Top 100 Wen Shang walked into Nanyang to contribute the power of Wen Shang in the construction of Henan Province's sub -center cities

Author:Dahe Cai Cube Time:2022.07.01

[Dahe Daily · Dahecai Cube] (Reporter Wang Leibin) From June 24th to 26th, a hundred entrepreneurs in Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce in Henan Province walked into Nanyang to visit and inspect to help Nanyang's economic development with the power of Wen Shang.

On the evening of June 24th, at the "Hundred Wen Shangshang Entering Nanyang" investment promotion conference, Fan Yong, member of the Standing Committee of the Nanyang Municipal Party Committee and Minister of United Front, praised the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce in Henan Province with political beliefs to inspire enthusiasm for entrepreneurship and condense the power of Wen Shang; Excellence shows the ambitions of the Chamber of Commerce. At the same time, he also introduced Nanyang's characteristic advantages, preferential policies, and business environment.

"Nanyang City formulates 20 important industrial chain groups to carry out the strategic planning of the industrial chain investment promotion, which is the same as the development direction of many enterprises that forms Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce. Entrepreneurs and friends of the Provincial Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce can take this inspection as an opportunity to learn more about Nanyang, and provide more support for Nanyang to accelerate high -quality and high -efficiency leapfrog development, and build Henan's sub -center cities.

Lu Qingzhong, president of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce and Party Committee of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce in Henan Province, said that for a long time, the Nanyang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have always loved business and businessmen, creating a good business environment, making Nanyang an ideal entrepreneurial development base for entrepreneurs.

"Every entrepreneur's trip to Nanyang will truly feel Nanyang's Wuhua Tianbao, people's outstanding people, witness Nanyang's innovation and development, hard work and dedication, leave unforgettable memories, stimulate the source of drinking water, mind Danjiang The beautiful feelings, "Lu Qingzhong said.

On June 25, at the organization of the Henan Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, more than 100 entrepreneur party members of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce in Henan Province conducted business inspections at Xichuan County, and participated in the promotion conference of "Hundred Wen Shangsheng into Xichuan".

Lu Qingzhong said at the promotion meeting that, as the birthplace of Chu culture and the birthplace of the southwater transfer, Xichuan has good investment prospects. One power.

In addition, the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce in Henan Province also organized entrepreneurs to visit the South Water and North Diversion Spirit Exhibition Hall, worshiped the proletarian revolutionary and militaryist Peng Xuefeng Memorial Hall, and held the theme education of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce in Henan Province. Activity.

Responsible editor: Wang Shidan | Audit: Li Zhen | Director: Wan Junwei

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