Come, listen to the stories of these double hundred political and legal models together

Author:Harbin Net Police Inspection L Time:2022.07.02

Source: People's Public Security News

Song Zengfu: "Lei Feng", the "police camp" around the masses from the police forty years

Song Zengfu visited the masses' homes.


Song Zengfu, born in November 1962, a member of the Communist Party of China, and the Community Police and Second -level Senior Sheriff, the Community Police Station of the Lei Feng Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Liaoning Province. He has taken root in the grassroots level for 40 years. He has won the titles of the national public security system first -class hero model, Liaoning Province labor model, Fushun labor model, Fushun hero fighting enemy model police, Fushun Youth League and municipal party committee stubborn enemy heroes, Fushun Public Security Bureau model workers and other model workers.


"I want to deeply integrate the spirit of Lei Feng and the spirit of the British model, and use the sacred occupation of the people's police to give a perfect interpretation."

Song Zengfu joined the People's Public Security Team in the 1980s. From the young and fearless criminal police investigators to the "police camp Lei Feng" around the masses, Song Zengfu has always adhered to the ideal and beliefs of the heroic model and continuously practiced the original mission of the Communist Party members. , Always connecting the purpose of serving the people closely on the public security cause of dedication to a lifetime.

On the evening of July 31, 1983, the gangster Zou assassinated his wife to death with a binocar shotgun. Song Zengfu took the initiative to participate in the war after receiving the police. When Zou fled to the highway near Sanbao Tun, the police who were tracked and found that Song Zengfu drove the target, flew out of the car, rushed up, and reached out to capture the shotgun behind the gangsters. The gangsters suddenly broke away, and fired fiercely at Song Zengfu with a gun. Song Zengfu played many places in the whole body, and the blood flow was more than. Song Zengfu was not afraid, fighting for a stubborn fight against the bullet, and endured the severe pain to kill the gangsters on the spot. After rescue, Song Zengfu was pulled back from the death line. His left lung leaves and two ribs were removed, and functional disorders appeared on both arms and left hand.

Song Zengfu had worked in multiple departments. Whether it was a colleague or police station policeman, he unanimously evaluated his "foot diligence, hand -diligent, and mouth diligence". He ran to the masses as soon as he was free, and meticulously held everything. When Song Zengfu worked at the police station, the results he was responsible for were among the best. In his jurisdiction, there were the least suspects and the least new cases. During his work at the police station, he overcome one case fortress after another, cracked a large number of major cases. He successively killed 21 criminal gangs, captured 340 suspects, 75 fugitives, and cracked more than 1,200 cases. Search 26 firearms.

Song Zengfu, who was nearing his retirement age, came to the Lei Feng Police Station to work, and still maintained his infinite enthusiasm for public security work, and transferred his work motivation from cracking down on illegal crimes to serving the masses. He took the lead, took the lead, and always adhered to the purpose of serving the people. He carried out 100 households and visited 100 households every month, 23 enterprises visiting the jurisdictions, and 57 visiting three -level fire management units in the jurisdiction. He organized an English -model service team at Lei Feng Police Station to implement 417 door -to -door services for disabled people, lonely old people, and military martyrs who were inconvenient to move to help solve more than 500 problems in the masses. At the great moment of the party's century, he specially opened the live section of the "first -class British model to talk about the party history of the party" to talk about party souls and chanting party grace. Enlighten history and strengthen the concept of party spirit and party member consciousness.

Song Zengfu often said: "I want to deeply integrate the spirit of Lei Feng and the spirit of the British model, and use the sacred occupation of the people's police to give a perfect interpretation." His spirit is not only reflected in the moment of the crisis Silently, this spirit will become more dazzling with the precipitation of the years, making a dazzling light.

Yin Gang: Innovate the "Liu Rong and Eight Hear" to compose a new movement of grassroots governance

Yin Gang went to the community to visit the old party members.


Yin Gang, born in April 1970, member of the Communist Party of China, joined the public security work in March 1997, and the first -level sheriff of the community police team of the No. 2 Bridge Police Station of the Tianjin Public Security Bureau. Zeng Rong has one personal first -class merit, once, once, and twice in the third class. He has been awarded 5 times. Nomination award of the "Most Beautiful Grassroots Police" nationwide.


"Doing the work of the masses can only change the heart with the heart to the heart."

The Tao Ran Tingyuan community, which is responsible for Yin Gang, is located in the Urban and Rural Joint Department. It is a commercial housing community built in 2007. In the past period, due to the poor management of the property, the problems of private coverage in the community and throwing garbage were more serious. There were many illegal houses and the phenomenon of greening land in the community were prominent. It even happened, causing the owner to be dissatisfied.

