The most comprehensive public health center in China -Xi'an Public Health Center's main structure is fully capped

Author:The official account of Xi'an Time:2022.07.02

On June 30, with the capacity of the logistics support center on the west side of the Xi'an Public Health Center (the New Hospital of Xi'an Eighth Hospital) project, the most complete public health center in China ushered in the comprehensive structure of the main structure. Catal.

The total construction area of ​​the Xi'an Public Health Center (New Hospital of Xi'an Eighth Hospital) project is 288,100 square meters, and 1,500 beds are designed. The project is divided into two plots construction. The east side is a comprehensive and infectious hospital area. Among them, the comprehensive hospital area consists of one 4 -story outpatient medical technology building and 3 8 -storey inpatient buildings. Medical technology buildings and two 6 -storey inpatient buildings. The west side is a 14 -story logistics support center, which is mainly used for training, teaching, and accommodation for medical staff.

During the project construction, the goal of the green, safe, environmental protection, and economy is always adhered to. Plant planting chooses to heal plants such as virgers and heir, safe, non -toxic and flying, and realize the maximum humanistic care. In addition, the project adopts a viscosity -resistant seismic design, which reduces the amount of steel bars and effectively saves materials. In the air -conditioning system, the use of the condensate and heat recovery system can not only reduce the pollution caused by condensation and heat to the environment, but also saves energy, realize one -way energy energy Consumption and two -way output greatly improves the energy utilization rate and get more.

After the project is completed, it will become the first third -level hospital in Gaoling District. At the same time, it will become the most domestic public health center in the domestic bed, the most complete function, and the most advanced medical equipment. Event emergency response ability.

(Text/Xi'an Newspaper All -Media Reporter Gong Weifang Picture/Provided by the Northwest Company of China Construction Third Bureau)

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