[I go to fight with the party flag photos] The heart of the heart of the party celebrates the party's loyalty to the party

Author:Police -people through traffic Time:2022.07.02

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party, review the party's struggle, and further play the leading role of party building work, the Hongkou Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau organizes a variety of formal party building activities to present the party's birthday with practical actions.

Revisit the party's oath to build the foundation of faith

In order to further inherit and carry forward the party's fine traditions, guide the party members and police to keep in mind the mission and enhance the sense of honor and mission of party members and police, all units organize party members to conduct a revisiting oath of entering the party. Through relieving the party's oath, each party member once again accepted the baptism of the soul, and said that he would not forget to enter the party's initial heart, keep in mind the duties and mission, and devote himself to his own work with a fuller enthusiasm. Essence

Advanced typical leading learning British model

In order to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the heroic model of the national public security system, the spirit of the collective commendation conference, and to welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with actual actions, all units organize police and auxiliary police through various forms to actively watch the collective advanced deeds of hero models of the national public security system " Cloud "report meeting. Everyone was deeply touched, and they said that they would learn from the power of forge, not to forget the original mission, faithfully perform their duties, and faithfully perform the new era mission mission assigned by the party and the people.

Inheritance of red genes to promote patriotism

Party members of the Jiangwan Institute organized party members and activists to revisit the red footprint of the Jiangwan Railway -celebrating the theme activities of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

The party organization of the Sichuan North Road Police Station and the party organization of the North Bund Police Station held a "July 1st" symposium.

The Entry -Exit Association was unveiled with the Binjiang Public Security Police Station and Jinguang Paper (China) Investment Co., Ltd. in Baiyulan Plaza. Through the establishment of a party building studio, the two parties will establish a long -term mechanism of co -construction and win -win results, take party building work as a link, expand new ideas in the direction of work, and open a new situation.

The police of the Party Branch of the Jiaxing Road Police Station watched the column of CCTV's "Party Flag Flying on the front line".

The original intention of the banner will not be changed

A belief will always be to the party

Hongkou Public Security Branch

All police officers, assistant police

Will keep in mind the mission loyalty to perform their duties

Welcome with practical actions

The 20th victory of the party was held

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