11 "Alley Prime Ministers" came to the PK community grassroots governance plan

Author:Pole news Time:2022.07.02

Jimu Journalist Hu Changxing

Intern Wang Siyu Xie Jiaxing

"What should the community governance look like? Persist in service as the purpose, so that residents can feel temperature and humanity. Every small thing of the people is always the center of community services. This should be the soul of the community governance." July 1st On the morning of the morning, 11 community secretaries, including the party secretary of the Huiminyuan Community Party Committee of Yongfeng Street, Wuhan, is the "Alley Prime Minister" in the 11 community, including the "Alley Prime Minister". In the form of road shows, the grass -roots governance scheme suitable for the situation of their respective communities is displayed. Take this opportunity to exchange experiences between different communities, and take advantage of it.

The picture shows the scene of the stage

At the event site, 11 community secretaries who entered the finals exchanged speeches in the order of lottery. Each speaking for a limited time was 6 minutes. "In the past few days, the residents of the first phase of Huiminyuan were particularly happy because three table tennis tables were added to the leisure square. This is a content on the latest completion of the community's complete residents' needs list." Wei Xiaoshui introduced that the community was listed separately. The three major lists of residents' "demand list", the "resource list" of co -construction units, and the "project list" of the community "big party committee". This allows the community to fully integrate community resources and solve the anxiety of many residents.

It is understood that the Huiminyuan Community covers the construction building party group with full coverage, launching party member center households, and forming 11 strong red teams. Established Wang Qun's anti -drug studios to make Wang Qun a special team in the community "team deep root", serving special groups, strengthening comprehensive governance of grassroots, and escorting residents in the jurisdiction.

Li Na, secretary of the Qili Village Community, introduced the community to encourage each enthusiastic old worker to become a "craftsman" in the community. Zhou Chongshu, the old party member who was called "Zhoubaitong" by the masses, is a typical example. "From the maintenance street lights to the replacement of the water pipe, to the mediation dispute, Zhou Zhongshu often rushed to the next service site." Li Na praised the "craftsman" in the community.

The representative of the competition introduces the grass -roots governance plan of his community

At the event site, the grass -roots governance solutions of 11 community secretaries frequently moved. For example, the parrot community fully absorbs the backbone of the party members of the community and the enthusiastic residents have set up 37 grid -gang voluntary service teams to participate in community governance. Qili Yicun community implements the "Seven Color Service Law". In the work, seven colors represent seven types of residents, formulate a list of refined services, allow "service" to walk in front of "demand", and "prevent" the problem "solve". These schemes were evaluated by grass -roots governance experts as: the work is solid, the needs are accurate, the measures are meticulous, and the service is deep.

Take a group photo of the representative of the competition with the leaders

It is reported that although the expert score and awards are set up in this ring competition, the main purpose is to allow each community to communicate with each other, take advantage of the strengths, and promote them together. "Solid advancement provides demonstration leadership.

After the end of the competition, the "Yang Xiaoyi (Jiangcheng Beef Nest)" of the Hanyang District also set up the title of "Five -Star Yang Xiaoyi" for the "Yangxiayi (Jiangcheng Beef Nest)" for communities such as Parrot Street.

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