Stabilize the market subject to stabilize the economic market

Author:Minnan Daily Time:2022.07.01

Stabilize the market subject to stabilize the economic market

Zhangzhou City held a press conference on implementing a solid and stabilizing economic package policy and measures

Reporter at the press conference, a reporter Li Lin from Li Lin

Zhangzhou News Network (Reporter Chen Huihui) On June 30, the press conference of "Zhangzhou City Implementing the Implementation Plan for Stability and Stability of Economy Praise" was held. Cai Xingzhou, vice chairman of the CPPCC, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, introduced the relevant situation of the "Implementation Plan". The Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Industry and Information Bureau, the Municipal Finance Bureau, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau, the Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau, the Municipal Commerce Bureau, and the Municipal Finance Bureau mainly answered reporters related questions. The press conference was chaired by Chen Huizhen, deputy minister of the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department and Director of the Municipal Government News Office.

This year, Zhangzhou has fully implemented the requirements of the Party Central Committee, the State Council's decision -making deployment, and the work requirements of the provincial party committee, and the provincial government, coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and the development of economic and social development. Keep in a reasonable range.

In order to stabilize the market entity and stabilize the economic market, on June 16, the city issued the "Implementation Plan for the Implementation of the Policy and Measures of the Economic Package of the Economic Package", and 52 measures were proposed in 8 aspects. Among them, the eight aspects include increasing the difficulty of rescue the rescue of the market, the stable supply chain of the industry chain, the greater efforts to maintain employment, expand the effective investment, promote consumer demand, fully stabilize foreign trade and stabilize foreign capital, strengthen the security of food and energy sources, keep the basic protection, basic protection People's livelihood and so on.

The "Implementation Plan" issued this time is clear. Among them, the 52 measures introduced in the issuance basically covered 33 State Council and 48 provincial governments, and combined with the actual situation of our city to further refine the quantification and intensity, focus on forming a policy synergy and expanding the policy effect. At the same time, in response to the rising operating costs faced by the current market entities, expensive financing, and poor industrial chain supply chain, specific rescue measures are proposed.

It is worth mentioning that the ninth aspect of the "Implementation Plan" proposes 3 guarantee measures to clarify "who formulated, who propaganda, who interprets, who implements", optimized the implementation process, and incorporated 52 policies and measures into me into me The city's "exemption is to enjoy" platform, promotes policy to achieve the "exemption" of enterprises, the platform's "intellectual review", and the "fast" speed -up transformation; combined with the "Thousands of cadres hanging thousands of enterprises" activities, the country, provinces and cities will be launched. The policy and measures of benefits from enterprises will be compiled into a book, in -depth publicity and interpretation of enterprises and projects, improves the awareness rate and coverage, and effectively promotes the decline in the policy, and the market entities should be enjoyed.

Cai Xingzhou, vice chairman of the CPPCC, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission:

Continue to deepen the "Back Tackling" competition

This year, the city has adhered to the project as king, the project is heavy, and the project is large, and the key role of investment in steady growth. From January to May, the increase in fixed asset investment in our city remained at the forefront of the province and strived to achieve investment in the first half of the year. "Double half".

In the next stage, our city will continue to deepen the "comparison of the project" competition, accelerate 762 key projects under construction and 40 municipal levels such as Zhangzhou Nuclear Power 1-2, Clouds and Shenglin Paper Integrated The "heavy -duty" project, the annual city -level key projects have completed an investment of over 195 billion yuan, and effectively give play to the supporting role of key projects in stable investment. Adhering to the completion of centralized projects every quarter, two batches of centralized start -up activities have been held this year, with a total of 311 completion projects and a total investment of 177.9 billion yuan. The event is planned to open 156 completion projects and a total investment of 53.5 billion yuan.

Pay close attention to the 137 municipal -level key projects and 75 city -level preparatory projects, establish a "two single and one watch", strengthen tracking services, speed up the preliminary work, and promote early construction. In particular, the second phase of the integrated phase of Zhongsha Gutai, the Integrated Phase III of the Refining Chemical, the Unit 3-4 of the Nuclear Power, the Zhangshan High Speed ​​Rail, the Shenhai Expressway Longhai Beixiang to the Emperor Fu'an and the Cantonese section, the Liu'ao Sea Winding Farm A number of major early projects such as the second phase of the second phase, fulfilling their efforts to serve, and promoted the early landing.

