Effectively maintain the tourism market order Rizhao Donggang District Market Supervision Bureau conduct special inspections

Author:Rizhao Lu.com Time:2022.07.02

Luwang, July 1st (Reporter Xue Xibo) In order to strictly implement the "Optical Signing Price and Price Fraud" issued by the State Administration of Market Supervision, to effectively maintain the order of Rizhao Cultural Tourism Market. The Authority conducts special inspections of clear -bids and food safety, and focuses on the price, measurement and food safety of merchants around the scenic spots such as Wanpingkou, and urge merchants to implement various food safety systems, strengthen purchase inspection, claim votes, and achieve so as to achieve so as Bright price, two ket are two, ensure food safety.

During the inspection, the Donggang District Market Supervision Bureau conducted special inspections on the procurement of raw material procurement of merchants and meat certificates, catering utensil disinfection records, and health certificates of employees, and urged merchants to purchase fresh vegetables, qualified pork, and implemented Cyber ​​Coffin Ticketing system to ensure food safety of tourism catering services.

Zhang Qi, director of the Dongcheng Market Supervision Office of Donggang District Market Supervision Bureau, said: From today's inspection situation, most merchants are in place, but although individual merchants have clear prices, they are in the form of price bidding. With a little irregularity, we also rectified on the spot. In the next step, the market supervision department will increase the frequency of inspections in conjunction with the management of the scenic spot to make a severe blow to the price specifications, food safety, and measurement of food safety found during inspections, and severely punish them. Standardize the consumer environment of Rizhao's tourism market.

Zhang Ming, a merchant in Wanpingkou Scenic Area, told reporters: We attach great importance to the price marking and food safety. They have always made a clear price. The product is displayed by ordering the screen. Product price. In addition, our staff will explain to customers as soon as possible, let us maintain the tourism order of Rizhao together, so that foreign tourists can eat and play well after they come to Rizhao!

The summer vacation is coming, and the peak tourism period is approaching. The Donggang District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau will continue to strengthen supervision and inspection, do a good job of normalization of the epidemic prevention and control, food safety inspection, etc., and maintain the stable order of the cultural tourism market.

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The State Administration of Market Supervision will be implemented on July 1, issued by the State Administration of Market Supervision. The "Regulations" clarify the seven typical price fraud behaviors that operators must not implement, including lied that the price of goods and services is priced for government prices or government guidance prices; Sales or provide services such as discount, reduction or price comparison; when selling goods or providing services, use deception, misleading language, text, numbers, pictures, or videos to mark prices and other price information; Perform or not fully fulfill the price commitment; do not indicate or significantly weaken the price conditions that are not good for consumers or other operators, to seduce consumers or other operators to trade with them; When the price, refuse to discount the price at the agreed.

The "Crown Price and Prohibition of Price Fraud" also clarifies the behavior that online trading operators must not implement, including the price marked on the home page or other prominent positions than the price marked on the details page; It is inconsistent with the scope and rules of actual promotion; other false or misunderstanding price marks and price promotion behaviors.

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