Facing the problem, with the strong support of the Hedong Branch and No. 2 Bridge Street, Yin Gang adhered to the leadership of party building, in accordance with regional coordination, block coordination, upper and lower linkage, and sharing of sharing to actively promote the effective integration of grass -roots party building and grass -roots governance. Gathering the residence committees, streets, properties, communities and other parties, jointly discussed the major affairs and small conditions, and effectively promoted the centralized rectification of community illegal buildings. At the same time, actively coordinating the re -planning and uniform number of the property company in the community. By distributing the owners' parking spaces near the nearest number, and adding temporary parking spaces in a suitable location, the parking problem is properly resolved.

The appearance of the community has been effectively improved, and security issues must not be ignored. In order to ensure that the community monitoring has no blind spots and dead ends, Yin Gang has many times to find the property company to coordinate the installation video surveillance system. He took a field survey with the property staff, confirming and debugging one by one at a time, and finally more than 120 video surveillance was successfully installed. Yin Gang also organized a volunteer patrol team, party member patrol, and party members to assist the property company to carry out work to enrich the control of the group defense. Demolition of illegal buildings, repairing damaged roads, improving security facilities ... Tao Ranting Garden now has changed.

When the situation in the new crown pneumonia's epidemic in 2020 was severe, the community implemented closed management. Yin Gang coordinated the neighborhood committee and moved several stalls in the original vegetable market into the community. When the personnel gathering in front of the vegetable stall, Yin Gang adjusted his work ideas in time, opened up online and unified distribution services for online dishes and offline to effectively prevent and control the epidemic.

Behind Tao Ran Tingyuan's changes in the community is an effective measure. "In the past, it was the street whistle and the police station. Now it is a community whistle and a community police. The police are nailed to the community like a nail."

Taking the opportunity of the police mechanism of the police station of the Tianjin Public Security Bureau, Yin Gang continued to improve the long -term mechanism of grass -roots governance and explore the implementation of the "Liu Rong Baba" community police work law. "Six Rong" is integrated into the party mass center, grid system, grassroots governance, smart police, public transfer docking, community masses; , Collect social conditions and public opinion, eliminate hidden safety hazards, carry out public security management, and solve problems for the people. In recent years, the "Liu Rong and Eight -Head" community police work law has been promoted by the Tianjin Public Security Bureau as a typical experience in the reform of the police mechanism of the police station.

With the efforts of Yin Gang and colleagues, since 2021, the criminal police sentiment of Tao Ranting's community has decreased by 42%year -on -year, and the security police situation has decreased by 38%year -on -year. The sense of security continues to improve.

Shen Shengwen: Don't be afraid of suffering and suffering from being affected by the community "Shen Dang's home"

Shen Shengwen propagated to the masses to prevent electricity.


Shen Shengwen, born in October 1968, a member of the Communist Party of China, and a community police officer and a third -level senior sheriff in the Jiangan District Branch of the Wuhan Public Security Bureau of Hubei Province. For 18 years from the police, he always took the residents' safety and warmth to heart, and worked hard to do practical things, do good things, and solve difficult things for private things. During the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia, he fought in urgent and dangerous positions for 86 consecutive nights. He has won the title of second -level hero model of the national public security system, the national post learning Lei Feng pacesetters, and the good Chinese people.


"Don't look at these things small. Only by doing the small things of the masses as your own affairs can you win the hearts of the people."

On February 4th, the Spring Festival, Shen Shengwen took his apprentice Hu Kangpei, and came to discourage a resident of a CICC. He just returned to the office and received a call. " , Hurry up and help find it together. "Before drinking a sip of water, Shen Shengwen devoted himself to work.

After checking the video surveillance, Shen Shengwen found that the old man's son had taken the bus, but the video tracking of the video was unsuccessful. When the video surveillance could not be found, Shen Shengwen led the team to find the bus line, fearing that his father was anxious, and he continued to comfort the old man. Finally, the old man's son was found at a bus stop. Seeing his son, the old man was so excited.

On the one hand, Shen Shengwen did not forget to enlightenment: "Don't look at these things that are small. Only by doing the small things of the masses as their own major events can they win the hearts of the people. Serving the community, they are not only giving, they will also gain full and full harvest. Full."

In 2004, Shen Shengwen changed his job from the army to the public security team. At first, it was a responsible area with less police affairs, less disputes, and less difficulties. The work pressure was relatively small. After accumulating the basic work experience for several years, he took the initiative to take over a large -scale affordable housing resettlement community -Bicu Pavilion Wenhuiyuan Community. "Lao Shen, you can consider clearly, there are many low -guarantee households in that community, many elderly people living alone, many disabled people and mental disorders, many families with severe illnesses, and many drugs. The word "difficult"! "Someone persuaded him like this.