Give full play to the "preliminary office" of the city and county levels, grab the policy window period, and continue to plan and reserve a reserves on the basis of 550 infrastructure projects and 102 major engineering sub -projects of "14th Five -Year Plan". Approval of projects, do deeper early work, and actively strive to enter the rules.

Improve the cooperation and cooperation mechanism of project elements, implement the hierarchical management mechanism of key projects at the municipal -level project, strengthen the intensity of the city leaders' double -linked "heavy" projects, and timely ensure the service services such as land, forests, and sea. Actively strive for high -level funding support in budget investment, special debt, and policy bank loans. Actively promote the preliminary work of the pilot project of the real estate investment trust fund in the city's infrastructure field, and strive to make breakthroughs in listing financing.

Reporter Chen Huihui

Guo Yanhe, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau:

Lise for the manufacturing industry

Recently, the State Council and the State Minister have issued a series of stable growth policies and measures such as tax refund and monetary finance. The Provincial Government and Municipal Government have also achieved the provincial -level growth funds and provincial and municipal -level new -scale industrial reward funds in the first quarter of the provincial level, supporting enterprises to stabilize the production and manufacturing capital increase and expand production. In the second quarter, in order to further boost the city's industrial economic operation, the municipal party committee and municipal government took the expansion of the capital coverage of the funds of the enterprise, increased the flow of enterprise production and operation funds, and opened the supply chain of the industrial chain as the starting point. Two aspects of policies and measures-

Reduce the cost of electro -vitality for enterprises. In addition to the second quarter of 2022, the electricity consumption of small and medium -sized and micro manufacturers (except six high -energy energy -consuming enterprises) will give subsidies at 5%of the actual payment fee, and the water and gas will be given at 0.8 yuan/ton and 0.2 yuan/cubic meter, respectively. Subsidies, single companies subsidize up to 500,000 yuan. Promote the production chain supply chain enterprises to achieve full production. For small and medium -sized industrial enterprises in the second quarter of this year, sales revenue increased by 5 million yuan (inclusive) to 20 million yuan from the same period last year, and rewarded 50,000 yuan; sales revenue increased by 20 million yuan (inclusive) to 50 million yuan year -on -year, and the award was 10 10 million yuan. 10,000 yuan; sales revenue increased by more than 50 million yuan (inclusive) or more, and rewarded 200,000 yuan. During the prevention and control of the epidemic prevention and control, the local enterprise products are transported to high -risk areas in the outbreak of the province or returned to Zhangzhou by transporting raw materials such as raw materials in high -risk areas in the epidemic. For subsidies, the subsidy amount of single companies can reach up to 100,000 yuan.

In order to improve the efficiency of funding, the above fund awards policy is included in the "exemption is enjoying" platform. As long as the enterprise meets the relevant conditions and passes the review, it can enjoy the funds of beneficiary enterprise. From January to May, Zhangzhou's industrial added value growth rate reached 12.7%, ranking second in the province. In the first half of the year, the industrial economy was expected to achieve "double half".

Reporter Chen Huihui

Shi Xiaoying, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Municipal Finance Bureau:

Precise efforts to benefit enterprises and people

The financial departments at all levels of our city have resolutely implement the decision -making and deployment of the municipal party committee and municipal government, attach great importance to stabilizing economic work, and take the initiative to claim the tasks around "improving efficiency, improvement of efficiency, and increasing efficiency." Coordinate and effectively put the policy in place.

Speed ​​up to speed up, accelerate the implementation of a combined tax support policy, and stimulate the vitality of the market subject. From January to May, the city has handled 4.96 billion yuan in tax refund, of which 3.19 billion yuan in April and 1.59 billion yuan in May. The total tax refund of these two months was 4.78 billion yuan, exceeding the current tax revenue of 780 million yuan. Coupled with the estimated tax refund of 2.86 billion yuan in June, the total tax refund in the first half of the year was about 7.8 billion yuan, and about 80%of the total annual total tax refund was completed.

Cooperate with all efforts to strengthen policies such as finance and finance and employment. Give play to the role of inclusive financial policies, this year, it successfully landed for 1189 special funds for small and medium -sized enterprises, with a loan amount of 3.43 billion yuan. In the past year, the city has issued a total of 78.388 million yuan in stable subsidies, involving 222,000 people, and benefiting 108,000 enterprises; continuing the implementation of the stage of unemployment insurance at the stage of unemployment insurance to April 30, 2023. About 170 million yuan.

