Promotion!Shenzhen Longgang 420 companies have become municipal "specialized new" levels

Author:Longgang Rong Media Time:2022.07.01

Recently, the Shenzhen Industrial and Information Bureau issued the "Notice on the Publicity on the List of Special Specialty of Specialty" in Shenzhen in 2021 "(hereinafter referred to as the" Notice "). A total of 2,928 small and medium -sized enterprises in the city became" new ". Specialized new enterprise. Reporters from Longgang Rong Media learned from the district investment promotion and corporate service center that a new list of municipal specialized specialized lists, a total of 420 companies on Longgang District were on the list.

Relevant departments in Longgang District visited service companies.

In recent years, Longgang District has attached great importance to the cultivation and development of new enterprises, in -depth optimization of the business environment, and doing a good job of corporate service work with their hearts. For example, in November 2021, Longgang District formed the first service special specialty new enterprise "combat training team". The 21 institutions and institutions in the region selected 31 business backbones to become "war training team members" into the 31 special specialty special specialty in the jurisdiction. New enterprises conduct "one -to -one" hanging point services, collecting a total of 71 corporate demands, and 41 items have been resolved.

In June this year, the "Shenzhen Longgang District Enterprise Service Action Plan (2022-2025)" was released. Among them, specially launched a "fire plan" for specialized specialized enterprises in the jurisdiction. Focus on cultivating libraries, strengthen the "specialized specialty" enterprise group; and research and introduce special support policies to actively explore support funds "exemption to enjoy" and so on.

"Today's International" smart logistics experience center.

Shenzhen Today International Software Technology Co., Ltd. is one of the new specialized enterprises at the new city -level specialty this year. This is a company that provides information and intelligent software technology services around the field of smart logistics and intelligent manufacturing. The company is deeply touched. "We have more than 300 employees, of which 80%are technical R & D staff." Gao Xuan, director of the company's project, said that during the visit of the relevant departments of Longgang District, the enterprise provided the employee's housing and commuting issues. The promotion and corporate service centers, district housing construction and other departments have been coordinated to help enterprises have implemented a number of talent housing nearby. "Solved the worries of our employees." Gao Xuan said.

The reporter learned from the investment promotion and corporate service center of Longgang District that as of June 2022, 21 national "little giants" (including 7 of the "little giants") and Guangdong specialized new enterprise 121 There are 420 special specialized enterprises at home and municipal -level specialty. At the same time, the region has reserved 650 new backup companies. According to the plan, during the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" period, Longgang District will add more than 90 new national specialized "little giants" enterprises and more than 16 new annual increases.

Original statement: Longgang Rong Media original, please indicate the source for reprinting.

Edit: Chen Yao He Su

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