After many years of savage development, this tens of billions of industries have been regulated: in the future, how will script kill

Author:Red Star News Time:2022.07.03

According to Ai Media Consultation data, the scale of the script killing in my country in 2020 reached 11.7 billion yuan, and it is expected to reach 23.9 billion yuan in 2022. However, the emerging things that are called "tens of billions of markets and nearly 10 million consumers" in the industry have always had some problems such as vulgarity and violence.

Ai Media Consultation Data

On June 27, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Public Security and other five departments jointly issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Script and Entertainment Operation Places" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"). The new business formats in business places are included in management. While emphasizing the implementation of notification filing and strict content management, it also regulates the issues that have received much attention during the previous operations of the protection of minors and the main responsibility of the safety production.

What impact does the "Notice" have on this industry? What are the guidance of creators in content production? Red Star reporters visited many script killing shops in Chengdu. They talked about operators, creators and observer, trying to understand how this new measure would have an impact on the "new pet" industry of this young man.

Players vomit:

Terror yellow violence and other content are uncomfortable

Since the rise of the script in China in 2016, it has always lacked the corresponding management party, which has also caused this booming industry to be questioned and criticized. As early as last year, Xinhua News Agency stated that a small number of merchants preached violence and spirituality in the game content, scene settings and other links. This is a business gimmick to attract young people and cause public concerns. At the same time, many script killing stores have not posted a warning about minors, and there are loopholes in management specifications.

According to industry insiders, Xinhua News Agency mentioned mainly a part of real -scene script killing stores. Most of them were built in the basement or remote places that lack safety protection measures. The plot setting is difficult to explain. Red Star reporters have noticed that some horror props are prepared in some script kill venues, such as skeleton and ghost masks, making people shudder.

In addition, the vulgar tendency also exists in some script killing. Female player Xiao Xiao revealed to the Red Star journalist that she had encountered some scripts that played pornographic and violent wipes, which made her feel embarrassed and psychological. A senior player also recalled that he had played a script called "Toyota Barbecue House", which was very yellow. In the plot, several players have a more complicated relationship between men and women. "Everyone was a drama at the time. This plot made me a little embarrassing."



Different reviews from netizens

Red Star reporters have noticed that many problem scripts have been reported by players in recent years, such as the content of "Dawn" is suspected of insulting ugly anti -drug police, and "Ban Fruit" has content involving yellow and violence.

"Notice" issued:

Do not contain laws and regulations prohibited content

In interpretation of the "Notice", the five departments revealed that in recent years, the script and entertainment operating venues represented by script killing and dense room escape have developed rapidly. At the same time as consumer demand, pornography, blood, violence, spirituality and other bad contents also occur, as well as hidden dangers such as fire safety. Representatives of the National People's Congress, members of the CPPCC, and media and parents have called for strengthening the supervision of script killing and escaping of the secret room. Relevant associations and enterprises hope that government departments will issue regulations as soon as possible to expand their investment policy expectations for enterprises. The cultural and tourism administrative departments of Shanghai, Liaoning and other places will bring the secret room script into supervision, and all localities hope to introduce national policies as soon as possible.

Red Star reporter noticed that the "Notice" specifically mentioned that information such as the address of the operating site and the script script names, authors, profiles, and scope of age of the venue shall implement notification filing. Strict content management, encourage places to use the script script that promotes the main theme and spread positive energy, and requires self -examination of script scripts and performances, scenes, props, clothing, etc. The script and entertainment activities shall not contain the content prohibited by laws and regulations.

It is worth mentioning that the "Notice" specifically proposes to strengthen the protection of minors: requiring the script script to set the appropriate age prompt to indicate the scope of age; if the setting scene is not suitable for minors, it shall be prompted in a prominent position, and it shall not be allowed to be prompted. Subsidies are allowed to enter; except for national statutory holidays, rest days, and winter and summer vacations, script entertainment operating venues shall not provide script entertainment activities to minors.

Representative of the National People's Congress:

The introduction of management measures can make the industry bigger and stronger

At this year's National Two Sessions, the representatives of the National People's Congress and deputy editor -in -chief of Chongqing Publishing Group must submit the "Suggestions on Strengthening the Supervision and Standards for" Restrictions on the "Script Kill". " He has been paying attention to the script killing and development. He told Red Star Journalists that the "Notice" is very timely and plays a positive role in establishing a standardized order in the industry and can better improve the competitiveness of the industry.

