What is the normal blood pressure?Many people are wrong, what are the non -drug control blood pressure methods

Author:Pharmacist Huazi Time:2022.07.02

Hua Zi chatted with many friends with hypertension and found that many people had misunderstandings about blood pressure. Many people believed that blood pressure below 140/90mmHg was normal blood pressure. When taking medicine, this value also used this value as the antihypertensive target. In fact, they have understood wrong. Normal blood pressure is not below 140/90mmHg.

Normal blood pressure is below 129mmHg at high pressure, and low pressure is below 84mmHg. The ideal blood pressure is below 120mmHg at high pressure, and the low pressure is below 80mmHg.

1. What is the "normal high value" of blood pressure

The more familiar blood pressure 140/90mmHg indicators are the diagnostic standard for hypertension in my country. As long as you measure blood pressure exceeding 140/90mmHg in three times, you can diagnose hypertension.

When the high pressure reaches 130 ~ 139mmHg, or when the low pressure reaches 85 ~ 89mmHg, although it is not high blood pressure, it is not normal blood pressure, but the "normal high value" in blood pressure.

In the normal high value, it is only one step away from the high blood pressure. Although it has not yet reached the standard of medication, it also needs to be actively controlled by blood pressure.

Second, non -drug control method of blood pressure

Those who are in normal high value and those who have diagnosed as high blood pressure need to intervene in blood pressure, that is, non -drug control methods of blood pressure.

1. Salt limit: With the latest high blood pressure treatment guide, the daily salt amount is limited to less than 5G. In related studies, the daily sodium ion intake is reduced by 1g, which can reduce the systolic blood pressure (high pressure) by 6mmHg. But everyone should pay attention that salt limitation is not completely without salt, otherwise it may cause hyponatremia and affect health. The more reasonable daily salt is 3 ~ 5G.

2. Exercise: 150 ~ 300 minutes of medium -intensity exercise per week, you can choose to exercise for 5 days, 30 to 60 minutes each exercise, and the remaining 2 days of resistance (exercise). Adhering to exercise can reduce systolic blood pressure by 8mmHg.

3. Reduce weight: Those with obesity should reduce weight, make the weight index (BMI) below 24, male waist circumference is less than 90cm, and women's waist circumference should be less than 85cm. Reducing 10kg weight can reduce blood pressure by 5 ~ 20mmHg.

4. Healthy diet: On the basis of the overall intake of heat, increase the intake of vegetables, fruits, whole valleys, beans, and dairy products, reduce the intake of fine rice, fine noodles, and fat, and can reduce the pressure of 11mmHg.

5. Limited wine: daily alcohol intake, men do not exceed 25g, women do not exceed 15g, people with hypertension are best not to drink alcohol. People with drinking habits can reduce blood pressure by 3.31/2.04mmHg after restricting alcohol intake.

Third, the blood pressure measured at home is more accurate than the hospital

About one -third of people have the situation of "white coat hypertension". Some people refer to some people who are nervous after seeing the doctor's white coat, causing the blood pressure measured in the hospital's clinical room. Therefore, the value of home self -test is more accurate than the hospital.

Because the family environment is more relaxed, when the blood pressure value of the home self -test does not take or exceeds 135/85mmHg without taking anti -suppression drugs, it can be diagnosed as hypertension instead of the application of hospital clinics. 140/90mmHg standard.

Fourth, blood pressure control goals are lower than most people think

People with hypertension, when performing antihypertensive treatment, letting blood pressure below 140/90mmHg is only the most basic goal. If you want to better protect important organs such as kidneys, hearts, and brains, blood pressure control should be lower. If you do not want to make cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, renal failure and other diseases, then control the blood pressure, you must be "strict".

It is recommended that patients with high blood pressure below 65 years old, the target of antihypertension is below 120mmHg, and the low voltage is lower than 80mmHg.

Elderly patients who are 65 years old have poor tolerance to lowering blood pressure and can gradually reduce blood pressure. First reduce the blood pressure to 140/90mmHg, then observe the adaptation of two weeks, then adjust the antihypertensive drug, and continue to drop to 130/80mmHg.

To sum up, the familiar blood pressure index is 140/90mmHg, which is the diagnostic value of high blood pressure. The ideal blood pressure is below 120/80mmHg, and the normal blood pressure is below 129/84mmHg. The ideal goal of blood pressure control is below 120/80mmHg, but for the elderly over 65 years of age, the target of lowering blood pressure can be relaxed to 130/80mmHg. The choice of antihypertensive drugs needs to be carried out under the guidance of a doctor. I have doubts about medication. Please consult a doctor or pharmacist. I am a pharmacist, and welcome to follow me and share more health knowledge.

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