Shen Shengwen smiled at the reminder of "intimate": "Residents have difficulties, we should take the initiative to get the initiative to suffer from suffering for the masses, which is the matter of party members!"

In the cold summer, Shen Shengwen was one day and year after year, and he rushed in the community. He negotiated the community neighborhood committee to build a "Sunshine Workshop" handmade room and "employment matchmaker" to solve the difficulty of employment of drug users. He ran around, contacted more than 50 workers to provide jobs, and successfully resettled 44 employment. The hard work of the community has been in exchange for the increasingly public security environment of the community to win praise from the residents. Residents have discussed: "The officials of Shen Police are implemented, so that the residents of the community are affordable, which is really like the" family family 'in our community! "In this way, the nickname of" Shen Dang's family "spread widened.

After the new coronary pneumonia's epidemic is coming, the Jiang'an District Epidemic Prevention Headquarters issued a instructions that sent all the confirmed cases and suspected cases to the hospital and the isolation point for centralized treatment and observation. Transformed into a medical car, you can send one or two more people in one trip. I am a all -weather driver, please organize approval! "In this way, one, two trips, three trips ... Late at night. In order to take care of the residents of the jurisdiction, Shen Shengwen ate at the police station for 86 consecutive days. If there is a inconvenience of the patient's action, Shen Shengwen has carried the patient on his body without saying a word; some residents have difficulties in life, and a phone call Shen Shengwen said. Shen Shengwen, who is determined to serve the masses, puts the awareness of the purpose and falls into the hearts of the masses, has also established the people's police with the heart bridge that the people's police and the general public are connected.

Rosalva: "Mud on the horse" in the heart of herders' hearts

Rosalwa is with the masses.


Rosalva, Tibetan, was born in October 1980. He is a member of the Communist Party of China. In 15 years, he adhered to the beginning of the country, and he took root in the remote plateau for the year. He used the love of the police occupation into his bones and served the farmers and herdsmen. Zeng Rong set up his own first -class merit and won the title of second -level heroic model of the national public security system.


"For a day of life, I will stick to the post I love a public security job for a day."

The 42 -year -old Rosalva is thin and dark. Because of the wind and sun, it looks much more vicissitudes than the actual age. In Tibetan, the police are called "Mud of Mud". In the hearts of many herders, he looks like "mud".

In December 2007, after joining the police, Rosalva was assigned to the Datongma Police Station with the highest altitude, lowest temperature, and worst condition in Ganzi County, and became a Ping An Guardian of "Gesar King City".

The Datongma area is the most remote area of ​​Ganzi County, with an average altitude of 4200 meters and has 4 townships under its jurisdiction. At that time, there were only four policemen at the Datongma Police Station, which was responsible for the area of ​​47%of the county, with a patrol area of ​​1,100 square kilometers. Riding into the mountains to patrol the mountain for more than half a month. When you are hungry, you will bite the frozen stubborn. When you are thirsty, you can grab a handful of snow in your mouth. … This is the daily work of Rosalva. With his diligence, he quickly grew into the backbone of the business.

Dade Township is located at the junction of Ganzi Prefecture and Qinghai Province, with an average altitude of 4080 meters. Here, there are high incidence of conflicts and disputes, and the people's awareness is weak. In 2009, Dade Township established a police station. In April of the same year, 29 -year -old Rosama was transferred to the director of the Dade Township Police Station. There are only three policemen in the institute, but the area of ​​the area is 1,666 square kilometers. Under normal circumstances, the patrol must also take 15 days. When riding on the night, not only will not only resist the low temperature of more than 20 degrees Celsius, but it will also be chased by the wolves.

Rosalwa took the police to patrol the mountain in the mountains, and could not let go of any hidden danger, but also to see people to promote laws and regulations. He often went to the countryside and stayed at the herdsmen's house at night to talk to the herdsmen from house to house. From the summer ranch to the winter ranch, the herdsmen lived in water and grass, and Rosalva moved with the transition team. Every year from April to June, the digging period of Cordyceps has become the busiest time, and it takes more than 20 days to patrol a horse ride.

Strictly beating cattle and stealing horses, zero tolerance, mediation of disputes in the masses, illegal guns and ammunition ... A series of real measures effectively improved the public security status of Dade Township.

On weekdays, which one has difficulties, Rosalva will always pay for it to help solve it. Over time, the people have regarded him as a relative. Whenever he learned that the director of Rosan was going to work in Ganzi County, farmers and herdsmen took out the bank card and asked him to help with the money. Sometimes, Rosalva even wants to return to more than a dozen bank cards to return to forth, only for the heavy "special trust" for the masses.

