The prominent issues of social security in Xihe County to centralize the "Hundred Days of Tackling" Action Arrangement and Deployment Meeting Conference

Author:Longnan Westwa Published Time:2022.07.02

On June 30, the county's prominent issues of social security in the county were held in the "Hundred Days of Tackling" operation arrangements for the deployment meeting. Zhang Wenhou, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Secretary of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Director of the Supervisory Committee, and Gao Xiaoqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. The person in charge of the relevant units directly in the county attended the meeting at the main venue.

The meeting reported the implementation of the concentrated operations of "big visit, large investigation, and resolution" of the county's contradictions and disputes in the county. The "Implementation Plan for the" Hundred Days of Tackling "Action" for the prominent issues of the comprehensive management of social security in Xihe County "was read out.

Zhang Wenhou pointed out that the responsibility of doing a good job of comprehensive social governance, and relevant units of townships and counties must earnestly improve their political standing, resolutely carry political responsibility, maintain high political acuity, adhere to the stability of the word, and compress the responsibilities layer by layer. , Refine and strengthen measures, keep an eye on the time node, and promote it in order to ensure that the "hundred -day tackling" operation has achieved greater results.

Zhang Wenhou emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and publicize the implementation of the "Regulations on the work of petitions", strictly implement the system of leading cadres' package cases, further promote the "governance and heavy accumulation" work, establish a regular interview mechanism, open the channels for letter and visit The "nail case" and "bone case", play a role in the joint meeting of the letter and visit, carry out normalized anti -crime and eliminate struggle and "punishing rotten and umbrellas", deepen the strikes, carry out special rectification in key areas, continue to build the grassroots level organize.

At the meeting, Gao Xiaoqiang arranged and deployed the "Hundred Days of Tackling" in the prominent issues of social security in the county. Gao Xiaoqiang demanded that it is necessary to deeply understand the significance of the current comprehensive management of social security, further improve political standing, and effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency of the "100 -day tackling" action to carry out outstanding problems in comprehensive management of social security. We must persist in multiple measures, and focus on "resolutely fighting for normalization and anti -crime, resolutely fighting for the protection of the business environment, resolutely fighting for the protection of the network space, resolutely fighting for the order of regulatory letters and visits, resolute fighting firmly, resolutely fight "Good legal and policy publicity and promotion of war, resolutely fight the public safety rectification war", "" comprehensive governance, source prevention, in -depth investigation, punching strikes, comprehensively promoting the prominent problems of social security and public security. Action work has achieved practical results. It is necessary to strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, clarify goals and tasks, serious discipline accountability, effectively form a good pattern of comprehensive social security governance in the county, and hold a harmonious and stable social environment for the 20th National Congress of the Party.

Members of the leadership team of various townships, all township cadres, the first secretary of the village, the captain of the village assistance team, and the party branch secretary of each village attended the meeting at the township branch venues.

(Report: Chang Hao)

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