The re -election of the provincial party committee of the country is over, and the 80s of the 70s Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee of Tianjin in Beijing and Shanghai

Author:China News Weekly Time:2022.07.01


High education youthful characteristics are obvious

On the afternoon of June 30, the first plenary meeting of the 13th Committee of the Beijing Communist Party of China was held in Beijing. Cai Qi was elected as the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Chen Jining and Yin Yong were elected as the Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee.

The members of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee are also You Jun, Sun Meijun, Chen Jian, Mo Gaoyi, Xia Linmao, Fu Culture, Yang Jinbai, Jin Wei, Sun Junmin, and Zhao Lei.

At this point, the 8 -month -old provincial party committee has been completed. From October 2021 to June 2022, 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities across the country successively held the provincial party congress to complete the election of the party committee, and elected the new party committee leadership team.

119 people are newly elected to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee

From time to perspective, the provincial party committee has conducted three rounds.

In the last round, it was from mid -June to the end of this year. Ningxia, Tianjin, Hubei, Jilin, Zhejiang, Shanghai, and Beijing provincial party committees completed the re -election. In order, the number of new provincial party committees in these places is 4, 3, 4, 3, 1, 3, and 5. In addition, Beijing's newly elected deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee.

As a result, the above 7 provincial party committee member team has a total of 23 faces, including 4 women. Among the 23 new faces, nearly half of the new 70s of the post -70s Provincial Party Committee, a total of 11 people. Among them, Beijing, Shanghai, and Tianjin, the new post -70s member of the Standing Committee accounted for the largest proportion, with a total of 8 people.

The 80s of the new 80s of the Beijing -Shanghai -Jin dynasties are: Yang Jinbai, Jin Wei, Sun Junmin (female), and Zhao Lei of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Wang Xu, a member of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal Committee, Chen Tong, Zhang Wei, and Guo Fang (female).

The previous round of provincial party committee was re -election from the end of April to the beginning of June this year, involving Guizhou, Hainan, Heilongjiang, Guangdong, Qinghai, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Chongqing, and Shandong.

Earlier, from October to December last year, Xinjiang, Henan, Shanxi, Anhui, Anhui, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Guangxi, Hebei, Fujian, Inner Mongolia, Yunnan, Tibet, and Liaoning 14 provincial party committees completed the re -election.

According to the rough statistics of China News Weekly, starting from October 2021, the provincial party committee of the round of this round of the provincial party committee, 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities, a total of 119 new members were elected as the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and 41 new members of the 70s were in the 70s. About one -third of the Standing Committee of the New Provincial Party Committee.

Among them, the provincial party committee was re -elected last year, with 55 members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, of which 22 were in the 70s. From the end of April to early June this year, the provincial party committee of 10 places was re -elected, with 41 Standing Committee members of the Provincial Party Committee, of which 8 were 80. The latest round of 7 provincial party committees will be re -elected, with 23 new provincial committee members, including 11 post -70s.

In addition, as of June 30 this year, including Taiwan Province, 32 provincial administrative regions across the country have selected the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. According to Xinhua News Agency, the National Taiwan Provincial Party Member Members of the Communist Party of China closed in Beijing on June 26. On the same day, the representative of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Taiwan was elected.

Xinhua News Agency reported in November that the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee decided that the party was held in Beijing in the second half of 2022. The Central Committee issued the "Notice on the Election of the 20th National Congress of the Party" and made a comprehensive deployment of the election work of the 20th National Congress. The report also mentioned that the central government has determined a total of 2,300 representatives, which are elected by 38 election units across the country. The election work of the 20th National Congress starts from mid -November 2021 to the end of June 2022.

Beijing: A new Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee

Compared with the list of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee before, 5 of the 13 people were newly -known members. Yin Yong is the Deputy Secretary of the New Municipal Party Committee. Fu Culture, Yang Jinbai, Jin Wei, Sun Junmin (female), and Zhao Lei are member of the Standing Committee of the New Municipal Party Committee. Among them, Yang Jinbai, Jin Wei, Sun Junmin (female), and Zhao Lei are all post -70s.

Yin Yong is a "quasi -70s". Born in August 1969, Wuhan, Hubei. He has worked in financial institutions such as the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and the People's Bank of China for many years, and has served as the vice president of the central bank. In January 2018, Yin Yong was transferred to Beijing by the central bank and served as deputy mayor. In December of the same year, he served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor.

Fu Culture is the "Standing Committee of the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee", and in 2020 he served as commander of Beijing Weiyi District.

Yang Jinbai was the deputy general manager of the State Grid, the vice chairman of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region; Jin Wei was the secretary of the party committee and chairman of Shougang Group, the secretary -general of the Beijing Municipal Government, and the director of the municipal government office; in 2020, Yang Jinbai and Jin Wei served as Beijing. The deputy mayor of the city now enters the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee as the deputy mayor.

Sun Junmin has long worked in Beijing for a long time. From the gender of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, there are 2 women, in addition to Sun Junmin, but also the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and the Minister of Organizations, Sun Meijun.

