The Beijing Radio and Television Bureau held a special party lesson to hold a party member and cadre meeting to conduct a special party lesson

Author:Capital Radio TV Time:2022.07.03

On July 1, the Beijing Radio and Television Bureau held a meeting of party members and cadres. Title of the Title of the Capital Radio and Television Development Development Title. The members of the bureau's leadership team, the heads of the departments (units) and some party members and cadres participated on the spot, and other cadres participated online.

Wang Jiequn emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the 13th Party Congress of the Municipal Congress, and continuously consolidate the results of the study and education of party history, lead the construction of exemplary institutions with high -quality development of the party, and forge a new journey. In the new era of Jiangong, we have worked hard to write a new chapter in the development of the capital radio and television, and contribute wisdom for promoting the development of the capital in the new era.

Wang Jiequn pointed out that "two establishment" is the inherent requirements of the construction of the Marxist party, the major conclusion of the great struggle practice in the new era, the inevitable choice of the party and the people in the new era, and the fundamental guarantee for the continued promotion of the great cause in the new era. Deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishment", and continuously enhance the political consciousness, consciousness, and actions of persistence and defending the "two establishment".

Wang Jiequn pointed out that the "two establishment" provides strong political guarantees for the great cause. It is necessary to adhere to political leaders and firmly establish the "political organs" and "political work" positioning. Deepen theoretical armed forces, press the responsibility of rejuvenating realistic ideology, and focus on building red radio and television.

Wang Jiequn pointed out that in order to promote the clear and strong ideological guidance of promoting the great cause, we must practice the original mission, adhere to the banner, gather the people's heart, educate newcomers, promote culture, and exhibit the image, and highlight the publicity and implementation of the party's twenty major. The main line sings the main theme, highlights the construction of the national cultural center, highlights the people's supremacy to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the people, and continuously strengthen the main business of the main responsibility, and promote the high -quality development of the capital of the capital in the new era.

Wang Jiequn pointed out that in order to promote the great spirit of the great cause, "two establishment" must promote the spirit of the great party, remember the mission in the heart, write the struggle on the journey, focus on what we are doing, and work hard, hard work, do not do it. Lare, strive to shape the excellent character of the capital radio and television dare to take responsibility, the distinctive characteristics of the courage to open up and innovate, and be good at the good atmosphere of unity and forge ahead.

Wang Jiequn pointed out that in order to promote the strong organizational advantage of promoting the great cause of great cause, we must continue to grasp the grassroots level, consolidate the foundation of party building at the grassroots level, promote the comprehensive improvement of party branch construction, and to grasp the key to the party branch secretary. Grasp on your hands, carry it on your shoulders, and implement it, highlight the focus of young cadres, and strive to forge a high -quality professional young cadre team that is loyal and clean, and effectively stimulates the vitality of the organization.

Wang Jiequn pointed out that in order to promote the pure and good political ecology of the great cause, "two establishment" must be courageous to self -revolution. Construction and system construction penetrate coordinated, promote anti -corruption and integrity, and fight overall battles. The majority of party members and cadres must continuously strengthen the concept of discipline, improve the level of rule of law, refine the cultivation of party spirit, and continue to create a good political ecology for the capital and television.

Before the special party class, in order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, under the leadership of Wang Jiequn, all party members held a collective and warm -up oath activity.

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