, the Tianjin Model of Labor, and the Tianjin Institute of Aerospace Electrical and Electrical Research. He introduced his own growth experience, and shared his persistence and down -to -earth with you in conjunction with your work; courageous to meet the challenges and achieved challenges to achieve himself; perfect small things to make perfect things; In the "Modeling Spirit", "Labor Spirit", "Craftsman's Spirit", and "Space Spirit".

After the launching ceremony, the college leaders accompanied the model craftsmen to visit the college's precision mold collaborative innovation research and development bases, and introduced the college's industry -education integration and school -enterprise cooperation results.

Dai Yuzheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Tianjin Light Industry Vocational College of Light Industry, said: The model workers entered the campus and ignited the "craftsman's heart" of vocational education students, so that the spirit of model workers and craftsmanship were passed on. At the same time, it enriches the teaching resources of ideological and political education, and greatly enhances the infectiousness and persuasion of ideological and political lessons. The Chinese dream is everyone’s dream. Happiness is struggling. The organic combination of the students of the students and the youthful dreams stimulates the Chinese dream with the youth of struggle. In addition, the relevant professional teachers of the college will also form a "Master Studio" with the model workers entering the campus to use the college's "double high" construction professional group advantage to give full play to the leading role of workers to solve technical problems for enterprises. (Correspondent: Zhang Yuxin, Vocational and Technical College of Tianjin Light Industry)

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