Don't notice that the script kills is well liked by young people, and the development prospects of the industry are huge, but there are also things to improve. For example, the threshold is relatively low, such as the quality of store operators and related service personnel. "I recommend strengthening training and strengthening industry self -discipline. It is necessary to have associations to establish business exchanges with each other, or select the selection of excellent scripts. Through this cross -industry exchanges to expand their horizons and start new attempts."

He also told the Red Star News reporter that in the "Notice", the specifications of the content, the guidance of teenagers, etc. are very thoughtful, and also put forward new ideas and plans for the development of the industry. "The initiative of government agencies has played the role of leading demonstration, which can standardize this market, effectively manage, and open a new situation for this industry." Don't think that due to the impact of the epidemic, the script killing industry is not as hot as before. However, this industry must have a prospect. It is in line with the consumption habits of young people. "The industry needs some incentives. At this time, the government has issued some management measures to make the industry continue to become bigger and stronger in the market. The prospects are still very optimistic. "

Those who follow the wind:

Simple a hot spot, only out of the end

How hot is the script killing? Data from Tianyan Check shows that there are more than 10,000 existing script killing companies in my country. According to Ai Media Consultation data, the scale of the script killing in my country in 2020 reached 11.7 billion yuan, and it is expected to reach 23.9 billion yuan in 2022.

The broad market prospects of the script killing industry have made capital fighting. Listed companies such as Mango Super Media, Hengxin Oriental, and New Guo Mai have all embarked on this track. Enter.

However, the rapid development of the script killing industry also has a cruel side. Due to the hotness of the script killing industry, it has attracted a large number of young people to enter the script killing market to start a business, but many stores have not persisted for too long. The "Research Report on the 2021 China Script Killing Industry" shows that the average consumption amount of offline script killing is between tens of yuan and hundreds of yuan, and the early investment of a script killing offline physical stores will be invested at 30,000 to million yuan. No, the well -operated stores can return to profit for about half a year, but most of the script killing shops are difficult to return to their own difficulties and fall into a crisis of closed stores.

Red Star reporter noticed that the "Notice" mentioned that "script entertainment operating venues must not be located in the residential building, below the ground floor of the building (excluding the underground floor) and other places. Some script killing practitioners said that there are many stores, especially the script killing stores in second- and third -tier cities, in order to save rents in the residential building. Once this provision is landed, these shops either choose to close the store or have to move.

Delete of life in life

Lao Xu, the owner of the visit of Chengdu's life deletion, frankly said that there were more than 100 script killing stores in the Poly Center where his shop was located, but now there are only more than 20 left. I will not manage it, and I will definitely only close the door in the end. "

"I don't know if this industry will develop in the middle of the mountain or the middle of the mountain ... but I think innovation is very important. Like the past DM and NPCs are a prop, but now I will interact with players. I think the script kills the script. As long as there is innovation, there will still be good development. "Lao Xu said.

Industry practitioners:

Big waves are scattered, promoting industry upgrades

"Everyone pays attention to the industry and explains that the industry has prospects and energetic. This is also an affirmation of the track we choose. On the other hand, competitors who entered the game will definitely become more and more professional, and our pressure will become more stressful. The bigger. This is also asking us to spur ourselves and not be able to leave. "Said Li Yong, founder of the well -known script killing brand Global Magic in the industry.

Chengdu Global Magic

Xie Li, the general manager of Chengdu Shuzhou immersion culture tourism development Co., Ltd., said that the "Notice" specially required the content of the script killing and the safety of the place. As a practitioner, it is very agreed with such supervision and requirements. The script killing industry still belongs to the cultural format, and it must not develop barbaric anymore, otherwise it will definitely be deviated.

Juanzi, who has opened the script killing store for 5 years, told Red Star Journalists that the "Notice" is mainly aimed at her stores. Juanzi said that after the script was killed, some shops did have the border balls such as violence, horror, and even pornographic in order to attract guests, resulting in criticism throughout the industry. Juanzi believes that the soul of the script kills lies in the script, which is highly respected as "reasoning" and "social" factor. The stores choose a healthy and high -quality script to make this industry continue to develop. "This industry has reached the end of the‘ barbaric growth period ’. Including the scope of supervision and standardized development, it will become the road to the industry."

