Haikou Longhua District Government held a scheduling and deployment meeting of Typhoon No. 3 Defense

Author:Long Teng Huacai Time:2022.07.02

On the morning of July 2nd, after Typhoon Siaba Defense No. 3 of Haikou City "Siaba" dispatching and deployment meeting, Wang Xiaolong, deputy secretary of the district party committee and district head, immediately presided over to hold Typhoon "Siaba" scheduling and deployment meeting in Longhua District Defense. Municipal conference work requires the deployment of defensive typhoon work. Gao Xiaohong, Liao Xude, Ni Xianpeng, Lin Mengyun, Liu Xin, Long Jingbin, Feng Deng Pan, Zhang Hua, and the relevant members of the relevant member units of the relevant members of the district's three defense commands attended the participation.

The meeting conveyed the work requirements of the defensive typhoon "Siaba" deployed by the province and municipalities, notifying the work and control of Manshu Road (bridge), geological disasters, and dangerous house transfer work control in the district, analyzing the current situation of flood control platforms, and research and deployment. The mayor of Wang Xiaolong emphasized that at all levels and departments, they must attach great importance to and increase their vigilance, always maintain a sense of responsibility of "constantly rest assured", grasp the work of the typhoon, and go all out to ensure the safety of the people's lives and property.

In response to the typhoon "Siaba", the mayor of Wang Xiaolong request,

First, do a good job of transfer. Each town and streets shall, in accordance with the requirements of the emergency plan, should be transferred early, and should be turned all over to do a good job of transfer and resettlement of personnel in dangerous areas.

Second, we must strengthen hidden dangers investigation. The territorial and competent departments shall strengthen the investigation and control of key areas such as dangerous houses, drilling water roads (bridges), and geological disasters, and take effective measures to deal with it in a timely manner.

Third, do a good job of drainage. The district municipal maintenance center should strengthen the emergency deployment of the team, make full efforts to repair the water drainage facilities in the water accumulation area, and quickly do a good job of drainage.

Fourth, we must strengthen the duty on duty. The district three defense headquarters and member units shall strictly implement the 24 -hour duty and leadership class system in accordance with the requirements of emergency response work, and resolutely obey the command of the headquarters to dispatch and command.

Fifth, we must do a good job in the work of the ship to avoid wind. The District Agricultural and Rural Bureau and the Political and Legal Committee of the District Party Committee must do a good job of fishing boat management and control, and towns and streets should do a good job of transferring and resettlement of foreign fishing vessels on the Hong Kong -free personnel.

Sixth, we must do a good job of guaranteeing and stable prices. According to the real -time dynamics of the typhoon, the Longhua Branch of the District Commerce Bureau and the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau should pay close attention to market supply and fruits and vegetable prices, severely crack down on behaviors such as disrupting market order such as prices, and fully ensure market supply. At the same time, the meeting asked the leaders of each district to work in accordance with the division or hanging point to sink the front line for supervision and inspection.

After the meeting, the mayor of Wang Xiaolong took the lead in the implementation of the various tasks of the typhoon "Siaba" in Zhongshan Street, and required each town and streets to attach great importance to the work of defense, keep an eye on the construction site, Manshui Road (bridge), self -built self -construction, self -construction Ligue houses, riding buildings and other key parts, weak links, and dangerous areas to conduct hidden dangers for investigation and rectification, and make every effort to transfer personnel transfer in dangerous areas to ensure the safety of the people's lives and property.

Source: Longhua District Government Office

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