Shouguang: Culture benefit the people and Runze people happy life

Author:Shouguang Yun 丨 Fresh Shouguan Time:2022.07.02

Since the beginning of this year, Shouguang City has taken the implementation of key work as its core, actively promotes the effectiveness of people's livelihood, and strives to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the masses. More people have been nourished by cultural nourishment and created a sense of happiness directly to the people.

Non -stop -zero -distance tasting "cultural feast"

With the official launch of the Fifth Rural Culture and Art Festival of Shouguang City and the 2022 public welfare tour activities in Shouguang City, the cultural feast with the atmosphere of the times, the cultural connotation, and the distinctive value -oriented cultural feast was sent to the people. Under the night, the audience used applause to "like" a wonderful cultural life.

"Listening to the big show and watching the performance is better than watching mobile phones and watching TV." In Yiyuan Plaza, Yingli Town, "the rejuvenation of the country with me" Shouguang City was held in 2022. Praise again and again. A lady was teased by the sketch performed on the stage: "I like the sketch the most, fun and funny and close to life, everyone can see it."

In Dongma -yin Village of Sun Jiaji Street, the activities of sending the countryside organized by Shouguang City are being launched. The movie "Bayai" has attracted villagers to stop and watch. "Now our village has developed better and better. Not only does it live in the building, the cultural life is more grounded, and the people of ordinary people are getting happier." Mr. Li, a villager, said.

In order to allow Guangda students to appreciate the charm of national art and promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture of China, recently, the first performance of the "strong country's revival with me" celebrated the sixth drama in the campus and campus art achievements in the campus of Shouguang City. In the melody of "I'm Chinese", the event officially kicked off. Later, the actors of the Peking Opera Art Troupe of Shouguang City performed the traditional Peking opera "Mu Guiying", the revolutionary modern Peking Opera "Red Lantern", and Jinghu Estate " "Qin Yuan" and so on, and together with teachers and students, they showed the teaching results of "opera entering the campus" and won unanimous praise from the audience.

It is reported that in order to further promote the rejuvenation of cultural empowerment of the countryside and improve the participation and happiness of the masses, this year, the Shouguang Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government listed "enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the masses" as the key work of "10.50 · 10". Promoting work requirements, led by the Propaganda Department of the Shouguang Municipal Party Committee to organize the Fifth Rural Culture and Art Festival, hold thousands of cultural beneficiaries such as public welfare tour, weekend mass stage, Peking Opera Ticket Friends Contest, and opera on the weekend. Send the movie to the countryside more than 12,000 times to achieve grassroots cultural activities "the theme of the month and the continuous line of the year", so that the masses can enjoy a rich spiritual and cultural meal at home.

Full coverage -urban and rural residents share "cultural sunlight"

Culture benefits the people, add happiness to happiness. Nowadays, walking in the land of Shouguang can feel the spiritual pleasure brought by the colorful cultural activities everywhere, and more and more people are enjoying culture, participation in culture, and creating culture. Cultural transportation tenderness, step by step to gather the spiritual power of rural revitalization.

In the texts of the Wusheng Street in Luocheng Street, the fragrance is overflowing. Volunteers are placing all kinds of books on bookshelves in an orderly manner. Law, literature, and popular science books are dazzling. "This place is very quiet. I like to read books at home, but I prefer the atmosphere of the library, quiet and comfortable." Said Wang Haoyu, a junior high school student.

This year, Shouguang issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Urban Studies and Rural Studies". In accordance with reasonable arrangements and overall planning principles, the construction of urban and rural study rooms is fully launched. It is planned to achieve full coverage of urban and rural study room construction by the end of 2024 to build a full coverage of urban and rural study rooms to build 15 minutes of urban and rural reading circles. Nowadays, the opening of urban and rural study not only effectively solves the "last mile" problem of public reading services, but also greatly enhances the city's taste and cultural atmosphere, making the incense of Shuxiang "reach". At present, Luocheng Street Wen Sheng Studies, Yangkou Town Yan Sheng Study Room, and Sunjiaji Street Agricultural Saint Study Room have been basically completed, and urban and rural study has become a striking landscape.

In the Holy Land Tea Boyo Castle, Lu Huilin, a "egg carving" craftsman, told reporters: "I have made some works in the past two years. After the release of Douyin and WeChat circle of friends, I have received many fans. The studio creation has also attracted many friends to visit and appreciate, explore and communicate, and work hard to inherit the intangible cultural heritage. "This is not only the main position of Lu Huilin's creation, but also the gathering place for all kinds of hand -made talents in Shouguang. In the "Hand -made Life Museum" in Non -Heritage Street, we will focus on displaying various non -heritage and hand -created products such as straw, root carving, cloth stickers, paper -cutting, and paper -cutting. Citizens have both emotional understanding of non -heritage culture and experienced themselves. "The upcoming" Cai Duwen Bohui "digital platform will display and sell through the Internet opponent's products, which will help further expand the influence of non -heritage culture." Lu Huilin said.

Offline people are full of voices and lively online. In the cultural center concert hall, the "strong country's revival has me" Shouguang City Boutique Scenic Scenic Drama Exhibition Activities gave citizens a colorful cultural meal. The 23 people who like to watch and act in the grass -roots literary and art home and arts and delegations are well received by grass -roots people and all sectors of society. Some outstanding works are also carried out simultaneously. "I went to watch the scene. It was very good. After returning home, I would recommend it to my family, and let them enjoy wonderful performances on their mobile phones." Citizen Zhang Hongbo said.

Such a scene is constantly emerging in the land of Shouguang, and the interesting and beneficial "cultural feast" held in front of the house allows residents to feel a high -quality cultural life at zero threshold and zero distance.Since the beginning of this year, in order to further promote the improvement of cultural benefits to the people, Shouguang City has taken multiple measures. By formulating and improving the policy of cultural construction reward, solidly carried out cultural benefits to the people, continued to carry out boutique literary creation, continuously plant cultural fertile soil, comprehensively promote the publicCultural service construction has taken a deep solid cultural foundation to help the village's revitalization.Various types of cultural benefits to the people to benefit the urban and rural areas, the art of literary and artistic products is constantly emerging, and the stars of literary and artistic talents are shining ... A city where cultural benefits to the people "do not snooze" will definitely lead the quality life through culture and further improve the city's cultural taste.

Reporter Wang Jing, a reporter from Shouguang City Rong Media Center

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