One -grammar comments 丨 Flash to send the first knight home store opening welfare care beyond platforms, and platforms need to explore more mechanism optimization possibilities

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.01

Lei Miluo Xuan Xiaomi Surging G1 battery management chip

On July 1, the chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, Lei Miliang Xuanxin's self -developed chip: Xiaomi Surging G1 battery management chip. Lei Jun said that the surging P1 fast charging chip plus the surging G1 battery management chip has realized the self -research of battery management full -link technology. Xiaomi 12S Ultra will be equipped with these two self -developed chips, which monitor battery safety in milliseconds, greatly improving the accuracy of endurance forecasting. The most important thing is to effectively enhance the length of battery life.

Jason: In fact, it is not a rare thing for domestic mobile phone manufacturers to build cores. Last year, Xiaomi launched a self -developed image chip surging C1, vivo image chip V1 debut. Essence In the era of stocks, the self -developed chip is an eye -catching point for manufacturers to innovate. Regardless of whether it is mature or not, at least in the market inspection, it can force them to mature. The upcoming Xiaomi Mi 12S will not only have Leica blessings, but also load the surging G1 battery management chip, which will change everyone's solidification impression that Xiaomi relies on cost -effectiveness, which is of great benefit to Xiaomi, which breaks through the high -end market.

Zuckerberg: Meta has reached 3,000 in engineers this year

According to reports on Thursday, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, said that META has lowered the 2022 engineer recruitment target to 6000-7000. Earlier, the company plans to recruit about 10,000 new engineers, with a reduction of more than 30%and over 3,000. It is reported that Zuckerberg revealed this at a weekly meeting of Meta.

Haoyi: Whenever there is business, no boss will choose to recruit people with a full configuration, because the cost of processing in the future in the industry is too high. Although the Yuan universe track is still a hot spot, Meta's scaling reflects two impacts. One is that the technology industry has not restored its vitality, and the other is that Xiaoza himself has not seen the direction and goals of the industry.

Guo Mingxuan believes that Apple iPhone 14 needs far exceeding the iPhone 13 in China

Tianfeng International Analyst Guo Mingzheng said that Apple's upcoming iPhone 14 series models this fall may be stronger than the popular iPhone 13 series. Guo Mingzheng believes that, judging from his latest survey on Chinese dealers, the Chinese market's demand for iPhone 14 may be stronger than the iPhone 13. Dealers need to ensure stable supply through more prepaid deposits. Component suppliers and people in logistics analysis predict that the shipments of iPhone in the second half of this year may reach about 100 million or 90 million units.

Qi Shi: If the iPhone 14 is in the rumor, there are four models, and the increasing MAX may become Apple's new growth point in the Chinese market. The 13 -series high -screen and high battery life have successfully unplugged a lot of iPhone 8 and iPhone X nail households. If the 14 series can further attract Android users in the Chinese market, it is also logical.

Flashing the first knight home store opened in Beijing

On June 30, the first knight's house was officially opened in Beijing. The Flashing Cavaliers' House will be opened to all the flash officers in Beijing, providing them with comprehensive operations and service guarantee places such as admission training, communication, solving difficulties, resting tea breaks, offline activities, etc. Flash senders provide important offline infrastructure for exclusive services. In addition, the platform has launched a number of care measures, such as emergency service guarantee. When the flash sender encounters difficulties and needs help, it can use one -click rescue, one -click transfer order and other functions. It will be launched online on the Beijing Flash Delivery App, and will gradually be promoted to the country.

Casa: In the past two years, with everyone's attention to the real -time delivery service industry, platforms such as Hungry and Meituan have successively increased their care of riders. The opening of the first service site for flashing means that the emphasis on the benefits of rider's benefits of the same city delivery platform is also increasing, but compared to solving the service guarantee issues such as the rider's tea break, work communication, etc., the more reasonable and healthy distribution time mechanism , Reward mechanism, labor welfare mechanism is equally important. Anyway, it has been a step forward, attaching importance to the protection of riding rights and interests is an important foundation for the healthy and orderly development of the industry.

Hema announced the improvement of prefabricated crayfish production standards


On July 1, Hema's "strictest" prefabricated shrimp standard was released. Starting in April, Hema cooperated with many factories in Honghu, Qianjiang and other places in Hubei, and formulated a set of Hema prefabricated shrimp standards: there are 15 links in the weight of shrimp clamps, 34 parameters. As of now, Hema has purchased 8,000 tons of crayfish from Hubei, which has been purchased from Hubei ’s second crayfish since 2020.

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