Cycling is popular!The entry -level level requires nearly 10,000 yuan, and some cars have been fired as "wealth management products", which rose to 100,000 yuan in second -hand ...

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.07.02

The night of the night in Beijing, Chang'an Street, the riding team is comparable to dumplings. The green lights are on, and a bicycle of hundreds of eighty bicycles is instantly charged.



Not only Beijing, in Chengdu, the 100 -kilometer -long detour green road has become a punch point for local riders. Many people spontaneously launch challenges and release strategies, and will promote the ranks of Chengdu's "new iron man" in one fell swoop.

"Welcome to return to the 1980s." When seeing the dense cycling team in the city, some netizens sighed.

Recalling that in the 1980s, bicycles were one of the "three major pieces" of marriage, and later became a tool for ordinary people to travel. When the car entered millions of households, the bicycles gradually faded out of people's attention, and now they are swept again -more and more people riding bicycles, and the ride cars are getting better and better.

Who scratched this style of riding?

The urban cycling is hot to "traffic jams", not only a new way of low -carbon travel, but also becoming a social currency and circle talk, a personalized self -expression.

It is understood that among these ride newcomers, most people have the needs of daily exercise and fitness, but they can not continue for the time being due to the epidemic of sports or frequent fitness places. The habit and state of exercise. No matter why, a highway vehicle is essential. Because of this, riding as an outdoor lifestyle explosion has led to the long -awaited bicycle industry.


As a sport: hot to "traffic jam", the entry -level equipment is nearly 10,000 yuan

Cycling was originally one of the choices of outdoor fitness sports. Like hiking, long -distance running, climbing, etc., cycling also has its own circle. A lot of riding clubs, event organizers, lines, and related apps.

As an outdoor lifestyle riding, there is a relatively clear definition: main fitness activities carried out on some suitable sections in urban or suburbs. The distance is dozens of kilometers, as many as hundreds of kilometers, and most of them are more than two or three hours.

Recently, on social media, riders in Chang'an Street in Beijing began to get together. On the bicycle lane separated by the fence, professional riders wearing helmets, riding clothes, and tens of thousands of professional bicycles, with men and women riding with various shared bicycles, drove hand in hand.


The water lanes next door are not leaked, and the bicycle lanes are not too much -sandwiched between a large number of bicycles, and each cyclist carefully maintains the shortest safety distance. It seems that he returns to the age of "dominating" the bicycle 30 years ago.

Right now, more and more young people have joined the team of urban cycling.

In fact, the consumption threshold of highway bicycles is not low. According to CCTV Finance, Ms. Gao: I chose an entry-level car and some equipment, which cost almost 8,000-9000 yuan. This price can be acceptable.


According to CCTV Finance, the reporter learned that the price of a road bicycle ranges from 5,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan. According to interface news, models of more than 5,000 yuan are the mainstream consumer range, of which the 5,000-8000 yuan file is the best-selling, while the price of 100,000-15,000 yuan is the most popular.

The models of 10,000 yuan gear are the first choice for many cyclists. However, due to factors such as limited inventory and insufficient production capacity of new cars, this part of the model has caused many stores in Beijing to have no cars to sell, and it is difficult to find a car.


As a social currency, circle talk: more than 10,000 yuan bicycle becomes wealth management products

In the cyclical pit, the first thing is to buy a bicycle belonging to your own. Thousands of yuan to base, 3,000 yuan -7000 yuan basically meets demand, 7,000 yuan-10,000 yuan "enters the pit", "enthusiasts" of more than 10,000 yuan, and private custom models with a price of 100,000 yuan upward.

After buying a car, the relevant accessories must be set up. Generally speaking, helmets, front and rear lights, gloves, codes, clothing, and cup holders are more commonly used.

The part of the accessory is also representing the aesthetics and attitude of enthusiasts, just like choosing the appearance color and brand style when buying a car. Many enthusiasts will make their handle and cup holder, and they will also match clothing according to the color of the bicycle.


In the minds of many consumers, the price of bicycles is mostly hundreds of yuan. BROMPTON (commonly known as Xiaobu) bicycle worth of 16,000 yuan is undoubtedly a luxury in the cycling circle. This brand is the most well -known folding bicycle brand in the UK. Essence

At first, young people only shared a state of slow life on social networks: riding bromprton to coffee shops in the corner of the street, and folded Brompton to eat afternoon tea with friends.

