Follow | Five major actions to implement disability prevention in Shandong

Author:Published in Shandong Time:2022.07.01

Recently, the General Office of the Shandong Provincial Government issued and implemented the "Shandong Province Disability Prevention Action Plan (2022-2025)", which clearly proposed that by the end of 2025, the province's disability prevention policy system will be further improved, the disability prevention service network is more sound, the people of the people disabled The prevention of literacy is significantly improved, the main disabled factors have been effectively preventing and controlled, and the implementation of various tasks of disability prevention. The main indicators are at the forefront of the country. The lives of the people and health of the people are more guaranteed.

In response to the major disabled factors such as genetics and development, disease, and damage, the action plan proposes the implementation of five major actions for disability prevention. The first is to carry out the popularization of the knowledge of disability prevention, build a strong disability prevention professional team, strengthen the propaganda and guidance of key groups, and improve the public disability prevention skills. The second is to carry out disability prevention and control operations for birth defects and development disorders, and strengthen early -marriage health care, prenatal screening diagnosis, and early screening intervention of children's disability to effectively reduce birth defects and developmental disability. The third is to carry out disease prevention and prevention operations, highlight the ability to prevent and treat chronic diseases, psychological and mental illness, infectious diseases, local diseases, and occupational diseases, and focus on preventing and controlling the disability of the disease. The fourth is to carry out damage to disability prevention and control operations, strengthen comprehensive supervision and hidden dangers in the aspects of disabled factors such as production and life and natural environment, which are closely related to the lives of the people, and strive to reduce damage and disability. Fifth, carry out rehabilitation services to promote the actions, strengthen and improve rehabilitation medical services, improve the quality of rehabilitation services for the disabled, strengthen long -term care services, and comprehensively promote the construction of barrier -free environment.

Disability prevention is a systematic project, and the division of labor in the five major actions involves the work responsibilities of 37 departments and units. The action plan requires that the provincial level has established a coordination mechanism for disability prevention work, further strengthening departmental communication and coordination, giving full play to the role of the work committee of the disabled people at all levels, and coordinating the implementation of action plans. Improve the disability prevention and guarantee system, strengthen the construction of disability prevention policies, improve the grass -roots disability prevention service network, build a strong disability prevention team, promote the development of disabled scientific and technological research and demonstration applications, and strengthen the support technology support of disability prevention prevention with new technologies and new experience. Continue to carry out publicity and education of disability prevention, do a good job of publicity and interpretation, and create a good atmosphere in order to promote the implementation of the implementation of various tasks of disability prevention.

The action plan also reduces the contents of Shandong characteristic work in Shandong characteristics such as three -year operations such as new disability projects and agricultural products "increasing increasing increasing promotion of illegal drug control". Based on the implementation of national tasks, two new tasks such as increasing public disability prevention skills and strengthening work injury prevention, and proposed to implement genetic screening and rare disease screening of key groups, improve the level of leprosy and residual rehabilitation, strengthen electric bicycles A series of special measures such as comprehensive governance.

(Source: Volkswagen Daily client)

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