Ten years of obligation to Saishan Road won the positive energy award, but the century -old man donated all the bonuses

Author:Puzhou Rong Media Time:2022.07.03

At 6:30 am on July 1st, a special awards ceremony was held on the top of Xiaoling Peak, Dongqianhu Town, Puzhou District, Ningbo. Alibaba Tiantian Positive Energy and Ningbo Evening News, for many years, Piblin, a centenary old man who has been obliged to clean up the mountain road and Chen Guangming, 75 -year -old Chen Guangming, has awarded the Tiantian Positive Energy Special Award and rewarded 5,000 yuan each.

Bidelin is a native of Hengjie Village, Dongqianhu Town. It has just passed the 100th birthday this year. After the demolition in the village in 2013, he moved to Dongfu Community to live, and every day he went to Xiaolingfeng to climb the mountain. In the process, he found that the leaves were often filled with leaves and weeds on both sides of the road.

So since 2013, Bidelin has begun to clean up the mountain road, get up at 5 o'clock every day to Xiaolingfeng, and spend 4 hours to sweep from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. It is 10 years. The broom on the mountain road was bundled with abandoned bamboo shoots in bamboo forests. "The air in the mountains is particularly good. There are many people who come to exercise. I can not only exercise the body, but also provide everyone with a clean environment. This makes me happy." The old man said.

Six years ago, Chen Guangming, then 69 -year -old, was moved by Bi Delin and took over this loving relay stick. In recent years, as Bidelin gets older, Chen Guangming has become the main force of cleaning mountain roads. He said that as long as his body allows, he will continue to sweep. Now, more and more enthusiastic people have joined the team of Saishan Road to protect the beautiful environment of Xiaolingfeng.

I heard that many residents came to witness to the two elderly people. Li Yin, the secretary of the Party Branch of the Dongfu Community and the director of the neighborhood committee, said: "In order to show the recognition of good people and good deeds, promote traditional virtues, and organize this awards ceremony."

But for the bonus of 5,000 yuan, Bidelin repeatedly resigned: "This is what I should do, and I should donate this money to those in need." I heard that the community is recently carried out the "charity one day donation" activity. After the awards ceremony is over , Bidelin immediately came to the Dongfu Community neighborhood committee to donate all the 5,000 yuan bonus.

(Reporter Ye Min Correspondent Li Lingling)

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