Gradually, Xiaobu has become a must -choose item for trend with rich color matching, clever folding method and unique parking shape. Just like wearing, sneakers, accessories, backpacks, and glasses, the sharing structure of the tide people suddenly cannot lack "small cloth".

According to interface news, because the brand insists on using handmade copper welding to link frames, the production capacity is very limited. Coupled with the expensive costs such as imports and international transportation, Xiaobu is still rare in China. multiply. In addition, Xiaobu also has a rich modification and matching parts provided by a third party, which caters to the psychology of young people expressing themselves and highlighting personality.

According to Zhongxin Jingwei report, some people even regarded Xiaobu as "artwork" on a second -hand trading platform. "This car can't be released," many car owners said in the product introduction.

▲ Picture source: second -hand trading platform



Under the wave of cycling, consumers want to have a bicycle that only wants to have enough money, and there must be patience to be delivered. According to the Sino-Singapore Jingwei report, the hot-selling model claims to wait at least 2-3 months.

Under the shortage of spot, the price of second -hand goods in some brands has risen all the way, and it has even jumped into the most potential wealth management products.

According to Zhongxin Jingwei, the reporter found that some high -end bicycles were preserved in terms of price. The second -hand price was almost the same as the original price, all of which were above 10,000 yuan. If it became good, the color was rare, and even appreciation.

Wang Si (pseudonym) bought a high -end bicycle in 2016. After ride for five years, the front mud boards were cracked, but he still hung the car on the second -hand platform at a price of 13,500 yuan. "My car is in stock. The price I bought can't be remembered. The new styles are sold to more than 17,000 yuan. Because there are normal use traces, I will not sell too expensive." Wang Si said.

"Who would have thought that bicycles have become wealth management products?" Some owners lamented.

Some sellers report that the car that maintains good looks can even be hung on the same day, and it will be released on the same day.

▲ Picture source: second -hand trading platform


The preservation has also become a new consideration for some buyers to buy a car, and some sellers also take the trend as a selling point. Some netizens posted on the social platform that when buying a popular model of a brand, the store said that the model was very preserved and was unwilling to give a price.

According to Sanlian Life Weekly, there are British descent folding bicycles Brompton (commonly known as small cloth). If the color is scarce, 2 years have passed on the idle fish almost the original price. The elderly buddies bought imported road vehicles 50,000 years ago.

Even the most affordable Giant, most of the spot price in the store is 12,000 to 20,000. A car with a price of 40,000 on the wall of the store has been sold out. It's really out of stock, the waiting cycle is from two weeks to two months.

In this market, the clerk will be friendly after you test the ride: You'd better get a deposit, otherwise you will leave this door, and this car may be gone.

In fact, whether riding, flying disks, or camping, if they understand them as a broad lifestyle, the three are integrated with each other -they are all expressing outdoor life and desire to embrace nature.

As a business: There is a turnover of the car shop, but the manufacturer's operating pressure is still not small


According to CCTV Finance, the reporter learned that this summer, in Beijing, the number of people in the night has increased a lot over previous years. As the number of riding groups increased sharply, bicycles became tight in the short term. The previous Dragon Boat Festival holiday coincides with World Bicycle Day, and many stores are difficult to find a car.

According to interface news, in the second quarter of 2022, the sales volume of road vehicles continued to rise. According to statistics from Jingdong 618 pre -sale data, the overall pre -sale order volume of's outdoor equipment increased by 71%year -on -year. The cyclical category including bicycles and road vehicles is one of the best categories of sales. The entire cycling category pre -sale order increases by 240%year -on -year. Among them, the pre -sale order of the cycling brand Xidsheng flag ship store increased by 307%year -on -year.


Photo source: Every reporter Zhang Jian


According to CCTV Finance, the person in charge of a bicycle store told reporters that due to the surging demand, at present, in Beijing and other cities, road bicycles have tight sources, and some popular models even have the phenomenon of supply.

He Dong, the person in charge of a riding club: This is a product with a relatively large sales volume. The price is about 15,000 yuan. Each size is about 20 or 30. This store had a single monthly turnover of about 1.5 million yuan, and last month achieved a turnover of nearly 3 million yuan.