Lao Xu said that in the past two years, the most popular in his store is some positive energy. There are scripts with the feelings of home country. For example, "Drucker" that many young people like it will be incorporated into personal destiny choice, the national hatred family hates After the content, players will also reflect on. "I think that after the" Notice "is introduced, it must be a shop that purifies the industry and eliminates hot spots. It really allows those who love this line to stay, and the waves are scattered."

The script kills "Drucker" is well received by players

It is worth mentioning that the "Notice" particularly emphasizes the protection of minors. Xiao Zhang, the owner of a script killing shop in Yanshikou, told the Red Star reporter that the summer is indeed a peak period of script killing. Many students will come to "carpool" to play when they are on vacation. Xiao Zhang said that although minors can also play scripts, they will recommend them according to the age stage and hobbies of the players. Generally speaking, young guests will recommend joy.

"We are more avoided by minors to play alone." Lao Xu said that few minors came to play alone. If some were generally brought by parents, he would recommend fairy tale.

"Notice" landing:

Will supervision tighten affect development vitality?

In the interview with Red Star Journalists, many practitioners expressed their support for regulatory supervision, and they were also worried that after the regulatory tightening, it would affect the vitality of the industry. Xie Li hopes that the government will strengthen supervision and give the industry a more free development space for the industry without keeping the bottom line. Li Yong also believes that there must be a lot of differentiated factors or the actual situation of various cities between the requirements of the "Notice" and the actual situation of each city. Some difficulties are given supporting and supporting. Participants in this industry will also cooperate more actively and efficiently. "

"I am more worried that after the supervision is tightening, it has an impact on creation." Lao Xu believes that the most important thing for script killing is the script. If the relevant regulatory card is too strict, will it affect the enthusiasm of the creator? "This is what I worry about."

Jin Jin, the head of the screenwriter helping the script game creation alliance, believes that the review of script killing should not be as strict as film and television. Practitioners and players do not have to be too pessimistic. The script of the script killing will be eliminated in the era of review. It will further promote the upgrade of content.

"Whale Fall" launched in the Watch Mountains and Rivers

In this regard, the author of the well -known script killing team, the author of the mountain and rivers, told the Red Star Journalist that the development of the script killing industry is very similar to that of online literature. At first, it was a barbaric growth stage. With the increase of economic and social benefits, the relevant related benefits were related to the increase. The department will definitely intervene in management and supervision. From the perspective of Wind Second Middle School, when the script kills the barbaric growth in the early days, it can do fire, because there is no management and a very high degree of freedom. But in a sense, this high degree of freedom has also produced a lot of good and bad, blogging and even vulgar content.

Feng Erzhong believes that the content supervision of the script killing of the script will be stricter in the future, and it will inevitably eliminate the creators and contents of the border ball. In addition, creators with experience supervision may eat incense. They know how to make a good work in the situation of tightening. "Our team is also touching the river to cross the river and intends to make some in -depth historical works ","

The script killing experience of the combination of cultural and tourism in Chongzhou Street

The script killing the script creator A Daha said that when she is creating content, she will pay attention to grasping the scale, such as not violating national laws and regulations, related policies, no morality, and not rendering feudal superstitions. In the eyes of Azhu, the development direction of script killing in the future must be combined with cultural tourism. The place is in the scenic area, combining study, culture, and tourism to create immersive projects.

Xie Li believes that the important point of the script killing the future is to enter the cultural tourism track. For example, the small town of "Laijiang Kyushu" town created in the ancient town of the ancient town of Chongzhou is one of them. It is closely linked to Guoxue and Guo Chao, playing in middle school in school. "Promote historic and cultural celebrities with the marketization of immersive cultural tourism products, turn simplicity tourism into a cultural adventure journey of active participation, and turn thousands of cultural introduction and scenic spots to the guide to exploration with immersive experience. The road, while tourists enjoying exploration, puzzle solving, and crossing the Hanfu, spreading historical and cultural interest in the form of "light science" is the best innovation. "

Red Star reporter Qiu Junfeng intern Mao Yuchuan

Edit Li Jie

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