The Health and Health Bureau of Pingxian County, Ankang Town launched a series of "Qing July" series of activities

Author:Shaanxi Elderly Health Time:2022.07.01

On July 1, the Party Branch of the Health Bureau of Pingxian County, Ankang Town, the Party Branch of the Zhenping County Women's Planning Center, and the Party Branch of Yuxing Village jointly launched the "Branch Lianqing Qi Yi to welcome the 20th National Congress".

"I volunteered to join the Communist Party of China ..." The event kicked off from the powerful oath of joining the party.

Comrade E -Kunyin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of Zhenping County Health and Health Bureau, gave all the party members with the theme of implementing the spirit of the 14th Party Congress of Shaanxi Province in the spirit of the 14th Party Congress of Shaanxi Province, and visited the difficulties. Party members, concerned about their physical conditions and living conditions. In the monitoring households, they told the first secretary of the village to pay more attention to the family living conditions of the monitoring households and actively help solve practical difficulties.

Subsequently, all party members and cadres carried out a series of national fitness campaigns. The participants were shaking, cooperating with tacit understanding, tense and active atmosphere, and carried forward the spirit of not being afraid of suffering and not afraid of tiredness. The plastic bottle and cigarette butt on the road help the villagers to remove the weeds in front of the house and the field. Despite the hot weather, everyone is still emotional and full of energy, creating a clean, tidy and orderly living environment for the villagers. Take this opportunity to invite experts from Zhenping County Hospital to carry out "free consultations to help the countryside to revitalize the health of the country and send them to the masses". Provide conventional inspection and consultation, and issue more than 100 copies of health education promotion information.

This event makes full use of the form of the branch joint construction to further strengthen the awareness of party members' service at the grassroots level, closely connect with the Baolian Village, enrich the organizational life, and enhance the appeal, cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization. The role of party members' vanguard has been effectively played.

(Political Office shares)

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