Yesterday, 4 cases of confirmed cases and 10 symptoms of infected infections were added in Qingdao yesterday

Author:Rizhao News Network Time:2022.07.03

From 00:00 on July 2, 2022, 4 new cases of confirmed cases (light types) were added to Huangdao District, and 10 newly added infected infections were added.

The above 14 are concentrated isolation and control personnel. On July 2nd, the routine test results were positive. From 120 negative voltage ambulances to designated hospitals for isolation treatment, combined with epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, and laboratory test results. The expert group diagnosed 4 of them (light type) for new crown pneumonia, and 10 people with no symptoms.

Citizen friends are requested to continue to consciously abide by the relevant provisions of the epidemic prevention and control, pay attention to the authoritative information released by the official, do not believe in rumors, do not spread the rumors, always maintain personal protection awareness, wear masks, wash hands, often ventilate, gather less, use public chopsticks, keep it Safety social distance. If fever, cough, diarrhea, fatigue and other symptoms, wear a disposable medical surgical mask, and go to the nearest clinic in time. During the consultation, you should avoid taking public transportation.

Qingdao Health and Health Committee

July 3, 2022

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