There is risk at stopping medicine without authorization: lower blood pressure in summer does not mean that hypertension is "cured"

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.07.03

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 3 (Reporter Lin Miao Miao) The weather in summer is hot, and many patients with hypertension will find their blood pressure decrease, and even return to normal range. Does this mean that high blood pressure has been "cured" and can stop medicine? Experts remind that there is a hidden risk hazard in stopping taking antihypertensive drugs without authorization.

Wang Yupeng, deputy chief physician of the Department of Cardiovascular Department of Peking University Third Hospital, introduced that the temperature in summer is high, the human vascular expansion, and the peripheral vascular resistance decreases, which leads to a decline in blood pressure. In addition, the human body sweats more in high temperature environments, which can easily lead to decreased blood capacity, decreased heart output, and cause blood pressure to decrease.

"However, even if the patient's blood pressure looks normal in the summer, it is not equal to the hypertension 'cure" and should not stop the medicine without authorization. "Wang Yupeng said that the time to measure blood pressure is usually during the day, and many people in the summer night in summer are usually during the day, and many people in the summer night There is a decline in sleep quality, which affects the adjustment of the nerve endocrine system, increases the blood pressure at night, leads to a large changes in blood pressure in the summer, and the risk of myocardial ischemia and stroke increases.

“目前我国患者的高血压控制率总体较低,患者依从性不佳、自行停药是重要原因之一。”北京大学第三医院心血管内科主管护师徐东晓提示,高血压本身不可怕,可怕It is because the blood pressure is not timely and effective, which may cause a number of target organs such as the heart, the brain, the kidneys, and the bottom of the eye.

Experts suggest that judging blood pressure, you cannot determine the normal blood pressure based on the measurement results of the day. You must pass the examination of 24 -hour blood pressure monitoring to grasp the real blood pressure of the day. Patients with hypertension should not discontinue antihypertensive drugs in the summer. They should regulate the medication under the guidance of a doctor and reduce the amount as appropriate.

[Editor in charge: Zhao Wenhan]

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