However, bicycle manufacturers and sales channels have not made a lot of money due to the hot cycling, the main reason is that the production capacity is insufficient. Affected by the epidemic, some bicycle parts factories have been forced to stop or reduce production. Some high -end components' delivery period has been extended to more than a year, and the issue of component supply has further intensified the shortage of high -end bicycle bicycles starting from last year. At present, the situation where production capacity is not in short, leading to major vehicle manufacturers worldwide considering reorganizing the supply chain.

Another set of data analysis provided by the China Bicycle Association showed that in the first quarter of 2022, the price of upstream raw materials in the bicycle industry rose by more than 10%year -on -year, and the output price of durable consumer goods, including bicycles, increased by only 0.7%year -on -year. Essence

Affected by the economic environment at home and abroad, bicycle production has slowed down, and the output, operating income, and profits are basically flat or slightly decreased in the same period of previous years. pressure.

According to CCTV Finance, the prices of raw materials upstream of the bicycle industry have soared since this year, leading to varying degrees of increasing prices in bicycle parts such as frame handles and transmission. Affected by this, some bicycle manufacturers have raised product prices.

△ CCTV Finance "Zheng Dian Finance" column video

It is understood that the price of raw materials in the bicycle industry in previous years is very stable and rarely fluctuated. But since last year, many raw materials used for bicycles have risen. This year's prices have not only continued to rise, but also increased higher. A senior manager of a bicycle manufacturer in Shenzhen told reporters that since the industry, this is the first time that he has experienced such a long time of raw materials.

The continued rise in raw materials has led to a significant increase in manufacturing costs for bicycle and car companies. In order to reduce cost pressure, some bicycle manufacturers have to adjust the factory price of vehicles. However, in the face of fierce market competition, bicycle companies cannot transfer all the pressure of rising costs to the downstream terminal sales market. Therefore, many companies still face huge operating pressure.


Xiao Xuguo, general manager of a bicycle company in Shenzhen: We have been adjusted once in May this year, about 5%; we have been adjusted again in November, and it is more than 5%. There has never been adjustment twice a year.


The person in charge of a bicycle store in Shenzhen Yi Zhao: Our bicycle stores began to adjust the price from November 13, and the entire line of products rose by about 15%.


At present, various unfavorable factors such as raw materials procurement costs and rising exports of shipping shipping have made the bicycle industry compete intensely, and it also tests the business capabilities of the enterprise. Many enterprises have grasped market demand, increased innovation, actively deploy the impact of unfavorable factors such as the high -end bicycle market, and the rise in the rise of raw materials.

△ CCTV Finance "Zheng Dian Finance" column video

Zhao Jinhua's enterprises are mainly producing mid -to -high -end bicycles. Due to the relatively high profits, the impact of raw material prices and rising shipping costs on enterprises is not as great as most of other bicycle manufacturers.

Zhao Jinhua, general manager of a bicycle company in Shenzhen: We are mainly mid -to -high -end bicycles based on carbon fiber. The shipment price is about 500 US dollars, which is about 3,500 yuan.


As people's requirements for bicycle functions are no longer limited to simple mobility, the mid -to -high -end bicycle markets such as sports, fitness, and leisure functions have gradually expanded. Consumers are also beautiful, riding comfort, etc. A higher requirement is made. The reporter learned in the interview that the current complex market environment has more testing the business capabilities of the enterprise, and uses the advantages of accumulating domestic bicycle industry chain for many years, accelerating the improvement of product structure, and gradually changing the situation in which the domestic bicycle industry in the previous domestic bicycle industry is mainly based on low value -added products. It is becoming the development consensus of many domestic bicycle companies.


Rune Weekly of a bicycle company in Shenzhen: The cost of digesting and falling in all aspects of the cost of freight is still considerable.


Li Xiangrong, the director of a bicycle company in Shenzhen: The proportion of the entire mid -to -high -end bicycle accounts for about 70%, and the gross profit of some bicycles in the mid -to -high -end bicycles will increase by 5%to 10%than ordinary bicycles. Essence


Edit | Cheng Peng Gai Yuanyuan

School Division | Wang Yuelong

Cover Map Source: Social Media Screenshot

Daily Economic News integrated from CCTV Finance, Sino -Singapore Jingwei, Securities Times · Venture Capital


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