Zhao Lei has also worked in Beijing for a long time and is a doctor of economics. He has been practicing in Fengtai District, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, and Tongzhou District for many years. Last July, he fulfilled the secretary of the Xintong State District Party Committee.

The characteristics of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and the characteristics of youth are very obvious. All 13 members are masters and blogs, of which 8 are Ph.D.. In addition, there were 5 post -70s in the team members. In addition to the new 4 70, there are also Xia Linmao, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Education Working Committee. The youngest member of the Standing Committee is Yang Jinbai, who was born in April 1973.

In addition, among the 13 Standing Committee of Beijing Municipal Party Committee, in addition to the "Standing Committee of Ronglong", eight Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee members have worked in Beijing Enterprise, Municipal Government, and State Ministerial Ministers for a long time. Shanghai: 12 Standing Committee 5 people 50s post -70s

On June 28, the first plenary meeting of the 12th Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Committee was held at the World Expo Center. Li Qiang was the secretary of the municipal party committee, and Gong Zheng and Zhuge Yujie were deputy secretary of the municipal party committee.

He was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. Among them, Chen Tong, Zhang Wei, and Guo Fang are new faces among the new members of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, and they are all post -70s.

Chen Tong, a native of Pingchang, Sichuan, has long worked in the Ministry of Culture and has experienced aid experience. In August 2020, he served as the deputy mayor of Shanghai, the leader of the Municipal Tourism Development Leading Group, and the director of the Management Committee of the Shanghai Laoshan National Tourism Resort. In June of this year, he served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, the Minister of the United Front Work Department, and the secretary of the party group of the Municipal Academy of Socialism.

Guo Fang is a native of Dehua, Fujian. He has long worked in Shanghai for a long time. In February last year, he served as the secretary of the Hongkou District Party Committee, and ranked among the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee in June this year. She became the only post -70s female official in the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee.

Similar to Beijing, in this round of the Shanghai Party Committee, high education and youthfulness are also their characteristics. There are 12 members of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, including 5 doctors and 7 masters.

From the age of age, 5 of the 12 people were in the 70s, namely Zhuge Yujie, Zhao Jiaming, Chen Tong, Zhang Wei, and Guo Fang. Among the members of the team, the youngest is Zhang Wei, born in June 1973, the current member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor, and the director of the Shanghai Mayor Xingdao Development and Construction Management Committee.

From the perspective of across provinces, 8 of the 12 people have across provinces, and seven of them are across provinces to Shanghai after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Tianjin: 11 Standing Committee members have cross -provincial experience

On the afternoon of June 20, the first plenary meeting of the 12th Committee of the Tianjin City of the Communist Party of China was held in the Tianjin Auditorium. Li Hongzhong, Zhang Gong, Jin Xiangjun, Li Jun, Chen Huikuan, Liu Guiping, Ji Guoqiang, Lian Maojun, Wang Tingkai, Zhou Derui, Wang Xu, Shen Lei, and Wang Lijun were elected as the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Li Hongzhong was elected as the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Zhang Gong and Jin Xiangjun were elected as the Municipal Party Committee vice secretary.

In this change, Wang Xu (the current member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Education Working Committee, Deputy Mayor), Shen Lei (female, the current member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, the Minister of the Propaganda Department), Wang Lijun (the current member of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary -General) is the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal Committee Standing Committee. New face.

Wang Xu, Manchu, the only post -70s cadre of the Standing Committee of the New Municipal Party Committee, was born in June 1970. He was born in Funing, Jiangsu. In March last year, he served as the deputy mayor of Tianjin, and in May of the same year, he also served as the director of the management committee of China (Tianjin) Free Trade Zone. In June this year, he served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal Committee and Secretary of the Education Working Committee. He also served as the deputy mayor.

Shen Lei has long worked in Tianjin for a long time, and has successively worked in Tianjin Development Zone Economic Development Bureau, Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone Investment Promotion Bureau, Tianjin Sino -Singapore Ecological Urban Management Committee Commercial Bureau, Tianjin Dongjiang Bonded Port Management Committee, China (Tianjin) Freedom The management committee of the Trade Pilot Zone. In July last year, he served as the director of the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Commerce and the secretary of the party group. In June this year, she was among the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda as the director of the Commerce Bureau.

Wang Lijun, a native of Hebei New Town, a doctor of economics. He is born in college teachers. Mayor of Fengtai District. In December 2019, he moved to Tianjin and served as Secretary of the Jizhou District Party Committee and Secretary of the Wuqing District Committee. In June this year, he was among the member of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee.

The entire Tianjin Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee, two post -70s officials, in addition to Wang Xu, also have the member of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee and the secretary of the Binhai New District Party Committee Lian Maojun. Compared with Beijing, the member of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee has more across provinces. In addition to Shen Lei and the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee, Li Jun, a member of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee, the remaining 11 are transferred to Tianjin from other provinces.

China News Weekly noticed that from the inter -provincial transfer to Tianjin to serve time, nine people were transferred to Tianjin after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which occupied the majority of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.

In addition, the members of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee also occupy the vast majority, 13 members of the team, 5 doctors and 6 masters.

Author: [email protected])

Edit: Li Zhiquan

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