This issue 丨 Yindu District of Anyang City launched the "Two Cancers Free Screening into Township" activity; Puyang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital: Accelerate the inheritance and innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine

Author:Henan Province Health and Heal Time:2022.07.02

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Yujian Broadcasting report 225 program list


1. Yindu District, Anyang City launched the "Two Cancer Free Screening into Township and Township" (correspondent Zhu Xiaotao Wang Zheng)

2. Puyang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital: Accelerate the innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine (reported from Wang Pengfei Feng Fan)

special report

· Zhoukou: In -depth promotion of medical communities to allow the masses to enjoy the results of reform (correspondent Yang Jiwei Yang Lu)

Health reminder

· Summer scientific drinking water

Editor in charge: Wang Pengfei

- END -

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