People's Daily Follow Jilin: Promoting the glorious tradition and courage to take responsibility for dedication

Author:China Time:2022.07.02

Promote the glorious tradition and courage to take responsibility for dedication

——The solidly carried out mass -themed education activities in various places

People's Daily reporter

"People's Daily" (06th edition of July 02, 2022)

"Why did" Promise Youth "initiated by the New Culture Movement? What prompted Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao and others to set up the Communist Party's early organization?" On the eve of July 1st, the third phase of the Peking University Red Tower Reading Club was being held, and the Communist Party of Beijing Normal University. Wang Binglin, dean of the Party History and Party Construction Research Institute.

"At the event, we really felt the glorious years and stimulated the sense of responsibility." Said Wang Shengyan, a young employee of the China Wuzhou Engineering Design Group participating in the event. After the event audio and video broadcast online, netizens have commented: "Remember history, strong nation," "I am learning to understand the history of the century, relive the ideal of youth, adhere to the belief of youth, and always always the heart of youth" ... "

In the past few days, there have been solidly carried out various forms of mass -themed education activities in various places, inspiring the majority of party members and cadres to contribute to their own positions, and celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

Remember the history of glory and promote the fine revolutionary tradition. The theme of the "Powerful Country Revival" themes of micro -video collection activities are in full swing; Various activities.

On June 24th, Honggutan District launched the "Niu Xing Station and Nanchang Uprising" online theme preaching activities, spreading red stories and struggle stories in the form of the masses. Xiong Moqiang, deputy minister of the Organization Department of the Honggutan District Party Committee, said: "This event allows people to remember the martyrs and firm beliefs. As a party member, only if you work harder, can you afford the party emblem on his chest."

In Xining, Qinghai, many primary and secondary schools commemorate the heroic martyrs through the new media platform. "As a young teacher, I want to teach my classmates to transform the respect of the revolutionary martyrs into the actual actions of the love of the party and the hard work of the party, and encourage them to strive for a good boy in the new era and work unremitting to the party's cause." Luo Shan, a teacher of ancient city primary school in Xining City.

In Gulou District, Fuzhou City, Fujian, a "July 1st" painting pen was held in the new era of civilization in the new era of Guli Street. More than 10 calligraphy and painters from the Calligraphy Art Academy of Yixian Art Garden in Fujian Province splashed ink. These works are clear themes and diverse themes. The content is mostly based on party history stories and celebrity poems, attracting many surrounding people and calligraphy and calligraphy enthusiasts to observe.

In Luozigou Town, Wangqing County, the Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jilin, the Seventh Red Song Sea was lively. The town's 21 villages in the whole town played together. "We stood in the middle of the stage, carrying the mission on our shoulders." Zhuang Yuanli, a villager in Suifen Village, was excited. As a member of the party, Zhuang Yuanli undertaken the task of emergency response positions of the party branch half a month ago.

Adhere to the people's feelings, theme education into mind. On June 24, the party members and cadres of the Gaoyao District Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation to revisit the oath of entering the party. Recently, the bureau has actively launched the "Party Industry Integration of Outstanding Service Tax Enterprises Construction and Promoting Development", and presented preferential policies as soon as possible. "Party members and cadres should integrate the party's glorious tradition and excellent style into the spiritual blood veins, transform into spiritual motivation, and better play the role of vanguard." Said Liang Zhihua, secretary of the Party Committee of the Gaoyao District Taxation Bureau.

On June 24th, Qiu Zihong, a member of Nanyang Village, Da Yao Town, Liuyang City, Hunan, embraced the knowledge of drug control. Da Yao Town relies on the pioneers of the party members of 15 villages (communities) to integrate the strength of public security and comprehensive governance departments. Mass safety.

On the eve of the "July 1st", the Power Supply Company of Dingtao District, Heze, Shandong, State Grid took the grass -roots party branch as the unit to carry out theme party day activities. , To enhance organizational strength and lead party members and cadres to further strengthen the awareness of party members and the cultivation of party spirit.

"Daddy, let's take a look at you!" On June 26, Lai Songhuai, deputy secretary of the Party branch of the Majie Community, Yuanmou County, Yunnan, and a group of four people came to the old party members Xie Zongwen's family with two bags of rice. Before the retirement of Jie Zongwen, the 80 -year -old Jie Zongwen was a cadre of the Zhang Ercun Office of Yuanma Town. He held Lai Songhuai's hand and said with a strong hand: "Thank you for the party and the country. It's been a year old, always feel the party, and always go with the party! "This year, Yuanmou County will release 67" Glory in the 50th Years of the Party "commemorative medal, and condolences to 1967 party members.

(Comprehensive People's Daily reporter Shi Fang, Zhu Lei, Wang Yunna, Ye Chuanzheng, Wang Yixin, Liu Yiqing, Jia Fengfeng report)

Source: People's Daily Client Jilin Channel

Edit: Liu Yitong

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