Dongying Haikai Police Department and the Municipal Anti -Fraud Preaching Group carried out preaching activities for preventing network fraud

Author:Popular Network · Dongying Time:2022.07.03

Volkswagen · Poster Journalist Liu Kaiqiang Correspondent Huang Xun Dongying reported

Recently, the Dongyinghai Police Station has received many alarms saying that employees in the area of ​​the area under their jurisdiction have been extorted because of caught in a cyber fraud trap. The limited and monotonous life of the event area seems to have encountered the hidden dangers of the platform employees being extorted.

In order to popularize the common sense of criminal crimes against telecommunications network fraud and minimize the occurrence of telecommunications network fraud cases, on June 29, the Dongyinghai Police Department and Dongying Anti -Fraud Proclaimed Lecture Team went to the maritime platform in the jurisdiction to carry out a "face -to -face" anti -network fraud. Preaching activities.

During the event, the enforcement officer adopted a leaflet page and promoted the national anti -fraud app and explained the harm of telecommunications network fraud, reminding employees to call the 95110 maritime alarm platform as soon as possible if they encountered extortion; Methods told employees about the knowledge of common cases of telecommunications fraud and customary means. When it comes to the "end fraud" anti -fraud service platform, the preacher reminds employees not only to pay attention to the public account, but also to take care of the awareness of prevention of telecommunications network fraud with their brains. There will be no pie in the sky "to prevent being deceived.

Through this propaganda activity, the awareness and ability of employees in the maritime platform in the jurisdiction has been further enhanced the consciousness and capabilities of employees in the maritime platform, and a solid barrier to prevent cracking down on telecommunications and cyber frauds.

Original title: Dongying Haikai Police and Dongying Anti -Fraud Preaching Team to carry out "face -to -face" anti -network fraud preaching activities

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