"Zero distance" communication, understanding corporate culture in an all -round way ... This live broadcast work helps graduates employment

Author:Report Time:2022.07.01


Shanghai is carrying out the "centralized operation of key enterprises' employment guarantee".

The national one -stop employment service platform "Employment Online" and the Shanghai People's Society, integrating the resources of all parties to carry out the "famous enterprise cloud recruitment employment through traffic" live broadcast in the form of joint live broadcast. It aims to accelerate the revival and recovery of Shanghai's economy. Efforts to provide accurate employment services for employers and job seekers, and effectively promote high -quality and full employment in key groups such as college graduates.

This event invited 4 well -known companies including China Baowu Iron and Steel Group, listed company Aibo Biotechnology, Shanghai Micro -League, and Shanghai Kelai Electrical Electrical to participate to provide job seekers with new materials, biomedicine, emerging numbers Industry, such as the “Fourteenth Five -Year Plan” plan for the “Fourteenth Five -Year Plan”. Relevant persons in charge of various enterprises participated in the live broadcast throughout the process, introduced corporate culture and job needs, and answered questions for job seekers, and "zero distance" communicated.


Job seekers participated in live broadcast interaction by downloading the "Employment Online" app, logging in to the official website or entering the "Employment Online" from an electronic social security card. Fresh graduates of major universities watch live broadcast and submit resumes. The event eventually attracted more than 50,000 people to watch the live broadcast, and so far, hundreds of resumes have been received.

The activity was guided by the Shanghai Employment Promotion Center, co -sponsored by the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Baoshan District and the "Employment Online", and co -organized by the Baoshan Employment Promotion Center and the Baoshan Talent Service Center.

Next, Baoshan District Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau will also organize more than 1,000 recruitment positions in the first batch of 50 companies, and focus on "protecting market entities, stabilizing enterprise employment, promoting key group employment, and improving the efficiency of job matching.

Author: Zhanyue

Edit: Wang Jiayi

Editor in charge: Shan Yingwen

*Wenhui exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source for reprinting.

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