Make every effort to ensure stable fiscal operation. The Municipal Finance Bureau coordinated development and prevent risks, and stabilized the stable economic and grass -roots finances — according to the principles of "county -level and municipal assistance", municipal and county jointly regarded the protection of financial stable operation as political tasks, and will be a good job of political tasks. "Three guarantees" expenditure as the focus of budget expenditure; our city has now strived to support the implementation of tax cuts at the grassroots level and 3.89 billion yuan in the transfer of key people's livelihood transfer. Fiscal management, focus on the performance of funds, adhere to the government's "tight life", do our best to do it, and do our best to ensure that fiscal policy and economic and social development are adaptable. "".

Reporter Chen Huihui

Han Ruifa, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau:

Help enterprise relief and stable employment

In order to implement the work deployment of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government on the maintenance of the main body of the market, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has introduced a series of implementation measures with relevant departments to achieve preliminary results. From January to May, various employment policies and measures have been fulfilled at 52.9491 million yuan, benefiting 155,100 employees; implementation of phased reduction and slow payment of social insurance premiums, reducing the burden of about 170 million yuan for the city's 26,900 insured units.

In order to implement the implementation plan of the policy and measures to stabilize the economy, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has issued supporting documents to further optimize the policy portfolio boxing, and comprehensively implement the various aid policies.

Expand policy coverage. The target of social security retaining policies has been expanded from five specialty industries to 22 difficult industries.拓宽一次性留工培训补助受益范围,由出现中高风险疫情地区的中小微企业扩大至该地区的所有参保企业;对未出现中高风险疫情的地区,将补助范围拓展至餐饮、零售、旅游、 Civil Aviation and Highway Waterway Railway Transport 5 industries, the implementation conditions are the participation enterprises with a certain percentage of sales in a certain period of time in a certain period of time.

Improve the standards of stabilization. In the early stage, the return ratio of small and medium -sized enterprises was increased from 60%to 90%, and the proportion of large enterprises returned from 30%to 50%was increased to help companies relieve them and stabilize employment.

Encourage corporate expansion. Policies and measures to encourage enterprises to absorb college graduates employment. For enterprises to recruit college graduates who have graduated year, sign labor contracts and participate in unemployment insurance, they will issue one -time expansion subsidies to enterprises at a standard of 1500 yuan per person.

In the next step, we will make efforts to understand the employment policies to the grassroots and the public, and to realize that employers and workers should enjoy their employment policies. At the same time, vigorously implementing "exemption and enjoyment", integrated with relevant departments to accelerate policy acquisition, so that eligible market entities enjoy policy assistance. Reporter Chen Huihui

Chen Xiu, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Municipal Commerce Bureau:

Carry out various forms to promote consumer activities

According to the requirements of continuous consumption in the "Implementation Plan", the Municipal Commerce Bureau actively responded, grasped important time nodes of holidays, and carried out consumer activities in accordance with the principle of "January One theme".

Issue consumer coupons to promote consumption. Combined with the "Quanmin Yue Buy · Fortune Fortune Business Travel" carried out in the province, the city plans to invest more than 10 million yuan to rely on online platforms such as cloud flash payment to surround catering, accommodation, retail, home appliances, home improvement, digital products In other areas, focusing on key industries and helping consumption recovery, the event will continue until December.

Carry out car consumer activities. The city plans to carry out two -phase car consumer activities from June to the end of the year. The first phase has begun on June 15th. The maximum subsidy for consumers to buy new cars and licenses in our city will be given 5,000 yuan. At the same time, it will carry out new activities with old cars and purchase new cars 6,000 yuan. Total investment of 25 million yuan, stimulating the limited consumption of more than 600 million yuan.

Hold a variety of offline consumption activities. Since May, the counties and districts have actively launched offline consumer activities. Carrying out the ancient city business district exhibitions, the first home appliance exhibitions, "Quanjian Music Shopping Huaxiang" ancient city business district promoting consumption in the ancient city business district exhibitions, the first home appliance exhibitions; · Fujian Business Travel "Longwen District Automobile Food Promotion Consumption Consumption activities, a series of government -led offline promotion activities such as" Food Carnival and Consumption Week "and holding food festivals in Changshan. At the same time, various commercial districts, complexes, and business enterprises actively carry out consumer activities to meet the diverse consumer needs of the masses.

Hold online platforms to promote consumer activities. Planning cooperate with major online sales platforms, carry out online consumption activities, synchronize online and offline efforts to create a strong consumption atmosphere.

