Typhoon "Siaba" came straight to Guangxi!Water conservancy department deploy defense typhoon "Siaba"

Author:Guangxi Daily Time:2022.07.02

Typhoon No. 3 this year has been strengthened to a strong tropical storm, and its strength is still slowly enhanced, which will bring sustainable rainstorms and heavy winds to the sea surface of Guangxi and Beibu Gulf. On July 1, the Water Conservancy Department of the Autonomous Region held a video meeting No. 3 "Siaba" defense work video meeting to conduct a comprehensive mobilization and deployment of the heavy rainfall flood defense work brought by the typhoon, and launched the flood defense level IV emergency response at 12 o'clock that day. Essence

According to the forecast of the meteorological and hydrological departments, due to the influence of the typhoon "Siaba", the cumulative rainfall of Gui and South Gui Nan from the 2nd to 7th will reach 250-400 mm and local 400-600 mm.受强降雨影响,我区大部江河将再次出现明显涨水过程,郁江及支流左江、右江、南流江、北流河、蒙江、柳江、桂江、贺江、红水河及There may be a 2-10 -meter rising process in the middle and lower reaches of the Xijiang River. Among them, the possibility of super police floods in the rivers of Yujiang, Beiliu River, Mengjiang River, Xijiang River, and the coast of Gui South, and the small and medium -sized rivers in the heavy rain areas may have a large flood. According to the analysis of the water conservancy department, the heavy rainfall affects 180.48 million in the danger zone and 5,583 water conservancy projects in the area.

Typhoon "Siaba" is the first typhoon that affects our country this year, and it is also the first typhoon that affects our district this year. The water conservancy department analyzed that from the perspective of the mobile path, the typhoon "Siaba" came straight to Guangxi, and it may penetrate into the inland. Look, the typhoon "Siaba" is not large, the structure is loose but large, the body is large, the water vapor is abundant, and the rainfall brings a lot of rainfall. From the perspective of the speed and duration of the mobile. The rotation time is long, and the weakened circulation will stay in Guangxi to the 6th. The cumulative rainfall has a large amount of rainfall; from the perspective of the main influence areas, it is mainly tested in the south of Gui South and Central Gui. In the previous cross overlap, and the cumulative rainfall was large, the lack of controlling hub projects in Guinan region, the magnitude of the rivers and rivers may be large, and the flood prevention situation was more severe.

The Water Conservancy Department of the Autonomous Region requires water conservancy departments at all levels to carry forward the fine tradition of continuous fighting, and continue to fight the flood defense war brought by this typhoon with the sense of responsibility of "rest assured". It is required to closely monitor the development of wind development and do a good job of monitoring and forecasting and early warning; strengthen the investigation of hidden dangers, focus on the safety flood of small reservoirs, and solid the practice Early, early disposal; do a good job in the defense of the rivers and rivers, we must effectively implement the embankment defense inspector, standardize the inspection system, encrypt the frequency of key embankment, key parts, and insurance and insurance segments. Quick reporting mechanism to ensure that once the embankment occurs, the information can be passed quickly, and the personnel transfer can be arranged in advance. The village's risk of flood disaster risks is a rapid early warning mechanism to ensure that there is no leakage to make early warning; strengthen information reporting to ensure that the higher authorities can closely grasp the operation and emergency disposal of water projects, strive for the initiative of the flood defense work, eliminate the missed reports, and the missing reports. Report late.

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