"The more you love, the more you are away from": The Guidelines for the Faculture of Equipment and Self -Rescue

Author:Simple psychology Time:2022.07.01

Before the text began, let's do a small survey: Do you have the following feelings or experience in love?

: Pay particular attention to details: a little thing may make you feel that "TA doesn't love me anymore", "Sure enough, TA doesn't like me so much".

I do n’t say something: I like to let the other person guess your careful thoughts. You may feel that your needs should not be met until you say it, but you should be seen early.

过 Apply pressure and excessively ask: You may often think of "since you are my lover, you should ..."

: Is very passive in the relationship: you dare not express your feelings and needs, and you dare not let the other person see the most authentic self.

会 Excessive sensitivity: It will be anxious because of the occasional non -reply information, because the other party has unintentional eyes or an unintentional words, and I conceive countless "scripts" in my mind.

In fact, the above is the performance of obsessive attachment. I wonder how many of you have been in?

What is obsession with attachment

The obsession attachment is one of the four types of attachment.

Based on the high and low levels of anxiety and avoidance that people show in intimate relationships, the types of attachment are divided into four types: safety, obsession, alienation, and fear.

In the close relationship, the obsessed person shows a high degree of anxiety in intimate relationships, and often suffer from a sentence because of the other party's inadvertent sentence and no timely reply to the message.

Because you are very concerned about each other and this relationship, and you are afraid of the other party, you will show varying degrees of paranoia and sensitivity.

What should I do if I am obsessed with attachment?

与 Differential differences between "emotion" and "facts". During anxiety, thinking about what makes you feel sad, is this from the true fact or your judgment?

。 Follow your own feelings. Use time to "invest in yourself", expand your social circle, enrich your hobbies, and transfer your attention.

◍ Adjust the way to get along. Maintain a certain emotional distance in intimate relationships, leaving enough personal time and space for each other, and do not see it as a performance of "not love".

Want to know your detailed attachment type and relationship mode interpretation? Want to know what makes you "faint pain" in the relationship? Come and test it, harvest your exclusive intimate relationship map and growth guide ~

Test your intimate relationship mode

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Actively understanding yourself is the first step in improving the relationship. Slowly, we can all become better ourselves and gain healthier relationships.

Author: cold cold

Responsible editor: KK

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