In the next stage, the Municipal Commerce Bureau will continue to carry out consumer activities, actively strive to promote consumer support funds, promote the county and districts to play the role of consumer entities, plan for various forms of planning and implementation, and set off a wave of consumer activities, promote economic development to embark on the economic development. Quick lane.

Reporter Chen Huihui

Shen Zhende, chief engineer of the Municipal Housing and Urban Construction Bureau:

Meet the rigid and improved housing needs of the masses

In the "Implementation Plan" issued this time, some policies and measures were proposed to the real estate industry, some of which were short -term and some were long -term. The overall expected goal is: adhere to the positioning of "housing and not frying", further improve the supply and demand structure of the real estate market, meet the reasonable needs of the masses and improve the reasonable housing, promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate industry, and achieve "stable price, stable housing prices, stable expectations" Target. There are three main policies and measures:

Implement one -handed housing purchase subsidy. This is a short -term policy measure. From June 17, 2022 to December 31st, the buyer who purchases new commercial housing in our city is a household registration of Zhangzhou City, and each set is subsidized by 0.5%of the total transaction contract. More than 15,000 yuan; if it is a non -Zhangzhou resident, the subsidy is given by 0.7%of the total amount of the contract, and the maximum subsidy amount does not exceed 20,000 yuan. This subsidy standard is strictly implemented in Licheng District and Longwen District, and other counties (districts) and development zones (investment areas) may be implemented. This policy is expected to benefit 20,000 families.

Standardize the second -hand housing trading market. This is a long -term policy measure. It is mainly to establish a sound supervision system for second -hand housing transaction funds, reduce the risk of trading markets with fund supervision services, further standardize and activate the second -hand housing trading market to better meet the needs of the people's reasonable housing.

Promote the integration model of An Shang. This is a long -term policy measure. The main reason is to adjust and optimize the compensation method of house demolition and resettlement, encourage the adoption of "currency compensation+house purchase subsidy" new model of An commercial integration, establish a real estate library that plans to provide resettlement listings, the highest control price of resettlement housing, and the demolished people are autonomously autonomous. Purchase and resettlement and grant house purchase subsidies can better meet the demand for resettlement of the demolished people, promote harmonious relocation, and open up the conversion channel for commercial housing and resettlement houses.

Reporter Chen Huihui

Huang Zhihua, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Municipal Financial Bureau:

Increase financial support for small and medium -sized enterprises

Our city has always put financial support for the development of small and medium -sized enterprises in an important position, increases financial support, and further alleviates corporate financing problems.

The policy is more accurate. In Zhangzhou's "52" in Zhangzhou, it clearly proposes "improving the ability and level of inclusive small and micro financial services, and strive to increase the balance of inclusive small and micro loans throughout the year." Enterprises effectively docking to ensure that financing intentions are transformed into loans below as soon as possible, and they are effective. Especially in combination with the actual situation, the city has specially introduced the "Interim Measures for the Management of Zhangzhou's Inclusive Financial Risk Compensation Management". Credit support in the field of inclusive finance provides risk compensation for qualified loan principal losses, and has the characteristics of wide coverage, pure credit, and unsecured.

The bailout is more powerful, guiding enterprises and banking institutions to actively connect with the seventh phase of small and medium -sized enterprises in our province for bailout loans, and reduce the interest rate of inclusive financial loans, increase the proportion and increase of inclusive small and micro loans, effectively reduce the comprehensive enterprise synthesis Loan cost. By the end of May, the average interest rate of RMB loans in the city was 5.02%, a decrease of 14 basis points from the beginning of the year. It is more convenient to obtain loans. Our city gives full play to the role of government financing guarantee, a quasi -fiscal policy instrument, focusing on market entities to increase credit, highlighting inclusive directions, and helping enterprises get rid of financing dilemma. By the end of May, the city's government financing guarantee agencies were 3.27 yuan in the balance of 3.07 billion yuan, with an average guarantee rate of 0.69%. Among them, small and medium -sized enterprises have a balance of 2.696 billion yuan, benefiting 4,196 enterprises; involving the main body of "three rural areas" in the balance of 271 million yuan, and benefiting more than 300 "three rural" subjects. At the same time, vigorously promoting policy products such as "technical reform", "science and technology loan", "entrepreneurial guarantee loan", and focus on helping small and micro enterprises that have affected the larger industries by the epidemic. By the end of May, the balance of inclusive small and micro loans in our city was 66.649 billion yuan, an increase of 30.36%year -on -year. Reporter Chen Huihui

Editor -in -chief/Xu Jingzheng Lin Siyi

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