After years of busy work, Rosalwa's body began to have problems. He was removed by gallbladder and found up early liver cirrhosis, diabetes and other diseases.

"Director Rosan, I came to see you on behalf of the folks!" After learning that Rosalva was sick, a herdsman who had been helped by him took the folks with a little ghee that accumulated a little bit, riding a motorcycle, riding a motorcycle After more than 500 kilometers, I went to the hospital to visit Rosalva. Lying on the bed, Rosalva always remembered the movement at that moment, which made his heart more firm for the people.

Considering the condition of Rosalva, the organization transferred him to a relatively low -altitude dragging police station to work, and was responsible for the normalized management of a second -level card point. Carry out various work in the police station during the day, and carry out card check -in and patrols in the evening ... Rosalva and comrades are on their shoulders, guarding the east gate of Ganzi Prefecture.

Liu Tianzhou: Pursue the duties of the police as a lifetime pursuit

Liu Tianzhou pointed to the masses.


Liu Tianzhou, born in September 1980, member of the Communist Party of China, joined the public security work in June 2002, and the director of the Nanjiang Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Kaiyang County, Guizhou Province. Zeng Rong set up his second -class merit 2 times and three -class skills, won the title of Guizhou Province's Outstanding People's Police, Guizhou Province Civilized Service Model, and won the May 1 Labor Medal of Guizhou Province.


"Police are to block the people behind the people when they are in danger.

For 20 years from the police, Liu Tianzhou worked in multiple positions such as administration, household registration, police, patrol police, police station, and other positions. A powerful general. At 13:00 on September 17, 2021, when Liu Tianzhou was driving back to the Passing Passing of the Nanjiang Village Village, Liu Tianzhou heard a mess of call for help. Liu Tianzhou rushed with his colleagues and learned that the two villagers fainted in the septic tank, and their lives were in danger. Liu Tianzhou jumped into the septic tank without hesitation, struggling to support the coma villagers. After panting a few breaths at the entrance of the cave, he got into the septic tank again to rescue the second villagers, but because of the inhalation of a large amount of toxic gases, Liu Tianzhou finally fell into the septic tank ... After almost 20 hours of coma, Liu Tianzhou opened it. The first sentence that eyes say is: "How about saving people?"

"This happened on Tianzhou, and it was not surprising at all." Liu Tianzhou's comrade -in -arms Xie Xuejun said that one day in August 2015, the patrol team of the Nanjiang Police Station received a police sentiment of a child falling into the water pipeline. There was a stunned pungent smell, and Liu Tian said on Tuesday to push the other players and jump into the water pipeline, and send the child to the hospital for treatment.

"There is such a master's pride in my life." Lan Yunlong, deputy captain of the patrol brigade of the Nanjiang Police Station, said that on July 20, 2016, in the intersection of Zixing Community, Zixing Community, Kaiyang County, a man held two women with a knife. I want to commit suicide after cutting the injury. Liu Tianzhou immediately organized the team members to alert the scene and send the injured to the hospital in time. The incident was effectively dealt with within 19 minutes. On May 16, 2017, a woman wanted to jump off the building due to emotional disputes. After Liu Tianzhou conducted an emergency deployment, the police led the police to the top of the 32nd floor to start rescue. At this time, Liu Tianzhou also played the role of "negotiating experts" and kept communicating with the light woman. Under his scene, the woman was successfully rescued.

In July 2021, a paroxysmal colic appeared in the abdomen of Liu Tianzhou. The hospital examination was caused by intestinal polyps, and the doctor suggested that he immediately surgery. At that time, Nanjiang Police Station's police forces were the most scarce, and it was also the peak season when the flow of people in the scenic spot in the summer. In order to be safe and stable in the jurisdiction, and in order to reduce the burden on colleagues, Liu Tianzhou rejected the advice of immediately surgery. After the comrades of the police station noticed Liu Tianzhou's strangeness, they asked that he was suffering from illness. Everyone advised him to have surgery quickly, but Liu Tianzhou said: "Small problems, can hold back, keep treatment first, and talk about it during this time."

During the director of the Nanjiang Police Station, Liu Tianzhou traveled all over all villages, and many people knew him. Liu Tianzhou also summarized a set of "mass work methods": the household registration business must be clear, explaining the procedures in place; the handling of contradictions must be timely, otherwise the people will ignore you; open their mouths to open their legs, and the people will treat you as relatives; on the way If you want to be more nosy, otherwise you will be on his head; promise the masses to do well, and there must be an echo; never ask for a line, and keep in mind the party discipline and party rules!

- END -

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