Cooperative Municipal Taxation Bureau carried out the theme literature and art party of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party in the 101st anniversary of the party

Author:Lingcheng Published Time:2022.07.02

On June 30, the Cooperative Municipal Taxation Bureau carried out the "20th National Congress of Welcome to the Party" to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party. Zhang Xiaohui, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, Yang Chengye, deputy mayor, the responsible comrades of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the Municipal Women's Federation, and the leading cadres of the state tax system, and the family representatives watched the party.

The party kicked off in the dance "Youth". The solo "Liuyang River" and the poem recitation "July, the Song of History" sang the moving two -way rush between the party and the people. "The fashion show" Splendid China "depicts the harmonious scene of national unity. The sketch" Navigation Voice Pack "allows everyone to see the interesting soul under the taxes of the Taxi Army. The determination to evade taxes, the final chorus "Song of China Tax" pushed the atmosphere of the party to a climax. At the evening of the party, Huayan was reflected and the flowers were in a warm and united atmosphere. Many wonderful programs showed the taxi's style to the fullest. The actors' delicate performances, full of charm, and stage dramas with rich plots moved the audience's hearts again and again, and endless applause broke out from time to time.

The whole party was blended, wonderful, and passionate, which fully demonstrated the feelings of cooperative taxes and iron troops to work hard, positive and optimistic spiritual style, and the feelings of unity and work together for the overall cadres and workers. The eager expectations of the 20th victory. (Li Hui)

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