In the evening peak, a vehicle self -boring in Taiyuan South Central Ring ...

Author:Shanxi Evening News Time:2022.06.13

The temperature gradually rises, and the car will also have the symptoms of "getting angry". On June 12, the Taiyuan Traffic Police Detachment notified a spontaneous combustion accident of the vehicle, reminding everyone to pay attention.

At 8 pm on June 9th, the police of the sixth squadron of the second brigade of the Taiyuan Traffic Police Store received an instructions to the command center. On the viaduct of the South Central Sports Road, a silver bid car spontaneously combust. At that time, there were many late peaks and there were many road vehicles. The police immediately launched an emergency plan. While cooperating with the firefighters to start the fire extinguishing operation, they took diversified control measures at various entrance and exit intersections involving the fire. After half an hour of emergency assistance, the fire of the vehicle was excluded, and the driver and passengers were evacuated safely. The traffic police cleaned the pavement burning in time and ensured that the road surface was safe before leaving.

What are the reasons that are easy to induce the spontaneous combustion of the vehicle? How to prevent it? The traffic police introduced that the reasons for spontaneous combustion and fire of the vehicle are mainly the following categories:

Placing lighters and perfumes in the vehicle can easily cause the vehicle to spontaneously ignite. Under the long period of exposure in summer, the temperature in the car may reach 40 ° C to 50 ° C, or even higher. These seemingly non -lethal small objects can easily fire or explode.

Prevention method: Do not place flammable and explosive products such as lighter, cola, perfume, gasoline, especially during the epidemic, do not place ethanol -containing handwashing solution in the car.

If the vehicle is not maintained for a long time, the oil pipe line will gradually age or even damage, and it may occur in oil leakage and oil leakage. Once the leaky fuel is encountered in the engine cabin, it is easy to cause the vehicle to spontaneously cause the vehicle. In addition, under long -term operation, the temperature in the vehicle engine cabin will rise rapidly. In addition, the inside of the cabin is relatively closed, and the heat is not easy to discharge, which may cause line softening and accelerated parts of the components, thereby increasing the hidden dangers of the auto spontaneous combustion.

Prevention method: When driving in summer, you should try to avoid driving for a long time as much as possible. The vehicle must be properly "rest" to reduce the probability of spontaneous combustion accidents.

Violation of vehicles illegally can cause spontaneous combustion. If a driver's modification of the vehicle without authorization, illegal modifications that do not meet the standards and standards will cause modified vehicles to have hidden safety hazards in terms of circuits, oil circuits and other aspects, and it is easy to spontaneous combustion.

Prevention method: Do not add or illegally install, modify the circuit, oil circuit, etc. to avoid the vehicle circuit overload or short circuit may cause spontaneous combustion of the vehicle.

Writing: Shanxi Evening News all -media reporter Yang Jing

Editor: Shanxi Evening News all -media editor Yan Ting

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